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About roadworx

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  1. roadworx


    <spoiler>it's not working ):</spoiler> asdfgh
  2. eh, it's just a dumb joke is all. not a huge deal really
  3. you left a vaporeon in there. you have failed. begone with you!
  4. op is bringing 2000s emo back into style lol, i love it anyways, go look at the cacowards and 10 years of doom list for good recommendations. they're there for good reason; another thread asking for suggestions isn't gonna help all that much when it comes to finding new stuff to play
  5. the "author" attempted to sell it at first until everyone rightfully told him to fuck off
  6. it's about an edgelord who plagiarizes a bunch of content and then tries to sell it. not very good, 5/10 at most tbh
  7. ...fuck it i'll be mixing map10 from doom 2 with map23 of plutonia. slot 23?
  8. hmmm. will there be any form of quality control in this? you're much more experienced than most cp managers (seemingly a rarity these days), though i'm still cautious.
  9. why are there stormtroopers in the background
  10. ...you don't know that. maybe there will be.
  11. nah, that never happened to me after playing wolf3d. when i played through wolf3d, it was on the gba (i know, i know...srsly tho, it's not that bad), which would only let you save at the end of a level. it was uh...horrid. lol. however, that didn't rewire my brain or anything to not save; if anything, it made me far more grateful to be able to save mid-game in doom instead of only being able to at the end of the map. that sorta thing truly makes you realize how much you've taken seemingly basic quality of life features for granted. heh, built-in blockmap bug yeah, wolf3d's combat is rather interesting. it very much feels like you're supposed to have a very slow, cautious playstyle due to how quickly the player character can die...but the ideal strategy is actually the complete opposite. you're supposed to keep moving in order to be a harder target. it makes sense, seeing as how romero loves movement...it just feels so counterintuitive at first
  12. ay man, look, i don't like nato either. they've been complicit in a lot of horrific shit over the years, but the way i look at it is that russia still manages to be so awful that nato is fairly decent in comparison. it's a similarish scenario as in ww2; the allies were absolutely not good in any way shape or form (just look at what the brits did to the bengals, holy shit), but they still managed to be better than the axis powers purely because they were just that fuckin bad. now obviously i'm not saying that this is akin to ww2 or anything, but a similar sort of relativity (albeit scaled down quite a bit) is still very present in this conflict. even though nato is pretty goddamn awful in a lot of ways, the other guys are so, so much worse, and nothing that nato has done over the years justifies the shit that they've done. anyways, we should probably drop it before some dipshit comes in and goes "NUH UH UR WRONG PUTIN IS GOOD AND I LOVE HIM"
  13. i think you guys are missing the part where he says that's what he thought in 1994 when he was 14 lol
  14. Yes, I agree! These games are far too violent in such a meaningless way. Worst of all, my son, James "Jimmy" Paddock, has been negatively affected by the brutal depictions of gore in the game...it was only two weeks ago that I got a call home from school saying that he had punched all of the blood out of another student. I've grounded him since then - no more DooM for him!
  15. ackshually there was also map15 and map19. clearly you are not a True Doom Fan like i am
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