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About MortisCausaDonatio

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  1. Speaking of Map 07, i definitely gonna use it for some inspiration if I ever use OTEX in the future. I also loved how you need to calculate all your steps if you don't want to waste ammo. BUT for the love of god, thin elevators and and monster ambush (the arena on the screenshot above) is something like toothpaste and orange juice together especially if you have to reach all the goodies with an elevator, I would give the player some more rocket/plasma earlier to deal with the revenants at least.
  2. Dsda made me love the pure doom gameplay again. Definitely want to see how this gonna perform.
  3. MAP06 by @senyaiv Gonna rewatch the maps I couldn't complete. Just want to try the others first too.
  4. I'm still not great to find secrets but I decided to see what challenges the other maps will give to me. Spoilers for the first 5 maps.
  5. Obligatory Sewer Complex from Postal 2 STP
  6. I fixed the accidental softblocks in MAP05. Until further update i put it here. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7g9e40hg6svif7gxm3h3j/DBP_60.wad?rlkey=uyxox2pygpbs9e8wita9al4ud&dl=0
  7. Weird. Don't remember touching that door but might've accidentaly lowered it during the finalising. I check it out. Edit. I think i found it. An unused WR line i missed causes all the ground tagged 0 raise up. I submitting a fix. Sorry. Edit2. in the final phrase I tested the map with the wrong complevel. I trying to get around it. Sorry for the inconvience
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