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About Lord_Kane

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  1. ah I did not know that, one would guess that in my 40 years of life I would have learned to RTFM but alas I have failed in that regard, thank you for the info.
  2. One issue so far, Eviternity II does not function correctly, the auto pistol has no sound, leaves no bullet puffs, and no map triggers properly work.
  3. I loved and enjoyed TAG 2 greatly and many people I have talked to about it has as well. I don't see any major hate for it. Ruined doom is a bit far. I know people found TAG 1 and 2 a bit harder then baseline eternal but meh.
  4. Doom survived before Mick Gordon and Doom can survive without him, I love Mick's tracks as much as the next person, but there are lots of talented musicians that can do just as well or even better then Mick did. I wish him luck in his future endeavors but Mick did not define Doom nor ever will.
  5. This has now become my standard widescreen hud, beautiful work Nash.
  6. I know the devs of this mod and they are not fans of the ECWolf Source port at all, so you will have to convert it yourself or play it as provided.
  7. hey thats me! lol Yeah I would use a dev build till the official release.
  8. those arches are too much already makes a "I really dont like being here" kinda place in to a "I really REALLY dont like being here" Love it.
  9. sounds like to me someone needs to politely git gud, even my old man 40 year old ass managed to finish catacombs on reloaded and I only played Doom 64 recently...like I dont remember anymore lol
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