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    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, About to go live soon in a sort of test-stream! I know I should have mentioned earlie   
    About to go live soon in a sort of test-stream!
    I know I should have mentioned earlier, but the idea kind of just popped in my head an hour or so ago.
    I'm going to be mapping a 'random' deathmatch map from beginning to end - I've set up a spinning wheel to randomly select from a list of 14 texture packs.
    I'll then take whatever it lands on, and make something from beginning to end w/ it. The format is going to be UDMF - a lot of these texture packs I haven't used before, so hopefully, this should turn out interesting!
    I'm going to be playing random doomer MIDIs from a playlist I made earlier today - the playlist has about 85 hours total worth of MIDIs!
    I don't know how long the stream will last, I'll have to see how things go. It usually take me between 3-5 hours to make a deathmatch map from beginning to end!
    I'm brand new to all of this, but I'm hoping this can be a fun little thing I do every now and then - if it turns out people end up liking it, I may do more, or incorporate little mapping challenges into this.

    You can check out my channel here, it should show the new stream when I begin it: https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams
    I'm going to start in 10 minutes, whether or not there's anybody there at the beginning or not - I'll upload the stream on my channel afterwards.
    I'm new to this whole streaming thing, but I thought why not give it a shot! Could be a fun time - I was gonna map regardless, so why not stream it, I thought!
  2. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, Can't remember if I posted the invite link for my personal Discord server in a status   
    Can't remember if I posted the invite link for my personal Discord server in a status yet:
    Arrowhead's Arenas:
    Server is open to all, if you know someone who'd be interested, invite them! - lots of MP mapping going on, is kind of a little hub for my current projects - will likely start a deathmatch community project in a little while, so I thought I'd get a server going now!
    No concrete plans yet, I wanna finish a couple existing things first - but it's definitely in the pipeline!
    But yeah, feel free to drop in, if you want to! Singleplayer stuff is 100% welcome too!
    I also do a bunch of playtesting there, so if you need someone to run through a map (MP/SP) I'll be happy to! I find I can give feedback quicker / better over Discord than through DW DM.
  3. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Grungo for a status update, Dear amalgoom, clippy crew, and doomworld. I would like to make a formal apology when   
    Dear amalgoom, clippy crew, and doomworld. I would like to make a formal apology
    when i was 16, I joined doomworld because I enjoyed making maps. As I grew I met people, got around, had ideas, some failed, some went chaotic and the people I crossed, most of the time left a bad impression.
    I write this to say, I apologize for all the grief I have caused while as "Johnny Cruelty" I will *not bullshit and try to excuse my behavior. I was a dickhead, not because I was young, but because I was acting stupid and didn't think to stop. I was a terrible Project leader, I often was too bossy and got too obsessed over the smallest issues of a map, and thought every bit of critiscism was a personal attack. i was foolish very foolish. I took people's kindness for weakness, I didn't stop to think "hey these are people with lives and feelings, these aren't employees, these are PEOPLE" I did value these people but not enough, as my rude attitude outshined my respect for them, and in turn people casted me out, a pariah. One such individual I pissed off the most was @doomgappy he was a nice guy, and when the last straw was hit, when I got mad at him making "big" changes to small stuff, he couldn't take it, he lost his cool, he got so mad he was just done trying to help me and wanted me no more. at the time, out of guilt, even at my peak assholishness, a fragment of me realized how much of a asshole I was, and I passed the torch to him, and was exiled. sometime after that, I tried reaching out again, but I still was not quite... in good terms and he told me to get away from him, I was sad and mad but after a bit I understood and moved on. However some advice he told me before he exiled me, was "Just make a new fresh start and maybe one day things will be better again." so I did, I made grungo as not just a new fresh skin, but something more... something you might call... a "Gimmick" I spoke like Torr from fallout 2, and donned a blue velvet suit. My motto was "What would grungo do" which was the opposite of Johnny Cruelty... While some elements of JC leaked, I tried to maintain this new persona, by being nice as much as I could and aspired to be a better person, saying nice things on wads, making nice jokes, trying to do better in art. at first it was a suit, akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing, but I felt better being Grungo so I embraced it. Instead of me pretending to be someone I am not, I shaped myself to something I wanna be. But I must admit, even when I am trying to change, I admit I am not perfect, and sometimes I am a ass, I cannot lie, But I try and I understand if I keep trying to change, I will be like pinnocho, Grungo won't be a persona to me anymore,  but more of a reality of what's me. I'd also like to apologize for being annoying, that's on me and I should learn to control myself more, I am getting older and no longer a kid anymore.
    In short I wanna say sorry for my misdeeds, and I don't expect forgiveness nor a slap on the wrist, I understand I left scars on people, scars that may not heal. and I understand some people just don't wanna do anything with me, and that's ok.
    I just gotta take it easy day by day..
    as for the persona, I might keep it up, because some people like it, and that outburst last night was me angered by some, and I understand some people take offense to the persona and see it as a sign of not taking up responsilibility and I understand it. 

