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Everything posted by Fonze

  1. Chy7gAI.jpeg


    We found a new route for vagrant% in Ato today and I used it to cut about a minute off my pb time to take back 1st on the src leaderboard 🤓 Not bad when my previous attempt was blown out the water by >45 seconds on a 12 minute run (13 for my previous pb)






    Old Route:


    New Route:



    The boss vagrant is a late-game boss and requires several things to be able to fight. There are 4 vagrant locations spread throughout the game in true metroidvania fashion, each needing to be visited in order. The first two times you find vagrant, he can't find his sword and thus decides to flail his arms wildly while wilhelm-screaming and walking slowly towards you... as one does when one forgets their weapon in a sword duel. He deals next to no damage and dies in one hit. Truly the bravest of bois. The third time you meet him, he's powering up dbz-style like he's about to go super saiyan and also dies in one hit. The fourth and final time you face him is the real fight and he puts up a tough one, making for a fun "final" boss of this category that grabs next-to-no powerups throughout the run.


    Along the way to grabbing these 4 main objectives, we also need to finish the prologue (which requires fighting 4 other bosses) to get the ability to break crystal barriers in our path, gather 10 coins for a coin gate, and fight another boss, geisha, in order to reach vagrant 3, for a total of 6 bosses in the run. This of course leaves a lot of room for routing, such as what coins to grab, what fast travel points to get or use, and what checkpoints to hit for safety or for save+quits. In the "Objectives" pic, several other coins could be grabbed instead of these, these are just the 10 I thought were quickest to get. On harder difficulties, the coin directly below vagrant 1 can't be grabbed, so the other nearby coin to the east we pass by on the way here is grabbed instead.


    Up until today, we were grabbing a warp point near the end of the prologue, as we do in all other categories, and then later a checkpoint by that warp point for save+quitting that upon some thought, isn't actually necessary. We happen to run a couple rooms below the final checkpoint just outside of the final vagrant fight, so that can be used instead to save a lot of time from grabbing the second warp point, then warping there later to grab the checkpoint at a time where it'll be usable, then running to final vagrant from there, as opposed to skipping it, getting the checkpoint by the end, and running out of vagrant 2.


    It's been fun to see this category (and others) be routed and rerouted, running it/them in each iteration. I love the process of analyzing the map, our move set, and what's available to come up with a new way of doing things, helped along with this game (and particularly this category) being relatively new, and with a small community it leaves a lot of room to find new routes, speedrun tricks, and boss strategies to get an edge in our friendly competition against not only each other, but the clock in general.

  2. Perhaps not totally in the wheelhouse of 'approaching bfg levels of power' and certainly out of the seemingly sp-scope of this thread: I like the grenade launcher used in progduel. It's good fun to bounce trick shots in occasionally vain attempts to score quick frags and in that setting of a duel, can be arguably as effective or more-so than a bfg. So I think in this instance it could fit the bill here.
  3. Not everyone can afford dental care and somebody at 15 has no say in that matter, nor good experience to draw on to know to take care of their teeth. I think the better question would be 'how does empathy work?'
  4. Oh thats cool to know! I'm not bothered over the original res of games, just being able to play them with good frame rate, low input lag, etc. in a similar way to how I'd experience if I were to play on console. I'll have to look more into that some time soon; would be awesome to play some of those again.
  5. Nice! There are a small few zelda games I haven't played at this point and they're all def on my wishlist at some point. Not familiar with ship of harkinian and master quest rings an unfamiliar bell; are those both mods I suppose? I'm not sure wrt spoiler tags tbh. The two randos I've put most time into are a link to the past and hollow knight. Both of which do spoiler logs, tho I believe hk has spoiler tags too. Not sure the difference, if there is one. I could also just be getting confused at this point as its been a month or so since my last rando run, so grain of salt I guess lol. For alttpr, the spoiler file is a text document, it lists all locations and what they have, as well as all progression chains. Spoiler logs are usually extremely long, with stuff listed multiple times throughout so ctrl+f your friend here. Alternatively, when you generate a seed there's a thingy you can click on show a spoiler log in the web browser that has all locations by category. I'd recommend just making a seed you don't care about and browsing the file, or exploring it after you've completed a seed so you have some context on read. More importantly than spoilers tho I think are the tracker tools. They are a recognized tool during competitions and a standardized part of randos. If you know a game well enough, have played it enough, watched enough rando streamers, or maybe you just like to challenge your memory, hey maybe you don't need it, but don't let pride otherwise get in the way of enjoyment 😃 As somebody who has a bad habit of not using trackers often, especially when playing on mobile where some can be buggy and switching apps breaks the flow, it sucks to "give up" on a seed, checking the spoiler log only to find that I forgot something really silly that would have been obvious if I had been using proper tools. So yeah, do as I say not as I do 😂🤮💀🪦 I hope you have as much fun with them as I have and gl! Also would be interested to hear the state of Saturn emulation. Saturn had some super fun games that would be nostalgic to revisit some day.
  6. Emulation is great to be able to casually play old games. It makes them more accessible to all and eliminates the stress of finding working hardware. It is also a great way to enjoy randomizers for old games that give a ton of replayability to them. Can def recommend a link to the past rando for zelda fans, or really any of the other zelda randos. Basically all, if not flat out all, have them at this point and they have a lot of settings to tailor the experience to your desired difficulty level, map/logic tracker tools to help find what areas you can check with your current load out, and spoiler logs for when you've otherwise given up or feel stumped. Lotta accessibility options available. I know many of the pokemon games have randos at this point too, as well as many other games.
  7. My first match in the Ato race is starting up in an hour! There's only 5 of us racing, it's double elimination, and I'm going against the 2nd seed, Glitchiness. My personal best is currently at 24:39, sum of best low 22's; their pb is 22:57, so while there is some possibility that I can win, it's looking pretty dire for me in this first round! 😅 Wish me luck; I'm gonna need it! 💀🪦





