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Everything posted by antares031

  1. +1 Charge by Tristan Clark & Guardsoul, MAP32 of Eviternity II. No, this is not a joke. This is a serious proposal. Even if Cacowards does not accept a single level from a megawad, I have to mentionate this level, so it can get a spotlight. Probably something small but special, like "Top 10 Levels of this Year" section in Cacowards 2024. And I'm aware of the fact that I'm technically violating the rule number one with this proposal. But this is a mentionation to Charge, not Eviternity II.
  2. I actually made a section to reference that classic game in one of the racing sequences in Thirty Monsters Challenge last year.
  3. 112.png.fd0e511e7b0c095e6b2464aa92a4ad39.png


    This was foreshadowing, by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Biodegradable


      Ooooooooooooooooh, this was about your Eviternity 2 map. Right. lol

    3. antares031


      @Biodegradable More like about my dehacked codes of Eviternity 2. My winter level only has 4 falling leaves actors. :P

    4. Biodegradable


      Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I see.

  4. Like many people have mentioned before, it's always welcome to see some more community-made contents to review & retrospect mapsets, gameplay mods, and other community-made creations. Since it was the 30th anniversary of Doom, it would be so nice to get an additional awarding ceremony to celebrate this special moment, letting people know about more Doom mods, mapsets, and megawads to cherish from this special year. Too bad that what we saw from Doom Awards was something completely different than Cacowards. Frankly, Doom Awards was one of the biggest disappointments from this year. What makes Doom Awards worse is that their attitude to the public. Many people made vaild criticisms toward Doom Awards, mostly about their AI-generated contents with no efforts. Some of AI-generated pictures even made them worse than the original pictures, because they just let the AI to upscale the images and never reviewed them for quality check. It actually gave me a better result by increasing the size of a picture from Paint, instead of using their AI upscaler. Not to mention that those reviews were not written by people, but generated by ChatGPT, making them to be filled with mediocre words and even false informations. This issue would've been resolved, if there's a minimum amount of effort to check the quality of generated words. But it looked like they actually didn't pay attention to the winners, and just let the AI do the whole thing and called it a day. Their response against those criticisms was just ignoring all of them, blocking people who gave them helpful opinions on Twitter, showing their poor public relation skills. If they don't want to listen to people, then fine. People won't listen to them as well. I learned that Doom Awards was actually born from the hatred toward the Cacowards. Ironically, this Doom Awards made Cacowards even more stand out than before, letting people to appreciate more elaborate, hand-written articles with actual love and passion to Doom, rather than just lazily pumped-out AI-generated words and photos without soul. If this was their original intention somehow, despite their anger against the Cacowards, then it was indeed "a great success", like they mentioned on Twitter.
  5. Although there is absolutely no hint about this order throughout the entire megawad, this combination does have a good reason.
  6. "Giving the player the impression that getting to sector 2722 cannot be done" was the original intention to hide the secret passage, while the other case is giving a small hint to the player "You can still climb up to the teleporter, if you failed to proceed the secret passage. You don't have to kill yourself by jumping down to the ocean to restart the level."
  7. What's the version of your GZDoom? It's recommended to use the latest version 4.11.3
  8. You don't reach sector 2722 first, unless either you used a noclip cheat code or you made a precise jump from the ship to the dock. I've seen multiple livestreams on twitch and I haven't seen a single person, who decided to cross that fake railing from the BFG secret so far.
  9. ORAILA03 textures are there to hide the entrance of the level's super secret sequence, like a fake wall. I dealt with the minor alignment around the vertex 5312, thanks for the report!
  10. Here's the full list of monsters you can summon in Eviternity II with 'summon' console command. Major spoiler alert to those who haven't played this megawad:
  11. Not just a screenshot, but the soundtrack as well
  12. You're using GZDoom version 4.10.0. I suggest you to update your GZDoom to 4.11.3. If the issue still exists, try to load the wad without any external resources, such as game_widescreen_gfx.pk3, just in case.
  13. Happy 30th anniversary of Doom! Congratulations to every winner and runner-up, and much appreciated to every cacoward writer of this special year! Even after 30 years, people in this community are still pumping out really amazing wads and mods to enjoy. I'm happy to see that my all-time #1 favorite game is truly eternal.
  14. 3-4-5 triangles for non-orthogonal layouts. It's also pretty useful for aligning textures.
  15. For something unusual and extraordinary, try Comatose.
  16. I've seen many people saying "jibs", but I don't think I've seen many people saying "instajib" for some reason.
  17. Map Name: Buckshots across the Two Forts Music: Tristan Clark - Hyperspace Highway DM Spawns: 9, all SSG spawns Suggested Skybox Texture: SKY01 Playtested on DSDADoom 0.25.6 -cl2, and ZDaemon 1.10.22 local play with the following setups; Duel, FFA 6 players 30 frags, FFA 16 players 50 frags. A little bit large for a duel match, but worked pretty well with FFA matches. dwa30_antares031_v1.zip
  18. From my experience, Windows Me was THE worst operating system I've ever used. A couple of months after the installation, horrendous optimization and terrible memory leak made it literally unusable. Seriously, I had to reset the computer, in order to use my PC properly every couple of hours. Slower loading speed was one thing, but vomiting out numerous BSoD was another. Sometimes it just summoned BSoD with no cleasr reason and it made me crazy. I still remember the error code of it even after 20 years later, and it was 0E. It was not just my computer's problem, and others had the same issue with their Windows Me back then. Formatting C Drive was only a temporary solution, and it only worked for several months. The best solution was just getting the brand new Windows XP years later. Thank god Windows XP was one of the best operating system I've ever used.
  19. Currently I'm trying to break the mapper's block. This level should be ready before the new deadline.
  20. I don't have much time with doom mapping nowadays, but I'd like to submit at least one DM map for this one.
  21. "Hollow Knight Sliksong" Looks fake to me.
  22. Not bad, but it does not worth to create a thread. Next time, try to post it on other screenshot threads, like the following;
  23. Any level that has a hidden secret with either "Closes 30 seconds after level start" or "Opens 5 minutes after level start, and closes after 4 seconds". Bonus point if the secret has both enemies and countable items.
  24. Doom 2 : There are more than six guns. Plutonia : When in doubt, put more chaingunners. Cyberdreams : Doomguy Is You. Evileye Is Win. Eviternity : Many textures. Such soundtracks. Very monsters.
  25. +1 to MyHouse.pk3 This is not just a doom level, but a work of art.
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