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About oliacym

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  1. It wasn't fully intentional, but I did want it to look like "It's time to pay up", with Doomguy being like a merciless agent of retribution. If he actually looks like the antagonist or it makes the viewer uncomfortable, that's even better, like you almost feel sorry for the actual bad guy.
  2. Ha ha ha perfect, thank you! :D The clash of styles, yeah I know what you mean, it's purely because I'm not good/patient enough at either spriting or modelling lol. :D The Eternal model is my go-to for a Doomguy these days!
  3. I'm considering Sunlust actually, another very good-looking beast.
  4. Wow, thank you! :) Well I tried to do this one justice, as unofficial megawads go it seemed the next logical choice, I'd not played it before but it was a great excuse to. Absolutely beautiful, top to bottom, I'm not much of a mapper but I could see the ingenuity throughout. I particularly liked the circuit completion stuff in MAP10 :D Yeah, one of my new favourites for sure and I really didn't want to mess too much with what was there like I did for Evolution/Sigil. Hats off. :) The burnout's just temporary because it just took a little longer than it should have, I was struggling to find my thread, possibly due to some back trouble I was having and partly because I was paranoid about doing it justice. All told? I think this was about two weeks, that seems to be about average for a 30-level megawad. That's not solid time obviously, that's with work and kids, lol. As for software, the base scenes I put together using Daz Studio and whatever assets I can pull together (I'm behind on my credits files I try to include in these). Some of them, especially Doomguy, come from Doom Eternal specifically. Anything like that that's not native to Daz, I import and pose in Blender, then import that into Daz as an OBJ. Once I have the static scene composed in Daz, I render and add animation with Photoshop, or in Daz itself if I want actual scene elements to move, like the chains in Episode 5. These get rendered as image sequences (with a mask applied so that I only render the part of the image that animates), paletted and resized using Photoshop Actions (I tried to automate as much of this as possible, otherwise I'd be dead lol), and then they're ready for Slade. Some of the background stuff like rippling water I ended up doing in After Effects and putting on a back layer, but then I can import and render the sequence from Photoshop in the same way. I think that's it, but please let me know if you need to know anything else, I've probably skimmed it a bit. But again, thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot, and thank you for Eviternity. It lived up to the hype :)
  5. It's done! Or at least I'm sick of working on it :D Eviternity is up and ready.
  6. Hi All, here's the next one, and the first for an unofficial WAD (unless you count Sigil). This one is for Eviternity, my first time with it and I was blown away. This one uses some widescreen versions of the original TITLEPIC, CREDIT and BOSSBACK screens, the widescreen versions beautifully done by @Terraformer9x and available along with widescreen gfx for a great deal many more WADs from the thread below: So onto the goods! I may have to pick something smaller scale next because I burned out a little here, and struggled with how to go about it. There are several levels that dovetail directly into each other, which meant me having to redo certain sections. I worked on this for so long that I'm not even sure if it's good or not, I just looked at it for too long! But I hope you all like it. MAP01-05 MAP06-10 MAP11-15 MAP16-20 MAP21-25 MAP26-29 MAP30 MAP31 MAP32 ENDPIC DOWNLOAD INTMAPET_GZ.zip MY OTHER INTERMISSION MAPS
  7. I'll be honest, it's unlikely as I know next to nothing about Hexen aside from that it's a fantasy game using the Doom engine? I love the setting and atmosphere of Doom, but beyond that I'm almost completely unfamiliar with Hexen, Heretic, all that stuff. I will look into it, just to see what I've been missing, but I don't have any immediate plans to do much in the way of maps for them. But never say never I guess!
  8. Just to let anyone following know, I've not stopped work, just a few things slowing me down. I have been working on the next one, and it is almost finished! Will report back in a couple days or so with luck.
  9. Ugh, have I done something dumb. :P I will fix it shortly! EDIT: This is fixed now. Thanks again for picking this up! I must be tired...
  10. Hmm! That's odd, it should be okay for anyone with the link. This should be the link, try this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CWR7a4BRHJRtSAvzTZitIet0FKAY63Ml/view?usp=sharing EDIT: Something weird stopped the mancubus link in the first post from updating. It should be fine now!
  11. Made a minor update, you may have noticed I have a proper Doomguy now instead of his previous stunt double. I've updated MAP31 and MAP32 screens accordingly for normal and HD versions.
  12. Ohhh you mean like his Doom 2 outfit? Well I was thinking this was just before he meets up with the resistance and gets his mission orders to infiltrate the spaceport, which is when they'd give him an overdue change of clothes. But... You've made a good point. My intermission maps for Doom 2 currently have the green helmeted classic Doomguy, and they should by logic have the Doom 2 marine. This is very doable, but I'm torn as I love the classic green guy. Maybe I'll make it an option or something, but I do have a Doom 2 marine model I can use.
  13. Thanks! Unfortunately I haven't done the other episodes, it's been suggested, but since they had maps already I've not thought about it much. I may do them at some point in the future though.
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