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About Sporku

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  1. Yeah, so I guess I'm one year older today than I was same time last year. A lot has changed since then.. still kinda weird to think about, seeing as the last couple of years prior have been pretty stagnant in comparison. I'm still undecided as to whether or not it's all been for the better, but at least I'm moving forward.

    In the last year, I've...

    • Bettered myself physically, creatively, and socially
    • Broken ties with important people in my life, and made many new ones
    • Got a drum kit and have been loving the hell out of it
    • Done something I feel goes against everything I stand for as a person
    • Had fun doing it
    • Started drinking, something I've always had a vendetta against in the past
    • Done a ton of other shit that I probably wouldn't have normally done before
    So yeah, overall... I give the year of Matthew Age 21 seven golden drum kits out of ten. Here's hoping I live to see the age of 23.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 40oz


      I think someone deserves a map! Hopefully I'll get it done at some point in my (our) life. Working and sleeping for long hours is becoming my routine and getting in the way of any of my free time.

    3. Sporku


      40oz said:

      I think someone deserves a map! Hopefully I'll get it done at some point in my (our) life. Working and sleeping for long hours is becoming my routine and getting in the way of any of my free time.

      That would actually be pretty damn awesome, especially coming from someone such as yourself. :D

    4. esselfortium


      I lub you Spork. Don't ever forget that.

      Happy birthday, you crazy son of a gun.

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