    But I take total responsiblity for my childish behavior and just hope for the best
    signing off, Grungo.
  4. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, Oh wow, looks like status updates are showing up on the activity feed now! Great to s   
    Oh wow, looks like status updates are showing up on the activity feed now!
    Great to see!
    Still working on my 12th map for that Ancient Aliens related project, recently got an M_DOOM made for it, too!
    Should be done and have this wrapped up in no time!
    I'm going w/ a green + gold color scheme!
  5. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Grungo for a status update, goodnight grungo tired   
    goodnight grungo tired
  6. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, Getting somewhere w/ map08, of Dash CTF - ' VERDANT GARDENS ': Tons left to do still,   
    Getting somewhere w/ map08, of Dash CTF - 'VERDANT GARDENS':

    Tons left to do still, but it's off to a nice start, I think.
    Working w/ a natural theme is a lot of fun!
    Lots of ideas to really sharpen this up!
    The middle of the map is separated by a large rolling hill / dune!
    Hopefully will be done this in a few hours - likely won't sleep much again, w/ how things have been going, so yeah!
    I'll post more updates as I go along!
  7. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, My first Boom SP map is actually going surprisingly well - I'm finding it much easier   
    My first Boom SP map is actually going surprisingly well - I'm finding it much easier than I thought it would be to transition to SP...
    When I first learned SP in February 2021, I barely even knew how to use tags - now that I've had so much time in MP, I imagine some of that transfers over to SP mapping.
    I'm going to make a small Boom pack - of not very complex maps - not extremely detailed, at least!
    RFHellTX has a lot more 'tech' stuff than I expected which is certainly helpful.
    I'll post an update later if I manage to finish it up - so far, so good!
  8. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Arrowhead for a status update, I'm starting a small Boom SP map - I'm a bit apprehensive, as I haven't made an SP ma   
    I'm starting a small Boom SP map - I'm a bit apprehensive, as I haven't made an SP map since February 2021 - when I first started mapping!
    I had used Doom2 format then, limit-removing - but I think Boom will give me more options.
    This could eventually turn into a set - that's if this goes well at all - I currently have no expectations - I'm still very much in the MP 'mindset'!
    I'll likely send this map, (when finished) to a few people in private, before I post it anywhere - don't want to embarrass myself after all, LOL.
    I just want to make a relatively laidback level - this won't be crazy-hard or crazy complex, or anything - at least not at first.
  9. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to Synami for a status update, BIRTHDAY ME!!! BIRTHDAY NOW!!! I'm 17 now!!! Planning to release a wad in celebration   
    BIRTHDAY ME!!! BIRTHDAY NOW!!! I'm 17 now!!!
    Planning to release a wad in celebration like, a couple of hours from now. Be prepared!! c:
  10. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to OverflowingMocha for a status update, Been working on some stuff lately, yet another personal project that I'll probably en   
    Been working on some stuff lately, yet another personal project that I'll probably end up abandoning at some point (lol), it's supposed to be a sequel to Dessert. This is a 20 level megawad, why? because I fail to even finish a 1 map thing, so I might as well try a megawad for shits and giggles.
    So far, I got 9/20.
    There's also this, for PUSS XXXII: D-30, a full Episode 2 replacement that I'm working on along with @NecrumWarrior.
    Hope to get this stuff released soon! :)
  11. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to baja blast rd. for a status update, I'd like to write a short midi tonight. I've tried a bunch of times this month but lo   
    I'd like to write a short midi tonight. I've tried a bunch of times this month but lost interest after 4-8 bars each time. So for 'public accountability' let's make the stakes very high: if I don't post one today, I am officially a poopyhead. 
  12. Like
    NecrumWarrior reacted to baja blast rd. for a status update, I made a speedmap. Hey, I can use status updates to """"""release"""""" these now. ht   
    I made a speedmap. Hey, I can use status updates to """"""release"""""" these now.
    Goals were to make a map that is 'conventionally challenging' as opposed to 'really hard', and to use limit removing triggers instead of Boom ones, so -complevel 2. Should take 15 minutes or fewer. Has HMP/UV.
    It's an ancient palace set in a ginormous volcanic rift. 

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