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Everything posted by Capellan

  1. Memento Mori was originally released in early December '95. It has a bunch of new textures. The version available today is a patched version from February '96, but it's 98% the same thing.
  2. I enjoyed it a lot. I'll break down my thoughts in rather more detail in a (spoiler free) video on Friday.
  3. Finish up some edits on a map so @Steve D can complete his main goal. Also, play some Doom. I'd like to at least try three megawads this year.
  4. Bacon, mushroom and pineapple (with a bit of BBQ sauce in addition to the tomato paste) is our go-to homemade pizza.
  5. Most Vaults were not intended to work correctly, but were instead bizarre experiments. This is a feature of the game canon that I don't particularly like, but it more than justifies a cyclops overseer.
  6. Shareware DOOM, sometime in the first half of 1994
  7. NOVA: The Birth MAP16 This will be my last video for this megaWAD. My patience for map17 was exhausted long before the level was.
  8. NOVA: The Birth MAP15 I do find the secret exit in this, but there will not be a map31 video. It's a puzzle map, and I don't enjoy those.
  9. NOVA: The Birth MAP07 Is it "Dead Simple, version 6456"?
  10. Circle strafing was identified pretty fast. I was seeing LMPs with circle strafing well before Doom 2 hit shelves.
  11. Apparently the last time Jan Van Der Veken released a map was 2016, so he's a valid pick, I think. I'd also like to see Bill McClendon make a return, but I think that's a much longer shot!
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