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  1. Hey, I saw that you have recently been looking into Doom Metal.


    I am a huge Doom Metal fan, and would be interested in sharing some material with you.


    Here's the song that probably got me into the genre:



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RUSH




      You can click "see all" to get a huge list of Doom Metal albums, sorted from most to least popular (based on user ratings). If you want to get more specific, just click on the various sub-genres. Death, Funeral, or Traditional. Then click "see all" again.


      That's how I found a lot of the stuff I really like today. I love this website.

    3. RUSH


      Oh yeah, you can't talk about Doom Metal without Saint Vitus! Great band. This song is really twisted, lol:



    4. DesecratorJ


      Yeah Saint Vitus is really cool as well.

      I knew Pentagram for a long time but i didnt listen to them that much yet...

      Now i gotta listen to the Trouble's stuff because Psalm 9 sounds so great!


      I actually used RYM alot myself too, and i found quite a lot of underground shit on there. People makes some sort of lists, and you can check them out based on an album.

      I digged more into the 80's stuff because i'm so used to that kind of sound


      But Doom Metal is prolly one of the few genre of metal that i didn't really dig through "yet", despite Candlemass being one of the bands i got the more listens of in my life. My commun shit is more into heavypower/speed/thrash/black metal, but Doom Metal as always been an interesting genre for me at least. It's also pretty interesting to see other people with such music taste in Doom forums, i like it! hehe.

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