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Everything posted by Fonze

  1. I think the number of lines doesn't matter so much as the visual distinction of doom's faux lighting on the orthogonal lines breaking the visual of a "circle" by implying that flat lines make it up. Other than that, idk how many people are gonna notice while playing a new map if a particular sector isn't perfectly round, or is some geometric shape that isn't exactly a circle. So that would be my take, but as with any art just make sure it looks good to you 😀
  2. This would be my suggestion; just make a separate music wad with the copyrighted songs and only post the map/mod wad file without those songs. You can just state in the thread that your vision of the map is to be played with x song, and users can make that happen on their end if they value it too.
  3. A screenie of a midtexture-y tree from a map I made before I joined dw. Kinda nostalgic looking back through old screenies; lots and lots of crate rooms lol
  4. Pain elementals go great with a side of rockets! đŸ˜„đŸ’„â€ïžâ€ïž
  5. Idk what concept really connects TNT to its derivatives but TNT was always my favorite of the iwads, in part for its large, expansive maps that are each memorable for their gimmicks and sights to be seen, and in part for it feeling like as much of a sequel to doom 2 as that was to doom 1. TNT felt like it pushed the boundaries on so many things and really set the imagination going for what could come next. I was def among those who thought wormhole was the coolest thing ever haha, but really most of the maps in TNT stand out to me among the big 'iwad map' list. I also tended to like the more forgiving and loose nature of TNT's combat to that of Plu, while at the same time being ramped up scenarios from what would have been found in doom 2. THT may not fit the mold as well as the other derivatives, as it was more a love letter to the previous archive maintainer, Ty Halderman, and as such several mappers took inspiration from eternal doom as well as TNT, since Ty made maps for both projects. THT was also originally a much smaller project and had very few restrictions on what mappers could and couldn't do; the only cohesive concept I remember to bind any of those maps to even each other in the same wad was just that they were tributes to Ty's work.
  6. Fry some potato chunks in a bit of olive oil in a skillet with some italian spices, garlic, etc đŸ€€đŸ€€ Among the poll options I'd have to pick au gratin; cant go wrong with pouring copious amounts of cheese onto things
  7. I bought a new bit of clothing for my cat in cat snack bar Her name is Faluffels and she is currently a bubble tea shop meownager đŸ„°
  8. I like them; they're very doomcute đŸ„° My only bit of constructive criticism would be to do with the way the baked in lighting of the texture tiles going up the tower. Not much you can do with that using the default iwad textures perhaps, but may be worth considering trying out a version of that texture or another texture without the harsh, contrasting baked in lighting. Also agreed with Tangra, a little light up top would be a neat touch 😀 I hope you make more of these and other midtexture fun stuffs! Was always something I enjoyed doing and it's fun to see what others come up with ❀
  9. My choice for best đŸ€€đŸ€€đŸ«  I like that chocolate this dark doesn't interfere with the taste of other stuffs like drinks/etc (and I like this particular brand over others), but any chocolate is awesome to me
  10. Hey all, it's been a little while! I hope everybody has been well since I was last active here *hugs* I figured I'd make a blog post rambling and sharing one of the things I've been up to lately.


    I recently have been learning to make maps for a fun little platformer called Frog Hop (made by an indie dev that also made a very fun metroidvania I speedrun now), where you play as a 🐾 doing frog things such as hopping, jumping, and using your tongue as a weapon. It's very similar to Mario but if frog instead. You move slower on the ground than in the air, so you want to hop a lot, and there are triggers, switches, conveyor belts, movable blocks, little nodes you can lick to bounce/swing/slingshot off of, difficulty flags for objects (similar to doom), objects can be 'tied' with other objects to move/etc with them, etc. There are also no limits on map size, number of maps per world (level), complexity, object limit, and lots of other stuff. Needless to say, lots of freedom in map design and I like that.


    I've always liked watching kaizo (and non-kaizo) mario hack videos but I've never made maps for a platformer before so it's been a fun learning experience so far! I just finished my third map minus some small finishing touches, so I'm starting to figure some things out and have some tricks I've picked up on, but I also know I'm only scratching the surface and have so much more to learn. Anyway, rambling aside, here are some screenies and... more light ramblings!

