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Miss Bubbles

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About Miss Bubbles

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  1. Happy to hear that! A sequel will happen some day. We've both been busy with life and other endeavors the past few years, but @Count651 and I will always love Doom, and when the passion strikes and the opportunity presents itself, we will put something together.
  2. Congrats to all the winners and cheers to another year of a fantastic community still going strong! I've been sleeping on Doom stuff for a while now, someday I need to catch up on what I've been missing out on!
  3. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I want to say that my thinking was you could attempt to enter the secret as many times as it takes (to notice it or what have you) but once you've re-opened the door from the inside, it should stay open. I guess it didn't work as intended, and in all honesty it's been a while since I've done any Doom mapping so I'd have to double check the linedef functionalities.
  4. Just started playing Lunar Catastrophe and I love it!  I'm recording my playthrough with Project Brutality.  Brilliant work, you guys definitely captured the Ultimate Doom vibe!

    1. Miss Bubbles

      Miss Bubbles

      Thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it!


  5. Just popping in again to say I've still been following the development of this. Although the vast majority of what you're doing is way over my head and beyond me, I'm still eager to check out the level editor whenever it's (more or less) fully functioning. Keep up the good work Lucius!
  6. Hey thanks! Sorry I forgot to respond sooner. I appreciate your comments, I'm glad you liked it! It's always awesome to see people playing through our maps!
  7. Hey, gonna stream your collab mapset (second episode and maybe part of the third) in two more hours. Stay tuned ;)

    1. Miss Bubbles

      Miss Bubbles

      Sweet! If we're not doing anything we'll drop in again.

  8. Borb

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      Hey Miss Bubbles! You the one who made that one e2m7 remake an entirety eternity ago? That was a kickass map yo!

    2. Miss Bubbles

      Miss Bubbles

      Hey, yep! That was me.

      There may be some more stuff in the works... keep an eye out. *Nudge nudge wink wink nudge*


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