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I got my first quake map to compile, and light, Victory!!
wer is about to go out, storming like a son of a bitch. I think this is the first big storm my Dog has seen. She seems concerned XD.
I'v just now started getting into custom quake maps. I'v been poking around at all the stuff I can find and have found a mapper that has greatly impressed me. Sock, aka SimonOC Used to work at splash damage and has worked on Crysis Warhead. His aesthetics are amazing, his combat scenarios are ok, Nothing bad but nothing that really gets me going, But what vastly impresses me about his quake maps are his hidden little alternate routes. It's really impressive and adds a lot of fun for exploration in his maps. Stellar work, I'v not seen Design exactly like this before. Sooo much to learn from.
Installed Etherlords 2 again. The system is sooo attractive and I really enjoy the graphics and the music. Unfortunately, for an experienced player many fights in the campaign seem like filler where the winning strategy is pretty easy to come up with and then it's just a matter of time and sometimes luck. But other enemies can be challenging and satisfying to overcome. The setting is really likeable too. Maybe I'll beat everything before I get bored.
Are there any other cool MTG-like games where the fights are visualized? Like, you can actually see the creatures attacking each other and stuff. I'm interested in trying more games but just looking at cards would be so boring after this.
Can you tell me what this game is like, and what you like about it? It looks interesting and I would like to more from your point of view.
As for MTG Like games, in a none card video game format I would advise checking Chaos Reborn. out http://store.steampowered.com/app/319050/Chaos_Reborn/
Well, it's like a collectible card video game where you travel and get more spells in shops and from defeating enemies. Describing the fight system would be like trying to explain quantum physics, but it's sorta like a mix between Heroes 3 and MTG I guess (I never played MTG though so maybe I'm wrong here). You alter between attack and defense phases, you can spawn creatures, enhance their abilities, cast spells that affect everything, etc. It's just really enjoyable mentally when you get the hang of it. Almost every creature has some interesting trait and you have to figure out how to deal with all that, it gets quite complex at times. And it's much more fun than the first game because you don't have to worry about all the overworld bullshit that was just a hassle in my opinion. You can get it on GOG and it works on new systems (if it fails to install you can try the XP compatibility option in Windows).
I'm checking out Quake: scourge of armagon for the first time, and oh boy is it bad ass. Pretty tough as well. I'm on the third or fourth map now and am having to force infighting to stay alive, this is exciting.
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Move slowly and use quicksave. There's a path you have to follow. I think it's marked with light in the software renderer, but if you're using advanced lighting, you'll have to be careful. Path bends to the left and circles around before reaching the switch.
I got it figured out, I'm two or three levels ahead of that now, you have to shoot a brick sticking out to see it. I still think its a lame Trap/puzzle to put at the end of a kinda long level like that. I got so sick or replaying it I started rocket jumpumg to cut sections out of the level to make it faster.
These guys really like to pack many high tier enemies around literally every corner. And then every other room they refill enemies by just teleporting them in. Many mapping sins in my opinion but still am having mostly a good time.
I don't blame you. Once I get through that room, I generally strafe jump to the exit, myself. Ain't nobody got time for that.
You know what I dislike about Limp Bizkit albums (the good ones anyway) is they always end with a depressing track, There's all of this pumping up and it all works well, But usually if I listen to the outro it kills my momentum.
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Like what albums @NuMetalManiak.
First three Taproot albums have brutal closers (Impact, Time, Blue Sky Research). Also Nothingface albums all have heavy tracks as closers. And Ill Niño's Confession I remember the closing track being super heavy. Heck, I could name way more than those, really. My catalog is way too big and I know too much. Flame away.
I just came to the realisation that I play Grappler styled characters in games that allow the concept. I wonder what it is about these various fighters/heros that makes me naturally attracted to them in game aspect.
A nice thing about grappling is that the enemy is guaranteed not to get pushed out of your range unless you want them to.
If you like the concept of manipulating enemy movement in various types of games, there's a game called "Ring Runner 'flight of the sages'" on steam. It's an indie game that only costs a few bucks and is well worth its money, in my opinion. I used to play it on and off over time quite a bit and found it to be rather enjoyable.
Basically, it is kind of like a top-down shooter in space, with RPG-ish elements to it. The game features several different types of ship-classes to choose from, all of which are highly customizeable, and there's a class called grapplers. What they do is essentially drawing in or pushing away enemy ships to deal with them on their own terms. It also features mixed classes, like Rogue/Grapplers, which logically share different qualities of their inherent classes, while lacking the some of the qualities of a fully specialized class, which by no means makes them weaker/stronger. Maybe that game is up your alley.