    Myfirstfroghopmap.wad.world: Jungle Jumpies




    An idea of how much is shown on the screen in game:




    Other than chosing a color palate, I have no idea how to do aesthetics for 2d maps, or for doom maps either đŸ€“Â so eventually I gave up and tried to make it look nice in the editor since that's what I was looking at the whole time. I'm not sure how well it translates over to the gameplay side of things but I'm hoping I keep it not so busy that it isn't clear what is a background block and what is a foreground block. I wanted something kaizo-light, small, and simple for my first map (all the nodes do different things depending on their color) and I think this did okay for that. It is fairly easy with a couple tricky spots, tons of checkpoints because yes please and even has a little speedrun skip accidentally built in at the start lol. For my next maps, I took the luxury of being able to place checkpoints everywhere and totally neglected it 🙃



    My second map: Frantic Fugues




    I wanted at first to make a more traditional kaizo-ish level with bouncing on enemies and stuffs in 3 parts, with this being the first one. For this, I started experimenting with making diverging paths so each would lead to a different door I could use to tie into a separate map for each difficulty, so I wouldn't have any problems with tiles being immovable between them. I also wanted to make easy difficulty an autoscroller if the player wanted it to be, and in the process quite liked the interaction with one of the enemies that flies off horizontally at a fast speed and having the player go that same speed just in front of them, like a chase scene, which made this map very long/big. I also made a 2nd, more casual way to play the map on each difficulty in case the player wants to explororize and doesn't want to jump on enemies' heads the whole time. That influenced heavily the rest of the design for medium and hard and thus this map is not at all the kaizo thing I had originally envisioned, but instead an easy-going, layered experienced that encourages players to make their own fun and I think that's pretty cool! Even if I didn't place any checkpoints in the map 😈


    On a dev note, I made a large-scale, quite ugly grid tile layer to use during this map to make lining up/measuring jumps and distance easier, especially while in game, which helped a ton, and I did different things with the aesthetics, trying to envision some light source from the top right. Jury's still out on that one but given there was so much I think it ties itself together(?); it was cool to try. I also made a really silly short story for it involving aliens because why not đŸ€Ș

    Here's a video to show what it looks like in game:




    My third map: Red Velvet Cake Land 




    This one is kinda the 2nd part to go with the previous map. I'm not sure if I'll stitch them together or not at this point given the difficulty spike between them but for now with this being standalone I made starting and ending maps to match the previous and next ones. I also made it so each difficulty level gets moved to its own separate map, so I have total freedom to tune them, cut parts out, add stuff in, etc, as I wish. I really liked the color palate I chose for this map, largely inspired by doom's red turning brown as it gets darker, and it made me think of red velvet cake. But you can't have cake without icing and it took a while to figure out how to get the icing right. Eventually I found out that in Tiled, you can give tile layers offsets, so I made a couple new tile layers and gave them offsets, which allowed me to make the phat icing look without it looking super blocky like the clouds in the previous map. I didn't go crazy with lighting in this map and I def could have done more with the icing to really smooth things out since I made the 2 offset layers at different times and I could prolly do better with more foresight going into it, but I think the effect and overall aesthetics turned out pretty decent! This map makes me hungry now and I like that đŸ€€


    I got the kaizo feeling down more for this one which seems to transfer well to this game. Controls are tight and responsive so it meshes well and there is a lot of room for creativity in map design and object/player interactions. I put in a setup early on where you guide an enemy projectile through a set of doors by jumping alternating on 2 big crabs 3 times each while hitting a green switch above/between them each time you pass it in order to cycle open the doors below you which let that projectile pass through so you can bounce on it on the other side to reach the next area, which is very much something I saw in a mario hack somewhere, so little homage there.


    Anyway, thought these would be fun to share here since I haven't posted in a while and this community has so many mappers in it; it would be cool to hear ppl's opinions! If there's interest, I'll post more level pics as I make them 🐾 

    1. SleepyVelvet


      That's a lot of spikes....

