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About LittleInferno

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  1. Found on the dirt pit side of a sidewalk. Because of its largely red color, I presume it is rich in iron.

    It may be dumb, but my most likely guess as to what type of rock this is would either be basalt or scoria.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. dg93


      That's probably an iron ore rock. It looks like something you would find at a beach.

    3. LittleInferno


      the_miano said:

      That's probably an iron ore rock. It looks like something you would find at a beach.

      I've been thinking that is it, just appears to be that. Yes, the bar is very close to the beach.

    4. dg93


      LittleInferno said:

      Yes, the bar is very close to the beach.

      Then it probably is iron ore :P

  2. I just reinstalled Garry's Mod. After starting the game, I am greeted with this:


    This is going to be a while. That is about 3 - 4 years of Garry's Mod.

    It's only on Addon 35 right now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LittleInferno


      Memfis said:

      Does it, like, download update from version 1 to version 1.1, then from version 1.1 to version 1.2, etc? I once used a program that downloaded like 50 of such updates in a row. Like it couldn't just download the latest version lol.

      Nope, it seemed to have installed the latest versions, other than destroying the command console on one workshop item with LUA errors.

    3. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      Maes said:

      I thought it would be this kind of "Oh God":


      Not this "Oh God"?

    4. MrGlide


      I really like married with children, thats a damn good show.

  3. I found a shoulder bone of some animal while on a small walk in the forest, next to a swamp with extremely dense amounts of foliage.

    Kind of a lucky find, since in my area (Florida Panhandle) the vegetation is indescribably dense. You can't for the love of your life not step in some massive plant.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LittleInferno


      MrGlide said:

      Lick it, then you might find out.

      Taste like nothing.

    3. joe-ilya


      Why did you find only one bone? Shouldn't there be a whole skeleton laying in the ground.

    4. MrGlide


      might be buried deeper or it was a peice of a carcase another animal dragged off.

  4. I did some Afocal Photography with an iPhone 5S.

    Telescope: Celestron PowerSeeker 60AZ

    I rotated the photos for a less vertical feeling.

    The video is kinda crappy. Actually getting a steady focus require hands of boron as far as I know.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. LittleInferno


      For some apparent reason, I've also had kept a telescope in my attic for about a decade. Yes, I think this was bought in 2005, but I'm sure this is a ridiculously old telescope - about the 1980s. It's Selsi, and the only thing I get when I search Selsi is "OMFG VINBITC- I MEAN VINTAGE SEX- SELSI TELEPHOT- TELESKOPEN!1!!!1111eleven!11"

      It's tripod is from Orion, and I don't know how old it is.

    3. LittleInferno


      I stacked two 2x Barlows and one 3x Barlow.

      This is so, so evil.

      Views so dim, it works better as a solar filter. :p

    4. LittleInferno


      I have just now realized that the Selsi telescope uses .965" eyepieces. :o

  5. I'm on a trip. Probably around 11 AM I'll be on a plane to Salt Lake City!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ReFracture


      Salt Lake huh, what brings you to my neck of the woods?

    3. bytor


      Nice pic of the plane. Aren't they magnificent? We used to engage in "extracurricular activities" and then hang out at the airport to watch planes take off and land. You could go out on an observation deck or park your car at the end of the runway (which was thrilling). Probably get thrown in prison by the TSA now.

    4. geo


      ReFracture said:

      Salt Lake huh, what brings you to my neck of the woods?

      The polygamy I bet.

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