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Dr. Crowley

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Everything posted by Dr. Crowley

  1. Нет, по проблемам с вадархивом нужно писать вот этому чуваку, а не на общем форуме. И не уверен, что гуглопереводчик тебе очень сильно поможет, поскольку тебя на русском-то сложновато понять.
  2. Yet another fusion of various map elements from the stock maps
  3. That was my old Pentium One with 8 Mb of RAM where I played DOS Doom 2. I had even two saves left from the previous owner of this PC - one from map15 and the second from the Inmost Dens. 2005, good times.
  4. I still think that there are Classic Doom (Doom 1-2) for old-time fans and Modern Doom (2016 and Eternal) for modern public. Wanna something classic? Play Ultimate/Hell on Earth/Final. Wanna something modern? Play 2016/Eternal and don't expect the same gameplay from 1994. It's pretty simple, isn't it?
  5. Mars 3D had some urban-themed textures in Doom palette AFAIR. Many of them were shamelessly ripped from Duke Nukem, however.
  6. Haha, I know that feel. However, if you are making a game there using only RTP resources, you will quickly run out of ideas about which sprite should you use for the save point. There some good sprites (floating crystal, for example) but if you wish to be creative... welp.
  7. I used to watch Aquarius some time ago - those dumb wads he played could be a good source of inspiration sometimes - but stopped recently. Also I really like Civvie11 for his crazy persona.
  8. Speaking of Fallout 3 and tons of useless loot... I was always wondering why is it possible to take (and to wear) every goddamned suit of raider armor? I am not sure if anyone used this armor type, since you can get armored vault suit or leather armor pretty quickly and these armor sets are much better than raider armor. Well, I guess Bethesda thought that Fallout raiders are the same type of the enemy as TES bandits (both mechanic-wise and lore-wise)...
  9. Because sometimes it makes the game even less playable. I tried to play Prodeus several days ago and found out that my laptop is way too weak for this game. Of cource I messed with graphical setting for a little, but unfortunately it's not fun to be unable to see anything in that pixelated 320x200 limbo (I wonder how I was able to play DOS games back then, haha).
  10. First of all, TNT: Evilution - thanks to the fact that was the first custom soundtrack I ever heard in the Doom wad. Among IWADs however Ultimate Doom has the best music at my opinion. Osiris TC was quite impressive too. And of course I shall mention Speed of Doom.
  11. Well, I voted for the first game but I think you may play both in order just to see full story, so to speak.
  12. Oh well, here we go again. As I understand this is a common problem within any gaming community that managed to survive for at least a couple of years (Dark Souls git-guders included) - for example, I remember reading similar threads from the OpenXCom forums with titles like "Why does everyone here play on Superhuman difficulty?"
  13. Considering the country where I live, I would get conscripted and die horribly along with the rest of my squad in our first battle. Just another day in the Imperial GuardRussian Armed Forces, I guess. Or, more likely, I would die in my workplace when it would be swarmed by the possessed and hellspawn.
  14. I am trying to make a map since 2012. My friend assemled almost full megawad out of my unfinished/barely started creations once. For about 8 years of mapping I still have 5 finished maps in my "portfolio". Don't be like me.
  15. Part III looks much better. Your skill is clearly improving.
  16. I can understand your frustration - actually I am pretty wondered that you made it so far in this game because I always give up after MAP04. Doom 64 was always a mixed bag for me. Sure, it is "true Doom 3" and whatever and this is very good and solid adventure with its unique style and atmosphere. Unfortunately this is just that kind of style and atmosphere I don't really like. Too many unfair traps and grimness for my taste. I don't mean it is bad, no - it just so happens that I like something different. And for some really weird reason I have much more fun playing "Doom 64 maps for Doom 2" megawad than real Doom 64. Maybe it's because PC Doom is my "childhood memory" (well, I was actually 16 or 17 when I played it) and Doom64 or PSX Doom is not. Or maybe these are all these Hexen-like fireball traps and general deadliness of surroundings. No idea, honestly.
  17. HMP because I see it as "normal" difficulty intented for the average player.
  18. I guess you are actually right, considering how they all look like Doom/Quake/Duke Nukem 3D
  19. Well, I'd rather do all of this with SLADE, heh. Some textures are a little messy but good work anyway.
  20. I don't really remember how did I come up with my username (and why I chose it after using a different one for a long time) but I am sure it had something with Aleister Crowley and the medicine.
  21. Getting back to the point... Unfortunately I agree that Aske feels very much like Quake mod. It really REALLY needs something unique - almost all I saw in that video just screams QUAAAAAAAKE! I understand that currently this is just a proof-of-concept and even this took somebody's time and effort but please find your own way to make a retro shooter. Oof, maybe I'd better go ahead and try this demo myself.
  22. Being the one who mostly stays outside of the community, I feel really confused now. FIREBLU is ugly? Seriously? It is one of my favorite textures!
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