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Albertoni reacted to yakfak for a status update, trying hard not to transform my doom 1 episode idea into a huge leftist rant, trying
trying hard not to transform my doom 1 episode idea into a huge leftist rant, trying hard not to call e1m2 "one bullet hole for every thousand in your account"
Albertoni reacted to yakfak for a status update, cant wait to uninstall discord
cant wait to uninstall discord
Albertoni reacted to yakfak for a status update, i made possibly the most simple zan-zan-zawa-veia doom level ever for the WMC02 proje
i made possibly the most simple zan-zan-zawa-veia doom level ever for the WMC02 project and almost all the testing results are people getting lost
Albertoni reacted to yakfak for a status update, so many ruins of old abbeys and priories around me i should be using them as mapping
so many ruins of old abbeys and priories around me i should be using them as mapping inspiration kinda thing
have already kinda used teh north of england as a setting in past wads but i always go hopelessly abstract inna end, got a book about abbeys n things and i bet an intelligent setting could be gleaned from it
Albertoni reacted to yakfak for a status update, makin games this started as a ludum dare thing but it's too big in scope to finish in
makin games
this started as a ludum dare thing but it's too big in scope to finish in time
so it's now a longer-term project
an old school weird hacking game with a central card battle idea
hopefully i finish this lol
Albertoni reacted to Endless for a status update, Sometimes I wonder, what about a rock-psychedelic WAD? Like, with some special music,
Sometimes I wonder, what about a rock-psychedelic WAD? Like, with some special music, some amazing landscapes and nice structures. That would be awesome. Walking in a bridge over some space while demons shoot at you.
Yes, a little bit weird, and No, im not high.
Albertoni reacted to Zanieon for a status update, Making a "Megawad" in Doom 4 for the luls, the campaign have 9 maps published already
Making a "Megawad" in Doom 4 for the luls, the campaign have 9 maps published already.
Albertoni reacted to silentzorah for a status update, Doomzone v1.7 is out! http://zorasoft.net/ http://www.moddb.com/mods/doomzone
Doomzone v1.7 is out!
Albertoni reacted to Linguica for a status update, Hi, Laura here from The Moneytizer, an ad platform. I’ve noticed that you are already
Laura here from The Moneytizer, an ad platform. I’ve noticed that you are already broadcasting advertisements on your website, however, I think the monetization of your audience could be optimized thanks to The Moneytizer’s formats.
I am reaching out because I just visited your website /doomworld.com and it has caught my attention. I would love to establish an advertisement partnership with you.
By subscribing your website on The Moneytizer, we offer:
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We are a free and non-binding platform based on a plug and play role model. Then, you can register on our homepage, choose your formats, and try it out for a couple of days to really see the value of our platform.
We are also happy to provide some tips and advice regarding the monetization of your website !
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Kind regards
Laura UBIZZO | Business developer
Phone :+1 888-435-6679 - lubizzo@themoneytizer.com
Skype : Laura Ubizzo
#800, 27 W 20th St, New York, NY 10011
Albertoni reacted to Fonze for a status update, I made cucumber salsa yesterday; cut up 4 bell peppers, 4 jalapenos, and 4 generic (m
I made cucumber salsa yesterday; cut up 4 bell peppers, 4 jalapenos, and 4 generic (maybe serano?) hot peppers, plus a bunch of other stuff which prolly didn't help the situation, but ever since then my right hand has been on fire lol. Everything I touch feels great at first, then it begins to feel like it's 150 degrees F. It's not too painful, but this is the first time I've cut peppers (and I've cut lots of peppers) where the burn was still there in close-to full force the next day. I wonder if the avocados helped spread it around and rub it in real good or something, or maybe the limes i squeezed, or the garlic. Maybe the amount of pepper oil on my hands caused the hot stuff to seep in better? I don't think it works like that but who knows.
I was joking with my new gf as I was making it that I had considered buying a very hot pepper, eating it, then kissing her but I didn't know if she did hot stuff or not so I didn't do it because that would totally also suck for me. She does so that would have been a backfire; a good call Fonze. Maybe this is karma for forgone evil plans... Idk; I thought it was kinda funny though and some people may get a kick out of my self-induced and not-regretted pain. The salsa is so worth it :)
Albertoni reacted to Remilia Scarlet for a status update, New screenshot from my Quake level. This is a half-finished room - I still need to fi
New screenshot from my Quake level. This is a half-finished room - I still need to finish adding the monsters and some triggers, and finish adding detail. But I'm liking how it's turning out so far ^_^
Albertoni reacted to Mordeth for a status update, These last few days I've been exploring moving linked edge portals - at last. Now tha
These last few days I've been exploring moving linked edge portals - at last. Now that I've got this working, creating an elevator as a box with a solid 3D floor and 3D ceiling that can (seemingly) travel between two portal planes seems to be theoretically possible. Until now I've been doing this with 3DMidTex elevators, with the same basic construction as used by the lift in the Vaporware demo. Remaining but crucial roadblock: the different edge portals for the elevator versus the edge connecting the two planes each require space, and I still need to find a solution for them not to interfere / overlap with each other before this can become of any practical use in an actual level.
On a whim, I've also been working on a proof of concept for jumping hotspots. Placed on eg a raised platform, these invisible mapspots signal to a passing monster that it is possible to jump down here to the floor below. It only does so if the monster is jumping-enabled and its current target is actually situated on that lower floor. This still requires a lot of tweaking to make the jump look right - not to mention sprite work. It is even possible to use this technique to make monsters crawl up or down structures (like pillars) to reach their targets. Up to now this is basically just exploring the possibilities... not sure if I will end up using this.
Albertoni reacted to The_MártonJános for a status update, Perhaps the NO1 reason why certain mods and/or games suck - but at least this is what
Perhaps the NO1 reason why certain mods and/or games suck - but at least this is what I pull off my experience - is that they consume themselves into overexcessive storytelling.
Even though some of those are actually neat, promising and stuff (including sorts of originality), many still suffer of the very clichés of "youngest prince of the three"-esque bullshit, you're facing alone against the entirety of this cruel, nasty world, everything and everyone wants you for dinner, yet, by some sheer luck, you end up being victorious, then the cast rolls celebrating your triumph. Hooray, how original.
You may or may not waste your time reading 859 pages of .txt documentary attached to the launcher file, but regardless of dat, some unenjoyable, cringeworthy indie attempt it turns out to be anyways - about 99.8% sure. So never trust anything coming with Notepad files "weighing" several hundreds of megabytes, made out of mere sugarcoating in ASCII chars.
Albertoni reacted to TootsyBowl for a status update, I had an idea for a map that is intentionally poorly designed and unfinished, with a
I had an idea for a map that is intentionally poorly designed and unfinished, with a voiceover/text on screen by the author making excuses about the poor map design and unfinished sections, and complaining every time you survive his traps.
"This door was supposed to lead to a giant epic arena where you fight 5 cyberdemons. Unfortunately I found it too hard, and I ran out of time. So uhh, yeah."
*passage opens*
"Go this way."
Albertoni got a reaction from Negostrike for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni reacted to Jaxxoon R for a status update, Latest GZDoom dev builds have ambient occlusion on models.
Latest GZDoom dev builds have ambient occlusion on models.
Albertoni got a reaction from KVELLER for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from ShoDemo for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from rehelekretep for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from geo for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from R1ck for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?
Albertoni got a reaction from Dragonfly for a status update, My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/2
My mod was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun!
Does this mean I can hang with the cool boys like Ling and skillsaw?