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Everything posted by Breezeep

  1. Just slow it down with the -1 projects please. The first -1 project is still getting bugfixes and apparently a gzdoom -1 project is on its way already. Quality over quantity all the way for me tbh.
  2. They're not actually possible in a port like PRBoom +. The only reason why there's a slope in the first place is because GZDoom has always had support for that kind of feature, even though the linedef action is not valid in Boom format. This is the same area in PRBoom +: You might want to replace that slope with a set of stairs.
  3. Map18 has a zdoom slope which essentially makes progressing in Prboom + impossible.
  4. I honestly don't see the point of starting a second -1 project immediately after the first one was finished and is currently getting bugfixes. Starting a sequel to -1 right after it was released and while it's getting bugfixes doesn't sound like a smart idea to me.
  5. Wouldn't put it that way, You're still starting out and its fine to make mistakes and learn from them.
  6. Sorry, the link should be working at intended, It was set to private, didn't notice.
  7. Beliar Uses E4M5 mapslot 126KB Probably the only UDoom map I'll ever release
    Great mapset! Loved the atmosphere and architecture and details that were achieved with the unique texture set. Gameplay's got its ups and downs (one instance of a bunch of barons 😠), but it's still got a good challenge and fun stuff in it. Music is kinda eh, but there's some tracks in here that are pretty good.
  8. Today marks 21 years of hell. I don't have any wads to show for it, but oh well.

    1. JDR


      Cheers! Pls don't alcohol

    2. MrGlide


      Happy birthday and be safe.

    3. Fletcher`


      Happy birfday! Alcohol responsibly.

  9. Creative burnout is a bitch. I wish I knew what's keeping me from getting shit done.

    1. reflex17





      Best of luck Breezeep

  10. Executive Dysfunction is a pain in the ass.

  11. As of 12:00 EST, I am 20 years old. I still don't know how to adult.

    1. MrGlide


      Happy birthday!

  12. spasm0043.png.368be57392b12308fded23750170e7bc.pngspasm0044.png.3e505ca9759ba95f81854015b83dd102.png


    Hey, I made a quake map in just 3 days! This is part of SM191 on the Quake mapping discord! Play it here: SM191: Origins

    1. JDR


      Will do, looks great! Anyhow link is broken.

    2. Breezeep


      @JDR Oops. Link should be working now.

  13. I took out the trash, Now there's the glorious Tacodemon

    (art by Kurashiki)

  14. hey everyone, I'm just gonna let you know that I made a map for SM184 - Mayan

    4 maps total in this pack. Give it a go!



    1. Sparktimus


      This is some gooooood shit.

    2. Urthar


      Very atmospheric.



    DM4Jam for Quake is out now, featuring my latest q1sp, "Molten Flesh on a Sunday Night"

  16. 1920x524-1-billion-units-emc-01.jpg


    Hey all. My first finished HL2 map was just recently released as a part of RTSL's 1 Billion Units Experimental mapping challenge! Go and check it out!

    1. Memfis


      video please!

  17. 63xbtrb.png



    Did a bit of work on a 1024^3 sized map for q1 AD. I'm really liking the looks of it so far.

    If anyone who makes q1 maps are interested in this project, go here: [Advent Jam]

    1. 42PercentHealth


      This looks amazing! I really like the use of Hexen 2 assets -- gives it a nice fantasy flare...

    2. Marcaek


      Cool beans Breez, I'd like to see you do something like this in Eternity or something.

    3. MrGlide


      DAMN!! Looking great.

  18. C3veIql.png



    Recently decided to try my hand at blocking out a bit of level geometry and then making it look pretty afterwards.

  19. I just plain hate dust. I got a new keyboard a few months back, and now the thing is bathed in dust behind my keys. If only if I didn't live in such an old, dusty house.

    1. Merry Widow

      Merry Widow

      Understood.Very dusty where I live too.Sucks big time!

    2. Jaxxoon R
    3. Fonze


      To hate dust is to hate yourself, as that's what dust is.

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