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About Zedonk

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  1. I've watched your playthrough Suitepee and I very much enjoyed watching you play. Turns out I forgot to add the skill 5 difficulty setting to the random class selection screen so thanks for catching that : D.
  2. Thanks very much for playing it. :D I'll make sure I'll watch it tomorrow!
  3. Thanks for playing! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed it : D
  4. Technically, shouldn't Doom -2 be a prequel to Doom -1? : D Screenshots look great, wish you the best of luck!
  5. There shouldn't be that many changes from the version you played Bear and thanks for the feedback you gave! I really appreciate it : )
  6. Story intro: Something is wrong here. Very very wrong. Nothing makes sense. Why does nothing make sense? Twisted Reality is a Hexen map for Gzdoom (only) that takes place during Korax's occupation of Cronos. It contains a new weapon and a few modifications to some of the enemies. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p0eb02z0p7in3b6/AABRaN3mYNSsaeQ0AY_c6ZWAa?dl=0 Old versions: v1.0: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/50fk6en1r6gyzgu/AAARqQ1OqZpKahRSmhqyL-y-a?dl=0 Play information: This map is very hard on skill 5 so I recommend playing on a lower skill if it is on your first time. Must play on Gzdoom (tested on 4.6.0). Singleplayer only. My recommended settings is to play using mouselook with autoaim turned completely off but feel free to play with whatever feels comfortable. Jumping is mandatory. Crouching has been disabled. To skip the intro, press the jump key. I mapped in GZDoom Builder in udmf format. This wad contains a single level that will probably take somewhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the skill of the player. There are no puzzles and to give anything else away would be a spoiler. Screenshots: These are spoilers for the map so read at your own peril! For credits see the enclosed text file.
  7. Self-death because I can all too heavily relate to worrying about your maps being bad all the time.
  8. I too am surprised that Hexen is doing this well since I thought that I was one of the few people that like game. There's two reasons I voted for Hexen: A) Hexen is the sequel to Heretic so I thought it made sense to do them back to back. B) Hexen is my favourite game : )
  9. E3M8 D'Sparil's Keep Secrets: 3/3 The first thing to note about this level is that it is possible to softlock yourself if you don't fly out the pit before your Wings of Wrath run out. It's unlikely that this happens to anyone but I thought it is worth mentioning. The encounters through the portals can get pretty hard as you're trapped in small cramped rooms with projectiles swarming you. I was a bit too greedy not using the tome of power given to you at the beginning. The boss fight with D'Sparil will be the greatest game of hide and seek you've ever played. Who knew that a ruler of a monstrous demonic horde could be so cowardly? In order to win the fight you first have to kill D'Sparil's serpent on which he rides (hence, the name Serpent Rider) before killing him himself. Furthermore, the lower health he gets the more he teleports round to opposite sides of the arena, summoning his Disciples to do the fighting for him. When on low health, I find the untomed Dragon Claw to be quite effective as it is one of the few weapons that is fast enough to hit him (the tomed version uses too much mana for my taste.) If you run out of Claw ammo, you can always run around in circles and wait for D'Sparil's own minions to kill him which I always find funny XD. 6/10 My conclusion on Heretic: I love Heretic to bits. :) It's second only to Hexen which is on a completely different level that is simply beyond Heretic.
  10. This is just a draft for a post I'm making:

    E3M8 D'Sparil's Keep

    Secrets: 3/3

    The first thing to note about this level is that it is possible to softlock yourself if you don't fly out the pit before your Wings of Wrath run out.  It's unlikely that this happens to anyone but I thought it is worth mentioning.


    The encounters through the portals can get pretty hard as you're tramped in small cramped walls with projectiles swarming you.  I was a bit too greedy not using tome of power given to you at the beginning.


    The boss fight with the D'Sparil will be the greatest game of hide and seek you've ever played.  Who knew that a ruler of a monstrous demonic horde could be so cowardly?  In order to win the fight you first have to kill D'Sparil's serpent on which he rides (hence, the name Serpent Rider) before killing him himself and the lower health he gets the more he teleports round to opposite sides of the arena, summoning his Disciples to do the fighting for him.  When on low health, I find the untomed Dragon Claw to be quite effective as it is one of the few weapons that can hit him (the tomed version uses too much mana for my taste.)  If you run out of Claw ammo, you can always run around circles and wait for the D'Sparil's own minions to kill him which I always find funny XD.




    My conclusion on Heretic:
    I love Heretic to bits. :)  It's second only to Hexen which is beyond Heretic.
  11. E3M7 The Chasm Secrets: 10/10 Right off the bat, you get given the Ethereal Crossbow with the Dragon Claw located in a secret area quite soon after. I feel like hiding the Dragon Claw is a bit mean because the Hellstaff and the Phoenix Rod are only found in the 2nd half of the map - after you face the maulotaur. The maulotaur was one of the best maulotaur encounters thus far, there's no ring of invulnerability available and there's no gauntlets of the necromancer for you to turn maulotaurs into health packs XD. (There is actually a Gauntlets located in the level but you only get access to them after facing the maulotaur.) Another notable area is the windy section which can be a bit unexpected if you haven't played the map before. (You'll be thinking "what's this invisible force pushing me off this bridge?"). For me, it's just another one of those quirks I love about heretic. 9/10
  12. E3M6 The Halls of Fear Secrets: 10/10 This map will have enemies come at you from unexpected directions making it very dangerous. There are several areas where one can easily end up taking a lot of damage if you are using a wand start. The first such area is the yellow key area in the water pit. If you don't manage to see the ethereal crossbow, the iron lich that pops out at you can be tough to deal with. Then, behind the green door, there's the maulotaur himself who isn't locked away in his corner unlike E3M5. If you try to run away, disciples will come out behind you making it very challenging. The only part in this map I liked less is the corridor behind the yellow key door. There's a row of monsters who are set to deaf making it very easy to just pick them off one by one. (I'm still giving it a 10/10 though :D) 10/10
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