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  1. E4M1 Stroller in 0:12.31 10lne401str01231.zip E4M4 Stroller in 0:05.94 10lne404str00594.zip E4M5 Stroller in 0:15.26 10lne405str01526.zip E4M6 Stroller in 0:10.74 10lne406str01074.zip E4M8 Stroller+Reality in 0:04.34 10lne408str00434.zip E4M9 Stroller+Reality in 0:23.74 10lne409str02374.zip E4M10 UV Pacifist+Reality in 0:00.54 10lne410p000054.zip E4M12 Stroller in 0:11.91 10lne412str01191.zip E4M13 Stroller+Reality in 0:04.91 10lne413str00491.zip E4M14 Stroller in 0:09.80 10lne414str00980.zip E4M15 Stroller in 0:26.00 10lne415str02600.zip
  2. E1M25 Stroller in 0:06.91 10lne125str00691.zip E1M26 Stroller+Reality in 0:54.74 10lne126str05474.zip E1M28 Stroller in 0:04.34 10lne128str00434.zip E1M29 Stroller in 0:05.17 10lne129str00517.zip E1M30 Stroller+Reality in 0:04.74 10lne130str00474.zip E1M31 Stroller in 0:09.97 10lne131str00997.zip E1M32 Stroller in 0:04.94 10lne132str00494.zip E1M33 Stroller+Reality in 0:01.89 10lne133str00189.zip E1M34 Stroller in 0:14.20 10lne134str01420.zip E1M35 Stroller in 0:11.83 10lne135str01183.zip E1M36 Stroller in 0:06.17 10lne136str00617.zip E1M37 Stroller in 0:07.06 10lne137str00706.zip E1M38 Stroller+Reality in 0:07.31 10lne138str00731.zip E1M39 Stroller+Reality in 0:06.91 10lne139str00691.zip E1M40 Stroller+Reality in 0:00.86 10lne140str00086.zip E1M41 Stroller in 0:23.54 10lne141str02354.zip E1M42 Stroller+Reality in 0:06.89 10lne142str00689.zip E1M43 Stroller+Reality in 0:02.51 10lne143str00251.zip E1M44 Stroller in 0:05.00 10lne144str00500.zip
  3. E1M17 Stroller in 0:03.06 10lne117str00306.zip E1M18 Stroller in 0:02.06 10lne118str00206.zip E1M19 Stroller+Reality in 0:03.20 10lne119str00320.zip E1M20 Stroller+Reality in 0:02.71 10lne120str00271.zip E1M21 Stroller+Reality in 0:07.11 10lne121str00711.zip
  4. E1M11 Stroller in 0:08.31 10lne111str00831.zip E1M13 Stroller in 0:05.74 10lne113str00574.zip E1M15 Stroller in 0:51.14 10lne115str05114.zip
  5. E5M32 Stroller in 0:20.17 10lne532str02017.zip E1M1 Stroller in 0:04.86 10lne101str00486.zip E1M2 Stroller in 0:27.37 10lne102str02737.zip E1M3 Stroller in 0:01.60 10lne103str00160.zip E1M4 Stroller in 0:03.94 10lne104str00394.zip E1M5 Stroller in 0:17.23 10lne105str01723.zip E1M6 Stroller in 0:27.37 10lne106str02737.zip E1M7 Stroller in 0:05.03 10lne107str00503.zip E1M8 Stroller in 0:04.00 10lne108str00400.zip
  6. E5M18 Stroller in 0:32.60 10lne518str03260.zip E5M19 Stroller in 1:00.31 10lne519str10031.zip E5M23 Stroller in 0:00.97 10lne523str00097.zip E5M26 Stroller in 0:21.31 10lne526str02131.zip E5M27 Stroller in 0:09.51 10lne527str00951.zip E5M31 Stroller in 0:01.57 10lne531str00157.zip E5M34 Stroller in 2:42.77 10lne534str24277.zip E5M40 Stroller in 0:09.94 10lne540str00994.zip E5M42 Stroller in 0:05.77 10lne542str00577.zip E5M43 Stroller in 0:14.77 10lne543str01477.zip E5M44 Stroller in 0:02.37 10lne544str00237.zip
  7. E5M2 Stroller in 1:31.66 10lne502str13166.zip E5M5 Stroller in 0:04.89 10lne505str00489.zip E5M8 Stroller in 0:43.11 10lne508str04311.zip E5M9 Stroller+Reality in 0:19.69 10lne509str01969.zip E5M10 Stroller in 0:08.00 10lne510str00800.zip E5M12 Stroller in 0:00.66 10lne512str00066.zip E5M37 Stroller in 0:06.40 10lne537str00640.zip
  8. Map10 Stroller in 1:04.51 jf310str10451.zip
  9. Th1rt3en E1M1 Stroller+Reality in 0:29.34 th1rt3ene1m1str02934.zip E1M2 Stroller in 0:39.23 th1rt3ene1m2str03923.zip
  10. Map23 Stroller in 2:18.00 jf323str21800.zip Map52 Stroller in 0:26.00 jf352str02600.zip
  11. Oops, my bad! This should be it Map17 Stroller in 0:00.51 rvh17str00051.zip Thanks, will keep that in mind for file naming in the future!
  12. Map01 Stroller in 0:12.94 jf301str01294.zip
  13. Map03 Stroller in 0:01.20 rvh03str00120.zip Map09 Stroller in 0:01.26 rvh09str00126.zip Map17 Stroller in 0:00.51 rvh17str00051.zip Map48 Stroller in 0:04.74 rvh48str00474.zip MAP03 and MAP09 demos are recorded with -stroller yet do not contain movement inputs, no idea if actually counts for stroller category or just pacifist as a result
  14. Map69 Stroller in 0:05.86 jf369str00586.zip Map82 Stroller in 9:51.97 jf382str95197.zip Map85 Stroller in 7:55.54 jf385str75554.zip
  15. Map12 Stroller in 1:35.83 jf312str13583.zip Map25 Stroller in 1:49.46 jf325str14946.zip Map30 Stroller in 9:12.83 jf330str91283.zip
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