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About NinjaLiquidator

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  1. It would be great if you renumbered maps 01-07 to 10-16 so 06's secret exit can exit in 31, 31 to 32 and 32 to 16 so D2ALLs will contain all maps?
  2. Thanks, nice. And is there a way to do such a function even on taking a damage?
  3. Hello, I just got random idea - and now I am fine even with Zdoom compatibility, not just PrBoom. There is a max health you can obtain by medkit, max health you can obtain by supercharge, max armor you can obtain by green and blue armors. Is there a way how to modify those limits ingame? I want to split every damage you take into healable and non-healable one. You have 100 health, and you get 10 damage? Then 5 will be healable and 5 not (medkit will heal only to 95 from that time). Any way to do that?
  4. Harvest, better quality gameplay UV proof:


  5. I just discovered this:




    I should definitely do some next hardcore slaughter reviews cause it seems I have fanboys :P

  6. I have discovered that Nicki Minaj's arse is fake :(

    1. Memfis


      I believe it when I see it!

  7. My screenshots are liked but my maps are barely downloaded

  8. Your game Set the World on Fire! looks nice. Any idea when it will be released?

    1. NinjaLiquidator


      Thanks for reply! Currently, the project is freezed cause I am looking for an artist. In time between, I am upgrading the engine - adding more effects, optimizing and so. 2019 is real if it will go good. Dont forget to sub for more info ;)

  9. It is fun when you create supposedly-impossible map and then you find a way to beat it.

  10. 7kB of shader for virtually infinite detail. Not my work, but this guy's: http://rrrola.wz.cz/downloads.html

    GPU raytraced engines are the future


  11. Generated a Mandelbrot fractal and got it as my desktop image. Next step is to extend into 3D.




  12. I just came back from a long work trip. I am a PLC programmer which means that I program machines/whole factories. I was programming a transport of materiál in a toast bakery. Unfortunately, I hadnt much time to make some tasty videos from that (but I hope I will do when I get there later - its not the total end).

    Anyway, the satisfaction of success (and nicest payday I ever had) and long pause of game development left me thinking of game programming as a blind road - as something that I tried and it failed. So I watched some vids of guys from Youtube and after that I watched mine.

    But what I seen left me in cocky grin. They really succeed with this?

    I was considering stopping, but NO WAY! I am talented mofo, so much better than them. Actually, I would be crazy IF I STOPPED. I already have a cool game. Maybe its has not that shining sparkling coat, but name me somebody else who has decent non-linear levels with 150+ enemies?

    (yes I am bit drunk but translate this as: I was long time off, but I am back)

  13. OK so here is a prove that all maps from my wad "Harvest" are possible to do, cause some guys cried


    1. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      So, how likely do you think is it to beat your entire map saveless? Because that's what actually matters. Brute forcing through a map by way of save/load is borderlining TAS, in some sense. So, unless you beat that map saveless, non-TAS, you didn't rellay make a point, I'd say.

    2. NinjaLiquidator


      First and second one are easier than sd20x7 so definitely possible. I am not that sure about 3rd and 4th...

  14. Bloom


    I turned on Quake3 recently for comparison and i am disapointed how many effects it already had in 99. It will be hard to beat its looks, but with my recently gained knowledge of stencil buffer, fbos, and version 3 opengl and glsl I could do it.

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