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About asd1994

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  1. This kinda works, but the sound restarts whenever I start to move so it sounds strange. Same thing happens when I try to apply this to the Spawn state as well, just the other way around (sound restarts when I stop moving). Is there a way to get it to not do that constantly?
  2. So I want the player character to breathe heavy when low on health (15% and below). How would I go about doing that?
  3. I'm a bit confused. It seems like user variables are for inventory stuff rather than an actor's angle or anything else.
  4. What I'm trying to do is make a statue actor that does an archvile attack when you step into it's view. However I can't get it to not constantly turn towards the player once it's alerted. I want to get it to where it only ever faces a single direction so the player wouldn't be attacked if they run behind it. Any suggestions? Is this even possible to do? Here's what I have so far: ACTOR Sentry 1963 { Radius 20 Height 56 MaxTargetRange 896 +FLOORCLIP +NOTARGET +MISSILEMORE +MISSILEEVENMORE +SOLID Obituary "A Sentry spotted %o" States { Spawn: SENT A 1 A_Look Loop See: SENT A 1 A_Chase (0,"Missile",CHF_DONTMOVE|CHF_DONTTURN) Loop Missile: SENT A 8 A_VileTarget SENT A 48 SENT A 8 A_VileAttack Goto See } }
  5. I've ben working on a new power up and it's pretty much done. I would like to have it set the mugshot to a custom one I made, like how the Invulnerability powerup does, but I can't figure out how. I've tried using A_SetMugshotState and a custom SBARINFO file, but the new face doesn't pop up at all. Then when I take damage or shoot a bunch, it reverts back to the normal face after the pain/attacking faces and I'm not sure why. My current code: For the powerup itself: Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_SetMugshotState("TripleFace") TRIP A 0 Bright A_GiveInventory("TPowerWeaponLevel2",1) Stop And the SBARINFO: mugshot "TripleFace" { TFACE -1; } I do have the actual image named "TFACE" and it has it's offsets set to line up with the normal face too. Any suggestions?
  6. The effect I'm trying to accomplish is having a group of monsters turn towards the player and stare in awkward silence when the player opens the door. I've figured out all the other bits to make it work, except turning the monsters towards the player. At the moment I'm using "SetActorAngle(6,0.75);" to make a group of monsters tagged 6 face south where the player is, but some monsters to the side don't look like they're staring at you. Is there a way to have all the monsters look directly at the player without having to use several "SetActorAngle" scripts at once?
  7. ThrustThing works, thanks for the suggestion! Had to rearrange a few things to get it working how I want it to. It's now a secondary missile state instead of melee because using a high MeleeRange value (now set down to 96 for the normal melee attack) to choose when to activate it made it practically unavoidable. Here's a vid of the result and the new code: Missile: TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256,"Missile.Lunge","Missile.TNT") Missile.Lunge: UAT2 A 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 B 0 ThrustThing(angle * 256 / 360, 50, 1, 0) UAT2 B 10 A_PlaySound("urge/lunge") UAT2 C 3 A_SkelWhoosh UAT2 DE 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 F 3 A_CustomMeleeAttack(20, "urge/hit") Goto Chase Missile.TNT: UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 3) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 3) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 3) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 Goto Chase Melee: UAT2 A 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 B 3 UAT2 C 3 A_SkelWhoosh UAT2 DE 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 F 3 A_CustomMeleeAttack(20, "urge/hit") Goto Chase
  8. So I've been trying to figure out how to give my Urge a lunch attack with his sword. I have something that kinda works, but it's very buggy and I'm not sure why. Can anyone help me fix this or suggest a different method? Below is the code for my Urge as well as a video demonstration of his buggy lunge attack. Actor Urge 1996 { Scale 0.7 Health 500 Speed 30 Radius 20 Height 64 Mass 320 Painchance 50 MeleeRange 256 +FLOORCLIP +DONTHURTSPECIES +GHOST +MISSILEMORE MONSTER SeeSound "urge/see" PainSound "urge/pain" DeathSound "urge/death" DropItem RocketAmmo Obituary "An Urge dynamited %o to bits!" HitObituary "%o was gutted by an Urge!" States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_Look Loop See: URSP A 3 URSP BCDEFGHIJK 3 Goto Chase Chase: URGE A 0 A_PlaySound ("urge/walk") URGE AB 5 A_Chase URGE C 0 A_PlaySound ("urge/walk") URGE CD 5 A_Chase Loop Melee: UAT2 A 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 B 3 A_SkullAttack UAT2 C 3 A_SkelWhoosh UAT2 DE 3 A_FaceTarget UAT2 F 3 A_CustomMeleeAttack(random(1, 10) * 6, "urge/hit") Goto Chase Missile: UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 5) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 5) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 UAT1 ABC 2 A_FaceTarget TNT1 A 0 A_ThrowGrenade("UrgeTNT", 15, 15, 5) TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("skeleton/swing") UAT1 DEF 2 Goto Chase Pain: URGP A 15 A_Pain Goto Chase Death: UDED A 4 A_ScreamAndUnblock UDED BCDEFGHIJKLMN 3 UDED O -1 Idle: URSP K 3 A_PlaySound ("urge/see") URSP JIHGFEDCBA 3 Goto Spawn Raise: UDED NMLKJIHGFEDCB 3 UDED A 4 Goto Chase } }
  9. You're my favorite texture.

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