    1. OniriA


      videotogif_2020_01.19_02_04_18.thumb.gifGo get 'em, kick them in the balls.

    2. Fonze


      First day of races is done; I'm glad the stress is over lol. Three of us have pb'd thus far, with one being a new wr so it was a great day of races!


      I lost my first race against glitchiness, to be expected I thought but apparently I was slightly ahead until I died to a boss, monk, that loses 3 minutes lmao... I almost got lucky with a comeback later and ended 45 or so seconds behind. Still, may have some promise on the rematch, if I make it that far, tho it was only close because they died to some bosses as well so I can't count on it to happen again.


      2nd race was between mrks and homothety and was super close, with homothety taking it by 24 seconds. Was an awesome race to watch as they both synced up multiple times during the race, only for one to pull ahead, then sync up again.


      The third race was between myself and mrks. Both of us pb'd which was awesome! I also moved up a spot on the src leaderboard. I don't think I died anywhere in the run, unless I'm misremembering, so I was very fortunate on that front and it led to my win.


      The last race today was between homothety and octopoos, the wr holder. Wasn't sure how much octo practiced going into this but his movement is still super smooth and he beat his wr by a few seconds. Even after hours put into this game practicing I still can't fathom how one can move that fast lol, but it's a treat to watch and cool to see during a race setting! Homothety almost pb'd as well in the process so it's been an exciting event. Would be awesome if we all get pb's by the end of this!



    3. Fonze


      Ato's any% tourney is done! I had a lot of fun and it seems like everybody else did too 😃 I got very lucky walking away with 2nd and another pb, and we also got another new wr by like 20 more seconds by octo! Absolute insanity haha. I also got to face off against each of the runners, which is something kinda unique and that I'm thankful for. I also was very happy to have consistently beaten my old pb from before yesterday. That used to be a wr and I worked very hard for it lol... kinda nuts to just casually derust and beat it 3 or 4 times but I'm very happy with the consistent performance. It seems like everybody had a lot of fun in the process too, which is the main goal of things, but also really cool to see how the event and the pressures of it spurred several of us into new pb's, plus a couple new wr's, one of them a significant one.


      The first race today was between homothety and myself.  ❤️ homothety they made the hk rando and I play the hell out of that thing lol. I was very happy they showed up to race and they did great, especially for having not played in so long the route, movement, and combat strats have all changed. They did great to pick up all the new changes and had a good run here, but it's tough to not die in the run with the risk rune (1.5x dmg, 1 pip of health) equipped and the pb escaped them.


      The second was between octopoos and glitchiness. Octo got a new wr by 20-ish seconds. Was an amazing run to watch. Sub-21 when. Glitchy had a solid run too and it's really eye opening to see somebody about your level or a bit higher face off against somebody who's just on another level. A great race to watch and absorb.


      The third match was a rematch between glitchiness and myself. I pb'd by almost 30 seconds, finally breaking the 24 minute barrier for myself, and got lucky to finish about a fight ahead of them. Was a super close race they probably should have won, but they had a couple deaths where I had none and that made the difference.