The growth of a hercules beetle. I love watching stuff like this.
I like this stuff too at times. In my case it's mostly because of how fascinating it is to see how life can develop so vastly different from how it's in our case. In case you're interest in ants, you might want to check out "Ants canada" on YouTube. Some pretty interesting stuff there too.
While fascinating, seeing certain bugs in their squirmy stages makes me feel itchy for some reason, heh.
Ya, it's crazy to see, especially when it's in it's larva stage and it has that black head wiggeling about. I Love watching bugs, but don't really like touching them. When I was younger, I would let wasps crawl all over my arm XD. For some weird reason it didn't bother me back then, But not to fond of bugs being on me now that I'm older.
Kinda missing blogs about now. I'd like to vent, but this stuff hangs out on the front page. It's been so long, I've been doing so well. My memories are getting really mirky again. It's becoming quite hard to think correctly. It's kinda funny, cause the medication always seems to work just long enough that I somehow forget like a fool that this is permanent. I suppose it would be ungrateful of me To not just be happy that they work in the first place.
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It's very frustrating being out of likes XD.
Awww yeah I just regenerated mine.
I literally just sat and listened to that entire video. I hope you two are proud of yourselves
I miss Doom so much. So many other games are lacking the intelligent combat that is in doom. I kinda doomed myself out for awhile and tried some new games, mainly overwatch and ark, still playing ark co-op with the wife, as she really enjoys playing it with me, but today, I cleaned the house and just felt like playing doom.
So I booted up Alien vendetta, which I'v not played in years, and hot damn I forgot how much I love this megawad. I'm a bit rusty but warming up quite quickly. It's so funny how rewarding Doom's gameplay, It just feels so good.
Still have been mapping on and off though, and after revisiting AV I feel my mapping ideas are getting stagnant and my maps geometry is getting quite redundent in my levels. I need to revisit some of my favorite megawads and try some new things, I don't like the direction my mapping is going.
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if you're talking about using mountains as boundaries for your map, I think the hardest part is getting the mountains to look like naturally formed rocky mountains that aren't all the same uniform height.
A very powerful and complementing skill that will help with getting the look you're after is experimenting with the sky. Wherever the ceiling is using a sky texture, the sky is drawn as the background. if you have multiple sky sectors at different ceiling heights adjacent to each other, the walls where the upper textures are drawn are also shown as sky. You can use this to control the visible heights of the outermost borders of your outdoor area so you can get those rolling mountain ranges you're after.
hopefully that makes sense. It will take some practice of course.
@bzzrak, when you add infighting and proper ammo managment, along with the different monsters spacial reasoning, plus a nice hard map, It's kinda like chess. Do I take down this pack of revenents to give myself a bit more breathing room, or do I use their rockets to kite into the barons and mancubi in order to save ammo for that possible archville or cyber?
I'm not saying you've got to be a rocket scientist in order to play the game, But well designed encounters give you options to reason with, and at a level comically far more then most games anymore. Not to mention the way randomness can change the same encounter in many different ways making it so you need to think on the fly more. I personally feel Doom has more intelligent gameplay then by a large margin of other games.
@40oz Actually I've been playing with sky stuff a lot as of late, after learning from Ribbiks and his maps I've learn many cool things. I'll be examining his ground work closer till I feel I got it right. I also need to finish my textures I was working on. I hope to show you and some others this map I'm about to finish soon.
Pokemon tcg, so it begins. my son is getting into the game so i decided to get a starter pack for us to learn how to play. it was pretty fun. I looked around online and the game seems fairly cheap in comparison to magic. any of you play? any tips or lowdowns to the game as a newb to this but not tcg's in general?
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Some of the begining decks are ok. the Ai gets bonkers when you get close to 4staring all of them in all the leagues, they start using ex pokemon and such. There are way better theme decks then the ones they give you as of currently, but then again, there are far worse (I'm looking at you xy pikachu deck, amd the deck with kygore and the other one with groudon). The best beginer deck out of the three imo is the water one still, fire is a close second and the electric one can be finnicky.
as for non begginer decks I got battle ruler today and it's damn good for a theme deck. Mental mayhem is okish, xy mewtwo can be really good, but it's trainer cards don't allow for consistancy. I got night ruler today as well, haven't played it yet. I'v been sticking exclusivelly to theme decks for online as I'm not mising anything for it. I'm thinking of buying the panda deck and giving it a spin since many consider it one of the best decks for the format (along with battle breaker).
as for altering the theme decks, I don't feel I'v the proper cards to make a consistant and decent deck for any of the formats (I'm getting way closer). making multicolor decks seems riske to me, there would have to be some hellacious synergy with the cards for me to consider that, or just some splash.
