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  1. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testos   
    hop hop bunny bun
    (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
  2. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Zylinderkatze for a status update, First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit   
    First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit

  3. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from yakfak for a status update, First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit   
    First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit

  4. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from wallabra for a status update, First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit   
    First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit

  5. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from DoomPlayer00 for a status update, Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop   
    Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop 🐸 where falling loses progress, potentially a lot of it. The map is currently 1200 tiles tall and 200 wide (with the player being about 1x1 tile) bringing it to 3/5 of the planned height! and so far 24x the size of my first frog hop map. Each 200 tile section has its own theme and obstacle setups, such as: switches in the castle, enemy-assisted shenanigans in the forest, platforms/cycles in the cave, "just go for it" -style full speed obstacles in the red velvet cake area, ice on the mountaintop, and nodes in the abyss (those little colored circle-thingies dotted about. Each color does a different thing when interacted with, such as bouncing the player, or allowing the player to use their tongue on the node as a swing or slingshot, etc) and I have other stuff planned for the rest of the things. I've come up with some setups I find fun to execute, though I've also had to heartbreakingly tone quite a few down over the iterations thus far for the pressure involved with actually climbing the thing lol.
    Not that anybody here likely has frog hop, but if you do and rage platformers are your thing, I do have a sharable demo:
    Only Hop demo v3_1
    Screenie, sorry the top half-ish isn't cut off:

  6. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Flower_XD for a status update, Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop   
    Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop 🐸 where falling loses progress, potentially a lot of it. The map is currently 1200 tiles tall and 200 wide (with the player being about 1x1 tile) bringing it to 3/5 of the planned height! and so far 24x the size of my first frog hop map. Each 200 tile section has its own theme and obstacle setups, such as: switches in the castle, enemy-assisted shenanigans in the forest, platforms/cycles in the cave, "just go for it" -style full speed obstacles in the red velvet cake area, ice on the mountaintop, and nodes in the abyss (those little colored circle-thingies dotted about. Each color does a different thing when interacted with, such as bouncing the player, or allowing the player to use their tongue on the node as a swing or slingshot, etc) and I have other stuff planned for the rest of the things. I've come up with some setups I find fun to execute, though I've also had to heartbreakingly tone quite a few down over the iterations thus far for the pressure involved with actually climbing the thing lol.
    Not that anybody here likely has frog hop, but if you do and rage platformers are your thing, I do have a sharable demo:
    Only Hop demo v3_1
    Screenie, sorry the top half-ish isn't cut off:

  7. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Arrowhead for a status update, Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop   
    Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop 🐸 where falling loses progress, potentially a lot of it. The map is currently 1200 tiles tall and 200 wide (with the player being about 1x1 tile) bringing it to 3/5 of the planned height! and so far 24x the size of my first frog hop map. Each 200 tile section has its own theme and obstacle setups, such as: switches in the castle, enemy-assisted shenanigans in the forest, platforms/cycles in the cave, "just go for it" -style full speed obstacles in the red velvet cake area, ice on the mountaintop, and nodes in the abyss (those little colored circle-thingies dotted about. Each color does a different thing when interacted with, such as bouncing the player, or allowing the player to use their tongue on the node as a swing or slingshot, etc) and I have other stuff planned for the rest of the things. I've come up with some setups I find fun to execute, though I've also had to heartbreakingly tone quite a few down over the iterations thus far for the pressure involved with actually climbing the thing lol.
    Not that anybody here likely has frog hop, but if you do and rage platformers are your thing, I do have a sharable demo:
    Only Hop demo v3_1
    Screenie, sorry the top half-ish isn't cut off:

  8. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from taufan99 for a status update, Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop   
    Been steadily chipping away at a huge rage-game-esk custom map for the game frog hop 🐸 where falling loses progress, potentially a lot of it. The map is currently 1200 tiles tall and 200 wide (with the player being about 1x1 tile) bringing it to 3/5 of the planned height! and so far 24x the size of my first frog hop map. Each 200 tile section has its own theme and obstacle setups, such as: switches in the castle, enemy-assisted shenanigans in the forest, platforms/cycles in the cave, "just go for it" -style full speed obstacles in the red velvet cake area, ice on the mountaintop, and nodes in the abyss (those little colored circle-thingies dotted about. Each color does a different thing when interacted with, such as bouncing the player, or allowing the player to use their tongue on the node as a swing or slingshot, etc) and I have other stuff planned for the rest of the things. I've come up with some setups I find fun to execute, though I've also had to heartbreakingly tone quite a few down over the iterations thus far for the pressure involved with actually climbing the thing lol.
    Not that anybody here likely has frog hop, but if you do and rage platformers are your thing, I do have a sharable demo:
    Only Hop demo v3_1
    Screenie, sorry the top half-ish isn't cut off:

