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Everything posted by Tracer

  1. Oh my God, doomworld. Today I purchased some shoe inserts to help with my foot and knee pain, and I also purchased an office fan for my room.


    I love life right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doominator2


      Ya I wish I had a fan in my room, my room is poorly insulated and the AC vent is right underneath my bed so i'm constantly sweating in my room lol.

    3. RUSH


      Funnily enough I just got some new shoes yesterday. I hadn't noticed that the back sole of my old one was completed ripped and you could see my sock when I lifted up my foot to take a step. Pretty embarrassing. Not sure how long it was like that but my coworkers never said anything so hopefully they didn't notice.

      I've also worn a shirt inside out to work by accident. It was solid black so I couldn't tell until my boss pointed out the tag showing on the collar. That's what happens when you're in a rush to leave.

      Heh, rush. Also slightly hungover.

    4. Tracer


      Heh. I bet you're in a RUSH pretty often.

      Bodom tsss.

      Edit: So you totally made that joke already and I didn't catch it. That's the real joke here.

      Doominator2 said:

      Ya I wish I had a fan in my room, my room is poorly insulated and the AC vent is right underneath my bed so i'm constantly sweating in my room lol.

      With a few shoeboxes, some properly placed cutting, and proper positioning, you can redirect the airflow out from under your bed so it cools off your room.

  2. Things just got back to normal here at work. I heard the sirens start going off and I made the call to our site operations manager who made the announcement. It was pretty exciting herding all the employees into the in-house shelter room. I pretty much lead the floor evacuation in my area.

    I guess that was enough adrenaline for the day. Pretty exciting stuff though. The tornado went back up in the air before it got close enough to us to cause any damage, so everyone is okay.

    The lights flickered a lot. I was waiting for the cyberdemon to show up.

    1. Doominator2


      Ya there was a warning about a thunderstorm possibly carrying a tornado here in Ottawa, like the radio and TV would be interrupted every minute or so warning everyone.

      Though the worst we got was just some rain and wind.

  3. Aside from Doomworld, I am no longer a part of any online social network site. I am going to do this for seven days and see how I feel at the end. If I'm feeling good, then I just won't go back.

    You're all thinking:
    But TraceOfSpades, why are you doing this?

    Simple. I am sick of being addicted to it. It's a very consuming thing for me, and I am sick of it. It takes precious seconds away from my loved ones and from the real world around me. I also hate how invasive it is...the privacy is a joke.

    So I blew away my facebook and my snapchat. I'll post updates here.

    Also...this doesn't mean I won't be on doomworld when I'm bored. I don't see this on the same plane that I see facebook on. This is a more focused site that centers around a hobby.

    Day One

    Not horrible. I find myself instinctively beginning to type "facebook" into the browser though. The boredom will probably set in tonight.

    Day Two

    The boredom never set in. It might be because of the crazy storms we had last night while I was at work that kept me occupied. I'm still not feeling the itch. I have noticed, however, that my phone's battery is lasting much longer.

    Day Three

    Still not missing facebook. I find myself having more in depth in the flesh conversations with those I'm around now.

    Day Four

    Still nothing.

    Day Five

    I'm glad I did this.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Tracer


      Well I don't know what to tell you. If my responses irritate you that horribly, then you should probably add me to your ignore list. I'd rather you didn't, because I think you're a swell guy. But I'd rather you not be annoyed.

    3. Tracer


      Interesting. I have failed to keep up with the updates here. I never got "the itch", so I filled my newfound time with other things. Simple stuff that has improved my life in small but noticeable ways.

      My personal relationships have improved as have my socializing skills.

      Cleaned the house just because I was bored and it looks great, which has improved the mood of everyone here.

      Opened a savings account (less time at the computer allowed me to think about stuff I have been meaning to do but kept forgetting to do due to my infatuation with the pseudosocialization medium that is facebook)

      I spend more time trying to impress myself than trying to impress others (which has proven to assist me in my various improvement journeys all around)

      All in all...this has been great for me.

    4. Technician


      Social media ruined the internet. That, and the Big Bang Theory.

  4. Personality types are something I have always found intiguing. I've always been the kind of person that looks for reasons behind everything.

    I took this test, and according to the results, I have the INTJ Personality Type.

    What it means to be an INTJ
    In short, INTJs have wild imaginations, but can be very bitter critics. We value our isolation, but the few close friends that we do have by choice are incredibly dear to us. At times we can come off as narcissistic, and we are generally very creative.

    We're also quite rare. Only about 1.2% of males worldwide are estimated to be this type, and only 0.8% of women are estimated to be this type.

    Here are some famous INTJs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Colin Powell, Vladimir Putin, Christopher Nolan, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Friedrich Nietzsche

    Some fictional INTJs: Walter from Breaking Bad and Gandolf The Grey

    INTJ is an acronym for Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Judging.

