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About rouge_means_red

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  1. I was 3 when Doom came out, and somehow I never heard much about it growing up. In 2014 I watched a youtuber playing brutal Doom, so I gave it a go and I even made a map, which I think turned out pretty good even though I knew very little about the enemies and weapons
  2. If Pokémon can take over the S&M acronym then I think the odds are in our favor
  3. Mortal Kombat, Master System circa 1994. I was terrified of the spike pit (I was 4)
  4. REKKR is quite impressive imo
  5. Use GetActorRoll(1) + 0.1 for the value There's also ChangeActorRoll which might give a smoother result than SetActorRoll if you enable interpolation
  6. Not sure what result you're seeing but https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetActorRoll
  7. I think your sprites have to be within S_START and S_END markers
  8. Should be in the same folder as gzdoom.exe
  9. I'm pretty sure you can make a copy of the .ini that has the configs, rename it, then create a shortcut for gzdoom and add the parameter -config "file name" to load the settings, and -file "wad name" to load the wad with it, all with the same version of gzdoom
  10. If you draw 2 lines then disable "Snap to geometry" in the top bar, you can drag the vertices and make the lines cross without them getting cut
  11. I think you just click the report button on the top-right of the post and ask it to be deleted
  12. It's fine as long as they can't be seen. The main problem I run into is when I forget to set the texture behind a floor (like a lift) that's supposed to move, which exposes the texture-less wall behind it, so just keep an eye out for those cases
  13. Actually that title says "mu"Topia I wonder what a perfect world for demons would be (other than: a place where Doomguy isn't)
  14. Looks like the example is using ZScript (note the ; at the end of the lines). I'm not sure DECORATE can put parameter names down like that so just try doing A_FireProjectile("PlasmaRed", 0, true, 8, 8)
  15. The sprite has to be named TREDA0.png (TRED is the sprite, A is the frame, 0 is the rotation)
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