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About Revae

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  1. Neat. Hope he doesn't get too lost. I don't think it's that mazey, but ofc i dont
  2. It was intended to function at least. Not freeze. Except VR-3KKR, that was helter skelter gzdoom thing. Should probably have added it as DLC and not in the main DL for clarity as well, but too-late. If I had to guess the cause, looking at the deh, it's because I used a weapon state in the monster (saw). I'll try switching that out maybe, see if it still crashes.
  3. Ah yeah... I just checked and got the same freeze. I'll have to set up a dos-rekkr folder to test with the original dehacked exe now. Could be I just forgot to test the final boss in pure vanilla.
  4. @eqagunn The GZDoom release that comes with REKKR SL isn't actually different from stock GZDoom. Depending on how you load the wad it should work the same. If you're running it as a pwad, rename the extension to .wad and load it with ultimate doom. Otherwise you should be able to run it with command line -iwad rekkrsl.iwad. Any areas that seem pointlessly floating in space are probably deathmatch arenas. They're only for multiplayer. Sorry you didn't like the VR textures. That expansion was kinda just for kicks to give me something to do after release, and I knew it wouldn't be for everyone. It was sort of a joke, to cram VR training into a medieval style game. @brightentayle I don't remember having the game crash on the final boss in SL... I should look into that. I can't think of anything she does that would cause it, offhandedly. I mostly tested in chocolate doom, but went into Dosbox/86Box often as well. Must've slipped by.
  5. Fair enough. It probably wouldn't be that hard to make the VREKKR ep run in other ports, but I didn't for some reason.
  6. VREKKR was only made for GZDoom. It's the odd duck in the bunch. Try without that. And rekkrsl.wad has a dehacked lump in it that I think dsda will read, so rekkrsl.deh might be redundant. Can't imagine that would break anything though.
  7. Thanks for stopping by the stream yesterday!

    1. Revae


      Yeah, It was good fun. Cheers!

  8. He said in a stream that he is working on one and it will be called Helion... Or Hellion. Maybe Hell Eon. He didn't spell it out loud that I recall. Edit: Also One Humanity is part of his Doom 2 megawad.
  9. I have a chainsaw. It looks like this. Here is a gaussian splat of it: https://poly.cam/capture/072da0a5-650f-4d5e-97d9-6d4f0ffc8c3b Here is a photogrammetry of it: https://poly.cam/capture/e22d50cb-e70d-4322-806e-585958133913 I figure either of these might be useful to making sprites/general interest. I might make a cleaner mesh from the photogrammetry later, but I also might'n't. Chainsaw is in good condition. Seems like it might work, but I already chopped down the trees I needed to last year, so I don't have a good reason to dump gas/oil into it atm. Will probably clean and oil it a little anyway.
  10. It's a good book. His childhood section was interesting. The Keen->Doom era is fairly similar to Masters of Doom, but with some corrections (some fairly important). I'm just hitting the design switch of Quake (Romero really wanted that hammer in there), and looking forward to the Ion Storm days. I trust Romero's recollection of events better than most, but I'd be curious to see other id alumni's memories of the time as well. But that might turn into a war of truths.
  11. In case anyone wants some minor clarification, REKKR's exe is essentially just gzdoom.exe. I just wanted to change the icon. It doesn't change any internal workings of GZDoom, everything is just done with dehacked and smidgeons of zscript/mapinfo lumps and the like.
  12. Very rad. I liked the colored lights blending, and I liked chicken fightin.
  13. It was just the commercial version of REKKR.
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