    It is pretty cool how accurate this test really is. It can offer you much insight into yourself and how others might perceive you. Check it out and share your results here.

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Tracer


      I'd rather not say. I don't want you to make a long blog detailing how you're going to beat me up or anything.

    3. BluePineapple72



      Although I'm sceptical of the validity of these tests, having one person answers questions about themselves is a bad idea because most people won't answer truthfully, they'll want to answer the questions in terms of the person think they are, no one can truly self evaluate themselves because of ego

      To have a good personality judgement you would need a professional to evaluate this person to come to a conclusion of what personality they have, but even that is a stretch considering these personality types don't seem to be all that close to reality

      Each human has a completely unique personality, they may share traits for what "personality type" they've earned on some website. These things are no where near accurate and it would require thorough testing and a shit load more of personalities to come anywhere close to being anywhere close to place each human in a different group base on personality, even then some people wouldn't fit in to their assigned groups.

      Another thing is that personality isn't static, out personalities are ever evolving and changing base on life experiences and how we are raised

      Although what I said has no factual backing whatsoever as it's just some silly theory posted on the Doomworld Forums Blogs (tm), it is still some food for thought

      Edit: Alas I have found something to prove part of this right! The INTJ personality type seems to have more shares than the most anything else on that site, even though it is the "rarest personality type"

      Another thing to disprove this is what they gave me, the personality type they gave me is dogs hit considering they said that people like me think intelligently and methodically to do things right

      Personally I like to think of myself as an average intelligence person (that may be wrong), but I am not methodical whatsoever, I just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks (sometimes I think I make a plan but if that doesn't work I just start doing shit, I'm also a heavy procrastinator who hates failure, ironic)

    4. kmxexii


      INFJ-A, the advocate. P sure i got this last time too - advocate sounds familiar

  5. I want to start making choices every day that will better my life in every possible aspect. Small changes over time become lifestyle changes which can help to mold a new and improved you.

    So let's motivate each other here.

    Today, instead of having leftover pizza for breakfast, I had a bowl of cheerios and an apple. Then for lunch I brought in grilled chicken and peppers. Dinner tonight is sushi with the girlfriend.

    I've also started exercising. My goal is to drop 40 pounds by the end of summer. So I'm giving myself a weigh in date of September 1.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tracer


      The best tasting water ever is either with a cucumber slice in it or lemon juice. One thing I've been doing lately is filling a one gallon jug with ice cubes and then filling it with water. I'll then top it off with maybe half a cup of lemon juice. So refreshing.

    3. Maes


      Cutting down on refined sugars.

    4. Tritnew


      I'm... Not In the best shape either, I'm trying to better myself for the good, such as mental health and my overall state. Don't think this depression will ever go away, but I'll try to make myself happy each day.

      Might also try mapping for some good too, maybe help with the community and get to know a little more DOOM within the code and such.

      Other then that, I wanna try to mostly take care of my mental state, which Is just major depression at best, but what comes with that Is Anxiety (which I've always had).

  6. I have a final in accounting today.

    I need to get at least a 22% on it to get a grade in that class that is transferable to a four year university.

    Shouldn't be a problem. My test grades this semester have been as follows:

    1. 55%
    2. 89%
    3. 69%
    4. 51% (lowest grade I've gotten, dropped from final grade)
    5. 75%

    Giving me a test average of 72%. So I'm guessing I'll get no lower than a 60% on this test.

    Still though, I wish I would have actually learned something this semester about accounting...but I am apparently not alone. This instructor is retiring after this week, so her enthusiasm is pretty much out the window. She's got a bit of a reputation around campus as being the worst instructor on staff.

    Wish me luck, fellas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tracer


      Passed the accounting class with a C.

      I got A's in Business Law and CIS and a C in Economics.

    3. dg93


      TraceOfSpades said:

      Passed the accounting class with a C.

      Financial Accounting or Managerial Accounting? I took both back when I was going for my Business Management degree and I hated Managerial Accounting the most lol

    4. Tracer


      the_miano said:

      Financial Accounting or Managerial Accounting? I took both back when I was going for my Business Management degree and I hated Managerial Accounting the most lol

      Our book was entitled "Financial and Managerial Accounting".

  7. Have you ever had a supervisor tell you that you can't request time off and you have to instead find someone to switch shifts with you?

    What did you do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tracer


      I honestly don't know because I've never just flat out called off at this job.

    3. deadwolves


      Check your contract. Or ask your HR dept.

    4. Use


      TraceOfSpades said:

      Have you ever had a supervisor tell you that you can't request time off and you have to instead find someone to switch shifts with you?

      What did you do?