    2. Fonze


      Yes the pale king decreed them

    3. Zylinderkatze


      So much loving effort  :>

  11. I dont play much anymore so idk any recent wads to recommend, but I've played all types of wads on the phone (to varying degrees of success lol); I've even played cross-platform deathmatches against pc gamers on my touchscreen and had fun with all of them. Really it just comes down to what style of wad you like to play and how patient you are willing to be with touchscreen shenanigans and other learning pains along the way. The only wads I'd recommend staying away from are gzdoom, highly processor-intensive stuff that will lag your phone (note not all gzdoom maps, best to try each and see if it's playable). Other than that, maybe start with itytd for your favorite maps since the half damage will help stave off touchscreen sloppiness and the double ammo will keep you better equipped to handle what's in your way. Ultimately I think you'd be best off just searching for wads from artists who's style you like, or artists known for more chill maps if that in particular is what you're in to. Sorry to not contribute an actual list of wads, but I guess one fun little journey of a wad I can recommend is Violence by AD_79. A fun wad, not too hard but def has some teeth in some places and a very cool art style to it. Also, Jimmy makes a ton of maps, plus a few megawads at this point, and all of them translate well to the touchscreen. Happy fragging!
  12. Lets not all forget the singular, most important thing heretic brought us over the dolums: the nauseating ability to look up and down until the world stretches and then you try to move and đŸ€ź
  13. Same as many others here, DWS is one of the sites that really got me into mapping as more than a quick, passing trend for doom, years before I joined DoomWorld. Your mapping has been influential in my learning process of mapping for doom and I'm sure the same for many others, and your work running DWS so long term is inspirational; it is a staple of doom much in the same way One Man Doom was(?) that I will be sad to see go away one day as time goes on and we all age. You're a great person Bob, it was nice writing for your site in the short term that I did. Sorry I stopped having the time to keep up with it; the length you have kept it going is astounding to me, but it is a memory I carry with me fondly and I'd like to thank you for the experience. Here's to hoping for many good years in front of us, and maybe a map or three from you sometime in the future 😉
  14. Not entirely on the same page as the topic, but in a similar vein: more maps should flip the script on the uv-or-bust mindset and make their hardest difficulties itytd/hntr 😋
  15. Desculpe, eu nĂŁo falo portuguĂȘs, espero que o google tradutor me faça bem aqui lol. Sim, o Delta Touch executa a mesma versĂŁo do Zandronum que os PCs para que vocĂȘ possa jogar entre plataformas com usuĂĄrios de PC e com outros usuĂĄrios mĂłveis! VocĂȘ terĂĄ que se conectar com outras pessoas (pergunte no discord, aqui ou em outros lugares onde os doomers se reĂșnem) para obter os detalhes do servidor para ingressar e, em seguida, vocĂȘ deve ser definido. TambĂ©m tenho alguns vĂ­deos do youtube (em inglĂȘs, desculpe) de como se conectar a servidores usando delta touch se vocĂȘ pesquisar no meu youtube. Boa sorte e feliz fragging!
  16. Congrats on bringing all this work to bear; it's great to read that y'all are so close to release! Maybe I'll see y'all in a dm on these some time :)
  17. If anybody does this for the love of god don't doom it to p2p netcode by using zscript lol. That said, the hardest part to make I would think would be the minigames themselves. Other stuff may require some workarounds to be cleanly achieved but the minigames I think is where compromises may need to be made. Then again, mortal kombat was ported to zandronum and uses a setup which may work for the minigames so maybe that mod already has the answers to this. Final note, whodunit is a very fun game mode and captures the idea of among us with the gameplay and setup of doom.
  18. Congrats to all the winners! What an impressive body of work produced this year!
  19. I think a better example (at least in terms of the question about 3d floors) would be comparing doom to the inside of a small shed or a singular room in the real world based on the fact that it too doesn't have room over room. Or if fifa, madden, and the nba 2k games are all 2d because of the same reasoning 🙃
  20. Lmao I'm pretty sure he said that tongue-in-cheekily for humor as a parody of basically this exact argument from this thread, much like all the other humorous random memery going on in that video.