  9. Like
    Fonze reacted to Decay for a status update, Doing some testing for Don't Be A Bitch Last Man Standing 4! Come join in game or on   
    Doing some testing for Don't Be A Bitch Last Man Standing 4! Come join in game or on stream
    Server [tspg] Dbabby -
  10. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, -cool, got five speedmaps, may as well just release them to the handful of people who   
    -cool, got five speedmaps, may as well just release them to the handful of people who like my work
    -wait no, let's write music for them all
    -let's actually keep five tunes going and work on them in a cycle until they're perfect
    -and maybe the fifth map should be expanded into a 20k line monstrosity full of adventure game logic and i should probably draw a replacement mc
    -and maybe i should expand the scope of everything i do until i get sick of the idea of it and never release it and eventually vanish from the forum for another 8 months lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ugh
  11. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from wallabra for a status update, Hyped!!! 😄 🥰   
    Hyped!!! 😄🥰

  12. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from wallabra for a status update, The resurgence of mediafire linked wads is 🤮   
    The resurgence of mediafire linked wads is 🤮
  13. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from wallabra for a status update, Trying to go through the what are you working on thrreadbrn and ran out of likes for   
    Trying to go through the what are you working on thrreadbrn and ran out of likes for the day. Outrageous! I just wanna like all the pics! 😂😂
  14. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, watching jimquisition, agreeing with what she's saying but then remembering I only ca   
    watching jimquisition, agreeing with what she's saying but then remembering I only care about games that look like doom 2 or angband and my investment in modern gaming is at an all-time level of fakeness and i'll never play a service game that isn't neopets anyway lol
  15. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Wadmodder Shalton for a status update, The resurgence of mediafire linked wads is 🤮   
    The resurgence of mediafire linked wads is 🤮
  16. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Zylinderkatze for a status update, Hyped!!! 😄 🥰   
    Hyped!!! 😄🥰

  17. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Arrowhead for a status update, Hyped!!! 😄 🥰   
    Hyped!!! 😄🥰

  18. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from taufan99 for a status update, Hyped!!! 😄 🥰   
    Hyped!!! 😄🥰

  19. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, i love to uhhhh fire the pistol cos i cant get an infight going   
    i love to uhhhh fire the pistol cos i cant get an infight going
  20. Like
    Fonze got a reaction from Zylinderkatze for a status update, ❤️ Rxckstxr best animal whisperer 🥰 😂 https://youtube.com/shorts/a7cE_3UY1Jc?si=OxY_T   
    ❤️ Rxckstxr best animal whisperer 🥰😂
  21. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, secret video   
    secret video
  22. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, type of guy who gives a video about a Doom map you're making a thumbs down   
    type of guy who gives a video about a Doom map you're making a thumbs down
  23. Like
    Fonze reacted to Devalaous for a status update, FINALLY got a hold of Wolfenstein 2009 for PC! Been trying to get a PC copy for years   
    FINALLY got a hold of Wolfenstein 2009 for PC! Been trying to get a PC copy for years, since my PS3 died. Now I just need Singularity.
  24. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, trying to decide whether E2 or E3 of NEIS is my fave (and generally playing lots of d   
    trying to decide whether E2 or E3 of NEIS is my fave (and generally playing lots of doom 1 work)
    "The Grinder" from No End in Sight is so cruel lol, its Xasermapness betrays itself really early and I swear the first section has to be played perfectly so that you don't run out of ammo. so many tight corners, so many opportunities to get bitten by caco and nowhere safe to stand
    and then the bridge level which follows it is SO soothing and laidback and mysterious... finding the secret route is really lovely and you get big barrel chains and huge in-fights to construct
    and then e3m5 which is technically a secret level? feels impossible as heck but I love it, so abstract and lava filled, with the constant urge to run forwards into large column filled spaces which result in you being stalked from every direction... in this one you get armed to the teeth but you run out of health so quickly and because of all the lava you can take yourself into dead ends which you cant return from in time. i love this pain - relief - pain sandwich/trifecta
    and the whole time yr excited because E3M7 is coming and you know about the first frame secret
  25. Like
    Fonze reacted to yakfak for a status update, unignored everyone, can't remember what anyone actually did wrong tempted to add the   
    unignored everyone, can't remember what anyone actually did wrong
    tempted to add the current old-schoolers arguing that the old hostility of the place was just them acting normal though, that stuff sucks
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