      Yes, it happens quite often. Sometimes the man-power isn't available for people to simply not be present, so switching shifts is the ideal choice. As for what you should, the answer is do what you're told.

  8. Just got out of my CIS class twenty minutes after it started. Apparently a few people (including yours truly) did well enough in the class to be exempt from the final examination this semester. Ergo, I get to sleep in until 10AM on Mondays and Wednesdays from now on!

    Fuckinaye for being the shit!

    1. Mithran Denizen

      Mithran Denizen

      Nicely done. Sleeping in is the bomb, especially when you've earned it.

      So what is CIS, anyway? Sorta like a more applied CompSci with less math? Or something else?

    2. Tracer


      Mithran Denizen said:

      Nicely done. Sleeping in is the bomb, especially when you've earned it.

      So what is CIS, anyway? Sorta like a more applied CompSci with less math? Or something else?

      Computer Info Systems. Basically, a class that teaches you the basics of how computers work. Definitely an easy A.

  9. Just logged on and saw the newest member and it looks fishy. Just wanted to bring it to someone's attention.

    1. Doomkid


      I'm waiting for them to start posting some outrageous videos!

    2. fraggle


      If you find such accounts, please message the admins. There's no need to create a thread.

    3. Bloodshedder
  10. I kept making new accounts on here, but I somehow was able to use names of existing members. Scifista got mad at me and gave me an incredibly overdone explanation on why that was the most heinous act in doomworld history. Everybody was upset because I was apparently doing this so quickly that the "welcome our newest member" thing on the front page crashed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tracer


      SavageCorona said:

      Maybe you should take a break

      I'll do that as soon as I figure out how to get this cyberdemon off of the top half of the lenses of my glasses....what?! Dammit now it's a Baron. It changes every time a blink. Now it's a boring ass crate.

    3. Doomkid


      Dude, what a hilarious dream! Seriously, I laughed out loud at that!

      I'm sure I've had similar ones in the past, I know when I was a kid I would sometimes have a bad dream I was perma-banned from Doom Connector cause I was a little shit back then so it was definitely not out of the question. The mind is a funny thing..

    4. Avoozl
  11. Those bottles should have a soulsphere as the label.

    Just a thought I had.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Maes


      Are other energy drinks drugs or food? Is an average big-ass All-American half-liter paper cup of coffee drunk by cops on duty (with donuts, ofc), containing an average 600 mg of caffeine per cup, considered a drug?

    3. j4rio


      If you overdose on caffeine, you'll get immobilizing muscle cramps. Enjoy your energy.

    4. SavageCorona
  12. I'm attending a training course formy new job, and there is a screen being projected onto the wall. The projection consists of four equally sized squares with words and crudely drawn explanations on them. The one on the lower right says "ZOOM"... only at first glance I could have sworn it said " ZDoom".

    Yep. I need my coffee.

    Also, unrelated, but I miss when this area's explanation said, "For every post here, the alleged baby Jesus kills a kitten" or something like that. I miss that, it was funny.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Avoozl


      I'm more of a tea person myself, however I don't really drink it all that often anymore, just on and off.

    3. Mithran Denizen

      Mithran Denizen

      I'm more for evening coffee than morning coffee. I don't use it to wake up or start the day, but I find caffeine can be a nice boost for working on projects after the sun has gone down. Since weekday nights are typically my only free 'hobby time', that's how much of my sewing gets done.

      Once in a while I'll start with a few cups in the evening, keep guzzling all night, and then carry right on into the next morning. I also go weeks without a sip of the stuff and never miss it, though, so I dunno.

    4. SYS


      Black coffee is the way to go. Too much will give me anxiety. One in the morning, one at lunch break, and one in the afternoon is the sweet spot.

      I also keep an emergency crash kit of caffeine and L-theanine tabs. Because you never know....

  13. A couple of years ago a buddy of mine graduated from some kind of firefighter academy. He invited me to the ceremony, and as my oldest friend (eleven years and going strong), of course I went. There came a point during the ceremony where everyone was asked to bow their heads for a moment of silence to honor all of the fallen firefighters.


    Thirty some odd seconds into the moment of silence...Doomguy's "second scream" on full volume broke the silence. Also, because it was a phone call, he just KEPT ON SCREAMING. "Bwahhhhhh! Bwahhhh! Bwahhhhhh!"

    Everybody in the room looked right at me. I tried to get the phone out of the front pocket of my button down shirt, but I couldn't work the button quick enough. So I just started punching the hell out of my chest until I managed to hit the silent button.

    I looked up at my buddy who was trying really hard to keep from laughing his ass off.

    The end.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Never_Again


      The full truth about that momentous day will probably never be known.

    3. Tracer


      The full truth:

      My friend and I are both in our mid twenties, and we became friends when we were in junior high.

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