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About Tracer

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  1. What happened to Tracer?

    Why's he banned?

    1. Rare Hatchiama

      Rare Hatchiama

      No one is quite sure.  No specific reason was ever given as far as I can recall.

    2. roadworx


      cuz he was an annoying asshole

  2. I'll be disappointed if there are any other non-possessed humans in the game. If they want to appeal to nostalgia, your player needs to be alone and silent. None of that useless call of duty drama.

    Right, because Call of Duty invented having other humans in games. Someone give me a gun so I can shoot myself. I can't live in this world full of retards anymore.

    1. Xyzzу


      > replying to a two-year old post by a user who isn't even here anymore

    2. ATP2555


      I don't really care.

  3. I just noticed this guy was gone. Lol, if you're not good enough to participate in The Program the staff will ensure that collar of yours blows up and takes your head with it.

  4. ...what did he do this time, could anybody explain? Ffs he hasn't even posted in a month.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      ^ I wouldn't be surprised. He once got a warning for stating that he does not want to start at argument, you probably know that as well, though. :]

    3. Slimz


      Shall I ping freaking Admin?

    4. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      Straight up murked in cold e-blood.

  5. Leatherface or Chaingunner...these are my two ideal choices for a costume this year for my buddy's annual Halloween party.  


    If I do leatherface, it will probably be some kind of hybrid between Hansen's and Bryniarksi's Leatherface.  If I do this, it will be scary and pretty identifiable.


    If I do the chaingunner, it would be cool but not identifiable outside of people familiar with Doom II.  


    Decisions, decisions...

  6. Oh boy.  A college art class.  I bet I am just surrounded by logical people.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tracer


      This is called Intro to Visual Arts.  I think it's more or less an art appreciation kind of course.  I am taking it because it is required for my degree.

    3. Major Arlene

      Major Arlene

      Oh my. Just looked up the description. Good luck and remember to take Xanax before you go. Glad I'm not taking it near where I live... whole bunch of crap went down about a week ago about Confederate statues.

    4. Tracer


      Yeah, I recall hearing about that.  I think it'll be okay though.  I introduced myself first out of the whole class, and I think I can be assured that nobody will even try to bother me.  So all is well.  Haha

  7. Head bent over!  Raise that posterior!  Aww yeah!

  8. What a gloomy and rainy morning.  Oh well, it beats the heat.  I'm glad I don't work outside for the time being.


    How's everyone doing today?

    1. leodoom85


      In bed now, morning, sleeping a bit....zzzzz

    2. CzechMate29200


      Bright and sunny day so far, I'm playing with my new toy right now (I got a new laptop)

  9. Best username on the entire forum.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HavoX


      at least it's more creative than [this user does not exist]

    3. Tracer


      How about the member simply called Doom?  You know...the guy with the actual best username here that hasn't posted since 2002.

    4. CzechMate29200


      Joined: 10 Feb 2001

      last visited: 10 Feb 2001

      yet in that time he made 122 posts, wow

  10. Does anybody know how to remove spoiler tags from a post?  I can not figure this out and I've done a search which yielded no results.

    1. Linguica


      If you put the cursor just before the start of the spoiler block and press delete (not backspace) a few times it ought to delete it. Key word is OUGHT

    2. Tracer


      That did the trick. 


      For anyone reading this who is still unsure, you have to hover your curser right above the circle with the (+) sign in it, left click, and then press the delete key.  


      Thanks, Linguica.

  11. Glad to see you thought Doom II Redux was a good mapset!

  12. Hey Blastoise!  Welcome to Doomworld.  Since I've never seen you around here I figured I'd roll out the welcome wagon for you.  Here's a cool picture of the Pokemon, Blastoise!  Your current avatar looks a lot like this member's avatar that used to post here pretty often...his name was bizzripp or something.  Wonder what ever happened to him.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tracer


      Hope so, because I'm all out of burn heal.

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Hmm, what a peculiar story. Shame that I didn't get to see that bizzripp guy or whatever his name was. From your description he sounds like a really cool dude, I'm sure we'd hit it off.

      Unlike this one asshole I knew on some forum, that made another really cool dude (who happened to go by a very similar alias, "bzzrak" I think it was) change his name to the name of a pokemon, lol that was insane.


      Hopefully this place is better than that and such horrors aren't a common occurence!

    4. Tracer


      He seemed like a really Bizzy guy.

  13. People like you make me want to kill people.

    You should be ashamed.

    I trusted you, and now I'm stuck with the name of a pokemon for a year.

    Tsk tsk tsk.

  14. Has anyone ever eaten a goose egg?  I just read that they have three times the protein of regular chicken eggs, so I really want to try them.  But they're expensive, so I'd rather get an idea of their taste before I spend three dollars on a single egg.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tracer


      Maybe...but my diet is mainly steak and eggs...and I love that flavor combination.

    3. Scypek2


      I remember eating a goose egg and some point, but I don't remember anything remarkable about it. Tastes like egg, I guess.

    4. Tracer


      I figured as much.

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