@MrGlide if you're looking to get all of the 'staple cards' such as Professor Sycamore, N, Ultra Ball, VS Seeker, Switch, Lysandre, Fisherman, etc, then you NEED to invest in the "Rayquaza vs Keldeo" set. If you're looking to play with real cards, then just buy a real box of it. If you're sticking to online only, you can get a code for this set for a decent price on ebay, as linked below.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pokemon-Battle-Arena-Decks-Keldeo-vs-Rayquaza-TCG-Online-Code-Card-/252732109016?hash=item3ad801f0d8:g:nNEAAOSwopRYgVJ~So you can see exactly what you get in this set, here's a link:
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Arena_Decks:_Rayquaza_vs_Keldeo_(TCG)Hope this helps you get into deckbuilding! :D
Luckely I have all the trainer cards on that list minus karen (she looks cool, hadn't seen her before) in that set. I might still buy it though (physically)+1 online code or at least two online codes, as I would like to beef up the theme decks I'v been buying a tad to allow for more intelligent play, for when my son gets better, and these decks look to be close to how I want to ramp them up. If I go that route I'll be leaving battle ruler alone as it's already very good. I'll get the digital codes so I can have a playset of karen just in case I need it, since the price will go up eventually.
I need to see if the card packs that come with ex codes are tradible or not, if they are, then I can get around buying packs from people and just stock up on ex codes to get an advantage in the trade market.
started playing rainbow 6 siege. I'm not sure if I like it or not. Many interesting concepts and some cool mechanics, but something just doesn't click with me on this game. It's not bad per se, but I'm starting to think it's not my cup of tea.
I like your new avatar. What is it? Did you make it?
tool tip: you can enable status updates by turning on the feature in the "Edit Profile" settings.
Because I sure as hell do. Everytime I see a new member make an account, I like to stalk what ever I can find about them, but then, I feel like just randomly messaging them, like oh, hey joe, how are you today?
Do you ever feel like doing that? -
I thought that was interesting. As soon as I saw doomrulez new account I knew it was him, Why would you use the same thumbnail on a new account when you've been banned? silly.
I see ender finally got that custom title he wanted, it's fitting. I'm closing on my new house this wednesday, I'm excited. My father in law oddly ditched his expensive pc because it's not working anymore, its a nice alienware desktop, I'm going to fix it up for my wife.
How've ya'll been? -
It's a crazy experience watching your children learn and adapt to vidoegames, They pick up on things so fast, My Eldest son is a really big fan of doom and he's working on beating Doom 2 on UV. It's crazy to see as he's picked up stratigys from watching me, and it's just this super wild thing for me to watch because he's 7. When I was 7 I had a hard time on itytd. It's so strange to see them adapt sooo fast.
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My 7 month old is very interested when she sees me playing games. And she's fascinated by controllers; I've a plan to turn an old Gamecube controller into a toy for her, removing the main pcb and cable, but keeping all pressable buttons and stickboxes, so she can still interact with it (I might even put a rattle/bell inside).
He want's to, funny you ask that because I was going to try and do a small map with him tonight before I go to work.
he made his first map, it was a tone of fun. It was really great seeing his excitment, here it is if anyone want's to see it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gqaiiyqen86cbf7/faust01.wad?dl=0
Where working on more maps, lol maybie I'll help him make a mega wad. He's really digging it so far. Just will make little map by little map and force him to learn all the necessities.
There is so much static and conflicting reports in both mainstream media and on the internet, are there sites that openly fact check with resources? How does one educate themselves on social matters and not get led around by the nose?
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Phml said:
Always ask yourself where does the speaker come from, what's his angle in this.
Good advice. You forgot to add: beware of people who conceal their identity or hide behind anonymous pseudonyms so that you can't figure out who they are or what they represent. Often nowadays, anonymity is just used to promote bullying and prejudice by people who are too scared to face the consequences of their actions. Usually that kind of behavior comes from a place of personal insecurity and fear. Regardless, whatever political persuasion you hold, it's worth bearing in mind that you're not going to find many positive role models who hide in the shadows afraid to show their face.
I don't mean to be but sometimes I'm a bit paranoid about it. If so what is it that I do that is annoying? I don't know. I'm taking a break from doom for the night because I'm kinda on tilt with my current play through.