      The final match was between octo and myself. I thought I was gonna get stomped and was feeling quite guilty to have won over glitchy, since they are a better runner than I am and I feel would have stood a better chance to win, or at least would have put on a closer race than I could. But I wound up not doing too bad; I finished a little over a minute behind, so at least I didn't just totally tank the finals and still was faster than my pb from before yesterday, so again just happy with the consistency there and hopefully we'll do more of these in the future! Preferably in another category like boss rush 😋




  8. My vote for scariest would be the humble zawmbiemen because zombies with guns and the understanding of how to use them is a terrifying scenario. Greatest threat to survival I went for the icon for obvious reasons. Assuming tho that it can move and it being a literal wall in the original games was just due to tech limitations of the day. If it can't move, then I guess I'm back on the zombies with guns thing.
  9. IDBUN - heretic had playable chickens, rott had doges... I think doom is missing out on a quintessential part of retro shooters 🥰🐇
  10. I tend to use whatever the port I'm using defaults to, though I'll swap some colors to be more visible in some situations, particularly for the iddt thing arrows; it's nice to be able to quickly parse what is an enemy, a clip, or a countable item. I usually use iddt when I'm ready to leave a map and have given up on finding the rest of the things without it, or on subsequent plays to get a better understanding of a map.
  11. If I were involved with the making of dooms 1/2, I would have been super inspired by maps like e2m9 and gotcha!, making every map a gimmicky ordeal like those two and subsequently driving id to certain ruin. Also I would have ensured that rockets dotted every hallway like a breadcrumb trail for pacman, even on maps where the rocket launcher is unavailable, because the player needs to know what their goal should be 😋 Lastly, I'd place more pain elementals. Lots more pain elementals, with their adorable huggly imp arms. Maybe even just replace all zombies, imps, barons, mancubodes, tomato demons, and spiders with them too because their existence puts these precious, happy little floaty bois in danger and we just can't have that. Yeah in retrospect prolly a good thing I wasn't involved lol
  12. So first, for a wad recommendation: Not sure if /idgames release is mostly recent so can also check here for updated version: Df posted this update fairly recently for a bug somebody was having in coop, not sure what else has changed since /idgames release but may as well go with the most recent version of a thing: https://www.dfdoom.com/download/1757/ Skulldash was built with speedrunning in mind, not sure about on the 100% front but you can pick up good movement tactics and get good practice with them playing this fun mod. Following that, as a fellow mobile doomer, I think that it's very important to consider what you can and cannot do with touchscreen controls vs what can be done with kb+m. Many people will laugh off players playing on touchscreen controls. I do not have as bad of an experience as others seem to with them but the difference between kv+m vs touchscreen for me has been the difference between playing pwads on UV vs ITYTD/HNTR in a lot of cases as it's much tougher to execute precise movement throughout a wad, even more-so when hands get sweaty/damp or the screen heats up and stops registering inputs correctly. Also, always been unclear on if sr-50 is possible, or if maybe you need to enable it as an option in the port, but then that disqualifies it from being competitive/comparable to runs from others playing without that option anyway since you can never move and not turn with touchscreen controls. Items are everything that isn't ammo, weapons, health packs (stimpacks and medikits), and armor. So all the little 1% health/armor pickups, all the orbs and other artifacts, etc. I haven't played this wad, but it sounds like it was built without 100% in mind. Not all pwads are going to be 100% completable; even some iwad maps are impossible or unrealistic to reach 100%. That map/wad may have been made with something more akin to any% speedruns in mind than 100%. As a speedrunner, I find it to be important to see whereabouts I fall in relation to my competition on an existing category before going too far off into unexplored terrain, so I'm not surprised later when multiple people come along doing things much more efficiently off the bat than I did after lots of practice. Keeping that in mind, I'd suggest looking up times for maps that you enjoy which have a lot of runners, doing a grind session to see what you can learn from trying to keep up with them, and then moving on to random recommendations. Skirting past hordes of enemies is a fairly normal tuesday to doomguy, even in a 100% run, as there might be a more efficient weapon in the next room, etc. But of course none of this is to say that these are the "right" way to do things; do what you find fun and I hope success follows! Hope this is all helpful and good luck fellow mobile doomer! ❤️
  13. Thats a fair point and I agree. I think you're entirely miscategorizing what I've said otherwise, but I also don't want to derail this thread further with a topic that I may consider to be related and others may not.
  14. The thread was about cod, skyrim, cs, etc. (modern games that get many re-releases of what is essentially the same game with a new flavor and promise of being popular) not night dive remastering/porting 20 year old games to be playable on modern systems out of the box. I'm not comparing all remasters to games as a service. Remasters can be a great thing. That's strawmanning.
