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About FearTheReaper

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  1. Nice, it gives me a bit of A.L.T vibes without being slaughterfest on monsters.
  2. I don't know if it's the latest one, but here it is. DVIIPAL.zip
  3. It works with Eternity too although I had to reduce gamma a bit.
  4. What's the commandline sequence for this? Because on Eternity it's either crashing on startup no matter what the order of wads or showing lack of textures glitch if I try use -merge.
  5. Neat, the VIOS and different Icon of Sin were unique at the time, also tying it with Wolf RPG with Stan Blazkowicz protagonist. This game also mixed classic Doom2 features with Doom 3 elements and it works here as perfect blend. One of unique characters introduced by this game was Kira Morgan, not typical Doom girl attempt but full blown person. I just wish someone would make addon of sorts just with that character's sprites and HUD face for normal megawads to play, voice clips would be issue though, as I remember there were not a lot of them even if you played as Doomguy or the Scientist but someone made connection with Crash from Quake3. The game gets harder later especially first ambush, in hell and Spider-Mastermind battle, but that Soul Cube was almost a missed opportunity, never really was forced to use it more than once and just for Cyber-Demon seems a waste.
    This does have issue in Eternity port repeating map21 forever for no reason with no way to progress unless idcleving to 22, other than that it's perfect in every way, especially later maps from 11 to 28, recreated finale with boss is nice too. You can easily recognize under vanilla assets where these original maps were from, even few Nightmare Cacodemons make cameo appearance on Map32.
    After post-release troubles (they are mostly related to the fact that this wad initially supposed to be running with Doom2 but kept being rejected for official release, so later got edited to make it as PWAD for TNT IWAD which broke compability and caused more bugs but they are more or less fixed, still check the original thread for any further updates on the matter. Music and Visuals blends perfectly with style although this project isn't supposed to imitate graphics or design choices of Evilution too closely but expand it like you really coming back after years to famous place that evolved/degenerated over time but still preserves the same essence. That flow, gameplay, feeling is exactly what they were aiming for with this project. You can change visuals, improve upon them but if you change essence even closest emulation with perfect textures and pro level design is a fail, soulless craftsmanship. Gladly this is not the case and it's successful, new graphics, gameplay and music blends in a smooth intoxicating flow through you, as a player like immersive drug in megawad form.
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