  21. Uhhh lol you sure about that? It may be a good idea to do research and ask questions before starting a debate, but definitely don't overtly lie mid-debate lol. Way to accept accountability for something nobody seriously cares about lol. People like the discussion, bumping this thread was not a bad thing, but maybe next time doing the smallest bit of research would go a long way heh, as would talking to people rather than at them, like when it was pointed out that Doom actually does calculate a z-axis and instead you stuck by your uninformed guns for a few more posts. Also, You do realize Doomkid isn't like the definitive, authoritative source of all knowledge on Doom rite? Why don't you take your own advice instead of acting super entitled and self-victimizing. Never once have you admitted you were wrong, why should anybody else owe you that courtesy? All you've done here is move your goalposts when proven to be wrong, but oh no you weren't actually wrong you just made assumptions (which turned out to be wrong) and you still stick by your guns on a point who's foundational pieces of logic and evidence are crumbling beneath you. Next time if you're gonna talk to a bunch of nerds who are probably fairly knowledgeable on the subject matter, approach things with an attitude of learning rather than debate, because you still have so much to learn.
  22. I like to think that imps just "throw harder" when their target is above them and "gravity" pulls projectiles down faster when their target is below.
  23. For my tastes on balancing my maps, I try to make UV something that I find fun under optimal conditions, such as mouse+kb. I should be able to beat each encounter consistently. For HMP I've done a few approaches, depending on how hard I think UV is and what exactly needs to be toned down (many options). I like to design HMP that I can beat it easily with just the keyboard or a controller, or not-so-easily with the touchscreen, but fundamentally the strategy to beat an HMP encounter vs a UV one is a bit less. For HNTR/ITYTD my goal is thinking about people who lack spatial awareness, who can't strafe well, and who'd find the original dooms tough on UV. There is some breathing room here with ITYTD being a good and viable option for people to play under, so some difficulty can be forgiven to smooth out the curve between HNTR and HMP. Type of map being built also influences the skill ceilings one may want to use. I like to design my maps that I can beat HNTR reliably on the touchscreen. Playing on touchscreen means a lot of silly mistakes will happen (sometimes it eats inputs or makes up its own lol, especially as ones hands get sweaty and the phone gets warmer), so this basically gives me a good way to gauge how my map will play to low skilled players. I love to read people's thoughts on stuff like this! My thoughts on a lot of stuff have changed over the years and I'm sure will continue to do so, so reading other people's thoughts on this gives great perspective.
  24. For every reason to not put in an inescapable pit or death trap into your map there will be somebody out there to note that there is no right or wrong answer in art. I do think that proper conveyance of any important idea in a map is important though; put a few dead marines in that pit and of course no supplies. My suggestion with this is to think about the player's end experience and what kind of map you're trying to make. Are you making a challenge map that gives no shits about its players? Then put in plenty of these because that's your artistic vision of your map and dont complain when people treat your stuff as "super hard," "unforgiving," and a "time sink." If you're not making a literal challenge map maybe ask yourself if it's possible for a player to fall into one of these after 30 minutes to an hour of not saving into the map and how that would make them feel when they could also just play any of the other thousands of wads that come out per year. Also keep in mind that your popularity is a large factor in what you can get away with: if people like you they'll play your map for that reason, and will also be more forgiving of your design decisions. If people dont know or dont care who you are then you're probably equally likely to find that they either dont finish the map or steer clear of your future works. People make a lot of points about mapping and playing for yourself on here but I think the more powerful goal is mapping and playing for your friends.
  25. I just found out about this yesterday while watching poo's latest mario maker 2 endless expert no skip video on youtube. From what I gather this guy stream sniped during a fall guys twitch rivals tournament. At least one of his teammates (grand poo bear) noticed and acknowledged it, but otherwise did nothing about it and thus at least the two of them, (though prolly their whole team) have been suspended from streaming on twitch for like a week or so and suspended from participating in twitch rivals tournaments for 6 months.
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