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About jeff-d

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  1. No, I strongly disagree, the yellow key room is where you find the yellow key! The rock wall is either in the yellow key room, or the red door room.
  2. The UMAPINFO for map 36 has the exit taking you back to the level that you just left to get there. Was that intended?
  3. Knee-Deep in KDiZD has the following in the UMAPINFO: episode = clear episode = "", "", "1" This clearly isn't meant to be shown.
  4. Not sure if it's of any help to you, but I had this issue too. I bodged it here
  5. This bug is fixed in Doom Retro and International Doom. Also in my port. Not sure about others.
  6. My port shows the keys on the automap when the 'k' key is held down. This allows the keys to flash when the cheat button is mashed helping to be able to see them.
  7. Every change breaks someones workflow.
  8. Looking at the code, did you intend to leave mo->player pointing to &player if the special is zero?
  9. I'm really sorry. I fixed this in my port in 2015 and for some reason I failed to publicise this. https://github.com/jeffdoggett/Doom/commit/14546b818077bcd2b51297c8f2ac05a9cadc2b15#diff-7d32a55729cba3784b056944307ec02973678523890c77f51e0ce45b0df65366
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