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About NecrumWarrior

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    Plutonia simp
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  1. Nice! More options is always better imo. I'll keep an eye on this one.
  2. Always love to have more palette options. I look forward to using these!
  3. Woah! This makes me want to get on my jungle project. Looks awesome!
  4. I did a test on Nugget just now and it went from 12 to 14 but crashed when loading the map. Also tested on DSDA and it worked fine.
  5. St Anger snare is garbage. But I love Dave Mustaine's snarling vocals. So touché.
  6. Got 100% kills without the BFG for an extra challenge. I love abstract maps. Definitely fits the 90s vibe mentioned. Not using the BFG was largely fine until the end when I had to grind through 10 Archies with a chaingun, lol! Edit: Apparently I did not find the Plasma Gun.
  7. I agree. While it is certainly far from the best Metallica has to offer, I have found great comfort in the songs of St Anger during periods of my life where I was experiencing immense frustration and anger. They are raw and emotional.
  8. Based on all the complaints it sounds like this map is for me. I look forward to trying it after work.
  9. Dammit, I must have forgotten to make the Teleporters work.
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