  15. Yes it does. There is fundamentally no difference between paying $5 a month (or more for many games as a service) and $60 a year to keep up with the most recent iteration of a game and its content, or to stay competitive or in a competitive/ populated environment. Further, both of these stem from the exact same business model and corporate culture. So yes, it has everything to do with what's being discussed here. Thanks for taking the time to notice patterns with me and not being immediately dismissive of what I had to say.
  16. Not posting to recommend my old, crude wads lol, but to contribute to the convo: I made a map in zdoom for job (the user, not a profession) for their father's day thingy some years ago when I was still new to the doom community, that did this. I had 3 different teleporters for each difficulty with different monster spawn lines going to each teleporter, so each starting location also got its own set of monsters. I also did similar things in myfirstmegawad.wad from before I joined the community, but I think as time went on I stopped caring so much about planning for replayability in such a time consuming way as most people will just either play my maps once or not at all, so it benefited nobody to do so. Which I think is also why it's fairly rare to see, as evidenced by others doing the same on rare occasions. I do think it's a fun novelty concept for a map, and is also just a great practice measure as a mapper to do to see how different approaches can change the gameplay of their maps, but I found for me that it's also good practice to spend that time playing more maps from other people to expand my horizons beyond my own limited perspective. But yeah, would be cool to see more maps take silly novelty approaches like this 😀
  17. Folks, folks, let's all calm down. Being good at doom only exists as an ironic thing 🙃😋 🚀💥🫠
  18. I love it when wads have some silly story typed up in their text files or on the episode end screens. Bonus points if it's sufficiently mundane enough to anti-joke dump all of the weight/tension it was carrying in the final sentence 😂 I didn't add lore to most of doom wads I made beyond visual storytelling, but I have been doing so for the frog hop maps I've been making recently. One of them has the player 'dropped off by their alien overlords looking for red velvet cake' so I made a cheesy frog-hop-cute flying saucer the player starts near to go with the silly story, and the following level is themed around red velvet cake. Idk why I did that, but it gives those maps a unique flavor that I wouldn't have made if not for that random lore I wrote down. I guess it can be a good outlet for making a thematic outline for your map to help fight mapper's block in a more entertaining way. I think writing a good story is hard work and it's far more natural to just write something campy that you can represent in your map. Stuff like lore being both stated and represented visually, doomcute stuffs, etc adds character and life to the worlds we build, as well as gives an additional layer of communication to players you can use as a mapper.
  19. Lmaooo yes so many mornings this has happened to me. Trying to take them off with even slightly long nails achieves about the same result too. I do love contacts overall, tho I will note contacts folding and going where they don't belong, or worse, ripping and tearing in your eyeballs like little doomguys, is an extremely unpleasant experience. A lot of mornings my contacts will decide that physics be damned they will not stick to my eyes, instead sticking to my fingertip despite the smallest amount of surface area on its convex side making that happen vs the entirety of the concave side touching my eye. Dry eye or freshly wet doesn't seem to make a difference. Then as it makes life choices on what surface it flippantly most prefers at that time, it'll slip off my finger onto the countertop or onto the floor. I can't see them beyond a couple feet away from my face so I immediately go into panic mode trying to find them because sometimes they disappear and are never found again. By this point my eyes are also all of the red, and then I repeat the whole process of poking and prodding my eye in hopes that karma will decide that whatever atrocities I've done with my eyes in a previous life have been sufficiently punished for now. The joys of contacts lol 👉👁🥺 I used to be the same way before I started wearing them regularly. I needed help for about a month or so when I first got them to get them into my eyes, it just feels so unnatural lol. Helps to hold top eyelid open with other hand, bottom eyelid with your ring or middle finger of the contact-holding hand, look up and aim for the white part of your eye under your pupil, then slide and blink them into place rather than looking directly at it and aiming for your pupil. Also, mirror necessary for me, I can't put them in without one. Once they're in tho I barely notice them and I find them to be comfortable most of the time. For those who don't, there are other types of contacts, materials, and sizes that may be more comfortable to wear than others. Are def worth a try if you have the willpower to keep at it or somebody to help you put them in for like a month or so. Putting them in is the hardest part. Also helps when you can see the immediate benefit of wearing them, such as a return of proper peripheral vision, a lack of foggy glasses when changing environments or wearing a mask, not having to worry about damaging glasses during physical activity, more comfortable safety google wearing, etc.
  20. My favorite shortcuts (may not be this buttom combo for some editors) are in the ctrl+shift+mouse wheel area to adjust sector floor/ceiling heights in sector mode. Is much faster than going into properties or 3d mode. I also have a bad habit while using other games' map editors to always instinctively hit "c" whenever I finish doing any action... lol.
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