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Everything posted by Breezeep

  1. Requiem / Dystopia thingy coming along. Slowly but surely.
  2. Hot take: I doubt that the guys behind those wads are even around to care about their graphics being used in other people's stuff. D2ISO uses a bunch of textures from the Memento Mori series without any notable issues, so I personally think they're safe to use unless one of them comes back to doom to give their word on it.
  3. So apparently the conveyor bug affects DSDAdoom as well. I have a feeling that this wasn't tested thoroughly in a port that isn't gzdoom, although It could be because the voodoo dolls are all facing backwards and aren't triggering as intended.
  4. Played through the rest of this in GZdoom and I just have to say that this is easily one of my favorite wads I've played so far! I really enjoyed how you used boom's features to create a bunch memorable sequences and moments, and the amount of creativity on display here is just staggering to say the least. I'm really looking forward to what comes next in this set!
  5. Squenched Avacausage by @nova++ Very fun and creative mapset with some really memorable moments and just overall great use of Boom's features. This is something that you need to play yourself without spoilers. It's really worth it.
  6. How did you set up your doors? are they tagged correctly?
  7. Just a PSA for those who want to add your own textures for this. It is possible to do it without just dragging and dropping everything into your wad, but instead copying and pasting the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps into your wad and then adding your own textures and stuff. Once you've done that, your wad should look like this: I hope I explained this well enough.
  8. I'm playing this on Eternity Engine. I just noticed the OP edit about the bug. Maybe @Altazimuth would figure this one out?
  9. Just finished my playtrough of this. Great stuff! I feel that the last encounter with the cyberdemon on map06 could have been more interesting. I'd suggest having some monsters teleporting behind the player while they're fighting it. Another thing I noticed is a bunch of software rendering quirks here and there while playing on the Eternity Engine.
  10. Would something like Dystopia 3 work here? It's a 2 man effort and it's basically my main inspiration for this. If that doesn't work out, I can still work with something like Requiem or Memento Mori.
  11. Congrats on getting this out to the public. It's still wild to me how an old collab between AD and I actually saw the light of day. My mapping mannerisms have changed over the past 5 years or so, but I hope everyone enjoys it.
  12. 32in24-15 tex is pretty much an improved version of cc4tex, comes with a new palette that improves the red and blue color ranges. Jimmytex features a ton of cool texture edits that are faithful to the classic doom artstyle. Greenwar 2 tex features a grittier set of textures and a muted palette to go with it.
  13. Really nice effort for a first timer! Very strong 90's feel with the visuals and the combat was also really good! Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you later down the line.
  14. This was a fun little map! Good lighting and layout, though I will echo what nikku said about the issue with ammo. I'm not a fan of having little to no ammo to deal with certain encounters. Otherwise, nice work.
  15. Difficulty settings exist for a reason. Use them if you find the majority of the maps too hard for your skill level.
  16. Just finished this tonight. Very enjoyable set over all! Lots of cool use of boom features and other fun stuff. Though I found this visual mishap on MAP06:
  17. I've been a part of this community for around 8 years now, and I never thought that I would actually be able to maintain friendships in my life, despite not talking or interacting with them that much. I'm still grateful to have settled down to this awesome community that constantly puts out amazing pieces of content for a 26 year old game. Now, onto the mentions: @AD_79 for pretty much being my first mapping mentor and friend I've collaborated with back when I was just getting my footing in doom modding, and for generally putting out quality maps and MIDI's. @skillsaw for being one of my main mapping inspirations that shaped my work into what it is today. @Tarnsman for the various infrequent livestreams, sense of humor, mapping insight and inspiration, and generally being a pretty cool dude. I got a handful of other people I would like to mention, but there all generally cool and talented people.
  18. Breezeep

    Doom 1 or 2?

    I definitely prefer Doom 2 over Doom 1 mainly because of the new monsters and the SSG, but I still think Plutonia is my favorite out of all the IWADS.
  19. I've got a ton of unfinished stuff, ranging from single map contributions to some obscure community project to a project idea of mine that didn't go anyways because of my lackluster planning skills.
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