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About mdmenzel

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    This is a great map for its time - slaugherish at times but can be managed by a decent player. I dislike the mandatory health/ammo pickups and the paltry armour availability (only a mega armour that I found). I also can't stand the replacement sounds but I suppose one must keep in mind that it came from the early mapping community.
    Kinda fun, but you may find your self a bit ammo-starved.
  1. mdmenzel


    Top notch, as expected.
  2. mdmenzel

    Hell Revealed

    The perfect hard map set that is not a slaughter map. I love the gameplay here.
    This set is very well designed, very much in homage to the original. I like the progression. The secrets are kind of gimicky and overdone, even when compared to the secret-within-secret s of the original. Otherwise, this is well with a download for anyone who enjoyed Doom 1.
    Don't bother. The first map is very easy, even in UV, and the second map is buggy. There is a reason these two maps were left out of the full release.
  3. mdmenzel

    Eternal Doom

    Very fun to play. I can't say enough about the gameplay and the intricate level design. There are A few cosmetic issues with the presentation: 1. The installation does an iwad merge, so if you are running it in a source port, you may want to run eternal.wad through slade or something to remove the duplicated iwad graphics. 2. Most of the replacement sound effect replacements sound worse than the originals. 3. The sprite and fireball replacements for the Imp are very ugly.
    Seems to be the same as the Doom 1 version, just with remapped levels.
  4. mdmenzel


    Meh. The WAD is not terrible or buggy, but it seems clear that the author was unclear on the concept of a secret.
  5. mdmenzel

    NJ Doom2

    Pretty good stuff. A touch easy in some places and a couple of bugs here and there. Otherwise a worthwhile download.
    Kinda boring and somewhat easy.
    Playing the first couple of minutes, I thought I was getting into one of those boring slaughterfest WADs. I stuck with it and found out that there is some really good game play here. Good designs. A bit heavy on some of the powerups (rockets come to mind) but really fun to play. 5 stars.
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