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Kappes Buur

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About Kappes Buur

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  1. I assume you want to create some terrain. There are two methods to speed things up which I can think of: 1a. paint the vertices in question in Vertex Mode 1b. increase the height of the selected vertices in Visual Mode 2. use @jval 's terrain generator DD_Terrain https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/118563-terrain-generator-dd_terrain-for-gzdoomk8vavoomrad-updated-jan-3-2022/?tab=comments#comment-2229082
  2. A collection of a few more examples for breaking glass https://www.mediafire.com/file/d1akzujctd9e5dp/Break_Glass.7z/file For floors it is a bit more awkward. You could create a lot of small sectors which drop down a few mus with a changing texture, with perhaps a quake. Or, as was done similarly in Redux (Reduxb.wad) with a wall texture, overlaying a transparent 3d floor with an appropriate texture a few mus (0.25, 0.5, etc) above the actual floor.
  3. It is not a new feature since it is included in every released version of the editor starting from way back with Doombuilder2, accessible from Help or from the directory, open to find all kinds of useful information, for example
  4. Looking at your screenshots I cannot help but think of a plain box. Some people may like the looks of maps like this but even the original DOOM maps are more interesting to look at. A few years back somebody posted this screenshot and asked what could be done to 'improve' the looks of it I posted this screenshot in reply. I do not remember how well it was received, but for me, making maps is always about to provide at least some variety in a map architecture. Even just using a new texture pack (OTEX, 2mbrown, avp2tex, Nightmare Texture Pack, etc) can make all the difference. Variety is the spice of life. You are mapping for GZDoom (Doom2 UDMF) where you have so many options to allow your imagination to soar.
  5. It Not changing the texture, that depends on the size of the texture. Create a sector in back of the linedef where you want the middle texture Resize that sector pull that sector in to be very shallow so that the player cannot go past the front now apply top, middle and bottom textures to the front In maps for DOOM/BOOM you may have to resize the texture for the middle with an external image editor In maps for GZDoom UDMF you can offset and scale that texture in UDB itself
  6. I prefer to use a script for a TITLEMAP. It gives better control over the items you want to include. See the example.
  7. Good catch, thanks Stabbey. I realized that, that's why I gave you a finished solution. Hmmm, understood.
  8. @AnguirusFan1 If you want to achieve what you are asking for, then you must be familiar with the program Slade3. Whereas a map editor such as Ultimate Doom Builder, DoombuilderX or Eureka is used to create the basic architecture of a map it is Slade3 where you have insert or edit additional lumps. Lumps like MAPINFO, new textures like the OTEX resource, new sounds, etc. I have shown you a screenshot how this is done with Slase3 and gave you a working MAPINFO lump. Yet it seems that you do not understand that process. That is where learning and reading the wikis comes in. To help you out, I know it can be tricky at first, to finish your map I attached a resource map with the map names and new skys for map01 and map02. Follow the pattern to give other maps a new sky. Either load both, your map and the added map, into GZDoom to play or load both into Slade3 and copy/paste the added map to the bottom of your map. Good luck add_to_map.7z
  9. See the ZDoom wiki for Camera, etc. Something like this? 3dmonitor.7z
  10. Just insert a MAPINFO text lump into your map You can add more lines in place of the commented lines as per MAPINFO/Map definition with Slade3, for example the new sky for map01 from OTEX 1.1, or just delete them
  11. For those who have no clairvoyant abilities you could provide a link to the map to take a look at. I'm guessing that it could be a slime trail which usually is fixed by rearranging some close-by vertices, on the other hand it could be something totally different.
  12. An easy way to do this is when you create holes in the sector floor with the same TID and stuff them with monsters. Then with a walkover trigger, for example, push those monsters up ready to attack. As was done in 4 seasons of DOOM (Seasons.zip) MAP01. Or, since it is a boss you could recreate the Icon of Sin monster spawner, of course, with a port like GZDoom (etal) you could have more control what is spawned and how with scripts or creating a specific actors.
  13. OK, you have missing actors. How do you know that they are missing? Which maps did you play? Did you get error messages of some sort? You must have done something in order to tell that DECORATE lumps are involved, which leads me back to my earlier post.
  14. I do not quite understand this bit about missing actors. Have you included actors in your mod which do not show up in game (GZDoom) or do not show up in the editor (UDB) or are generally mia in the mod (no DECORATE). At some point you must have decided as to which actors you want to include in your mod. You can use multiple DECORATE files, but after about 10 actors this becomes unwieldy, so that one DECORATE file with #including the actors is easier to deal with. Each actor must have a DoomED number. This can be done either in the actor definition or in the MAPINFO file with a DoomEDnums block . "Housekeeping" can becomes a big issue, then using the PK3 file format comes in handy. You can create a folder for each actor, As an example on how to do this properly I suggest checking out Enjay's Gene-Tech: Before the Storm Addendum: You might want to consider ZSCRIPT instead of DECORATE for actors, in which case you have to use the DoomEDnums block
  15. That is a rather strange question since you can open the IWAD in an editor, unless you do not possess the IWAD.
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