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Jaxxoon R

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About Jaxxoon R

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  1. Started to get sharing requests in my inbox and remembered that Google felt the need to invalidate old Drive links for """""my protection""""" or somesuch. The links are now fixed.
  2. I have just brought SOMETHING new into existence! It's maybe slightly less mind-shatteringly artistic, but it's something nevertheless! Enjoyable in ways deep and shallow alike, making it philistine-friendly! I thought that as my #1 fan (or one of my top 5 fans at the very laest), you may want to know.

  3. Not sure how to explain this one...

    I guess at this rate it's almost becoming an actual gameplay mod.

  4. Experimenting with the new vertex lighting system.


  5. Ate food today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Be sure to tell us when you shit it out as well!






      *starts yet another goddamn argument about the pointlessness of status updates*

    3. MrGlide


      Post a picture of it, I've heard people love pics like that.

    4. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      This is a professional video game forum!

  6. Know any good Doom Discord channels?

    1. Misty


      Joy of mapping discord ;)

    2. TootsyBowl


      r/Doom discord.

  7. I think a deciding factor in the fixation on Post Hell, in terms of people stirring up trouble just to end up there, is the fact that it had a 'cute' little skin that was basically a shitpost in itself, and played up the idiocy/troublemaking angle.


    Had it been a boring, stock-looking subforum called something along the lines of "Deleted Threads" all these years, there'd probably have been far less undesired attention given to it.

  8. Latest GZDoom dev builds have ambient occlusion on models.


    1. Maisth


      This is looking cool!

    2. everennui


      What program do you use to do models? That looks really nice.

  9. Does anyone remember the name of that painting with the creepy children standing in front of the glass patio door with all the hands pressed against it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Sequels to a painting?

    3. Xyzzу


      There's a prequel?

    4. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      Mmhm. I was even more surprised with this than learning it was a contemporary painting, despite its history. 

      The prequel, The Hands Invent Him:


      Which reveals the void to be far less sinister, as it's where the artist dwells, showing that most of the stranger features of the original painting were props.  

      And Threshold of Revelation:


      Which uh... I'm not sure I really get it.

  10. What if Spider Man was an actual spider piloting a man-shaped robot?

    1. Nevander


      Then we would confirm that spiders have emotions.

    2. Ichor


      What if Batman was just a tiny man piloting a mechanical baseball bat?

    3. CARRiON


      The world would be a better place.

  11. > Listening to Slowbeef reading bad creepypasta at Youtube dot com

    > Checks comments

    "Hm I've seen this nerd somewhere else!!!"


    1. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      Now for the Baader-Meinhof to take effect, just as planned!

  12. So, Otamatones. They're great and they make beautiful music.

    Unfortunately with the one I've got, the threading for the screw that held on the battery compartment's lid on broke, and the thing needs so much pressure to make contact that it just pushes back open if I try to tape it shut. 
    Not even duct-tape can do it. Must be haunted.


    Kind of hesitant to buy a replacement since the newer ones with the English packaging are a revision with less features. Like the lack of a "too fucking loud" setting. Life sucks.

    1. Doomkid


      Oh shit, if duct tape can't hold it, nothing can.. That's a damn shame man, those things are cool and amusing.

    2. Csonicgo
    3. Albertoni
  13. Hahaha, looks like the Kerbal Space Program forum uses the same software as Doomworld.



    1. Xyzzу


      Ugh, in Plain White theme too. :P

    2. kristus
  14. How long until someone model swaps Samuel Hayden with Hatsune Miku?

    1. Albertoni


      I feel Haydee would be a better choice. :P

    2. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      @Kapanyo Bonus points for editing the codec to reflect everyone's confusion when the plans for his ultimate robot body specify a scrawny pop star as its shell.

  15. Welp, wonder if Bethesda's conference will be of interest.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gerardo194


      @R1ck don't talk too fast, friend. We don't know anything yet. Who knows if both Doom or Wolf are going impress or disappoint us.

    3. pavera


      That Doom VFR video literally made me dizzy. No thanks.



    4. Gerardo194


      When I saw this Doom trailer was posted on Facebook I was happy but when I watched it I made think you are in the world of Doom and you are going to play Doom in it.

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