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About LordK

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  1. LordK

    Operation Hydra

    The gimmick is well realized, but otherwise these levels weren't fun to play. The gameplay sucks, but maybe that was the point?
  2. LordK

    Simplistic Evil

    Surprisingly good stuff. It's a modern take on classic Dooming, but the ZDoomisms and Realm 667 monsters are used with more restraint and taste than in e.g. KDiZD. 4/5
    Not the greatest of maps, but I enjoyed the sense of adventure it had. 3/5
  3. LordK

    Fuel Devourer

    Interesting level. Non-linear, complex and good-looking. The non-linearity leads to an uneven difficulty though and I got a little lost at times.
    The levels are competently made, but the layouts are too labyrinthine and confusing, the gameplay too easy and boring, and there are too many homages.
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