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About HolyHominid

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Update: The first time I use the item it picks it up and fires a missile, the second time I pick it up it doesn't collect the item, therefore firing a zillion missiles. So, after the inventory is maxed out it still uses the item without collecting it. Not sure exactly what to do with that information but it's a starting point at least.
  2. Maybe it's because the action of the TestItem only lasts as long as touching the item and the missile firing? Maybe because it's not active like a Berzerk it doesn't count it as being in my inventory after us? Not sure if that's how that works, just a guess.
  3. actor TestItem : CustomInventory 10492 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 States { Pickup: ABCD B 10 A_FireMissile stop Spawn: SOUL ABCDCB 6 Bright Loop } } Here's what I have it set at right now. I've been tweaking small things over and over and the results are the same. Every time I pick up or am given the TestItem it picks it up and fires my test missile. I must be overlooking something.
  4. This might be a simple question but I can't quite wrap my head around how to execute this. I'm trying to make it so if a player picks up my custom power-up they can't pick it up again, or at least it won't activate, for around fifteen seconds. I'm open to any suggestions, I've been struggling with solutions for hours now and can't seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance for any help!
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