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Dylan Jarvis

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About Dylan Jarvis

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    Previously Tactical Stiffy

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  1. Last year had some banger games. This years been a big misfire for sure mostly JRPGs (meh) and an overhyped sequel for an overrated game that somehow people convinced themselves is good (Dragon's Dogma). I'm thankful though because it gives me time to work on my backlog of games and lord knows I'll never truly play them all.
  2. It would be cool if the Black & White games made a comeback. They're pretty underrated LionHead studio games. I can't really find a good way to play them either, they're pretty much abandonware at this point.
  3. I find AAA games to be trash but there's still some fine indie games that come out every year that are more worth your time and attention. The new Rim World DLC is coming out and that game while not new per se is one of the most addicting non Doom games I've ever played.
  4. Scythe 1 and 2, Epic 2, Valiant, Going Down, Sunlust, Hell Revealed 1 and 2, Ancient Aliens, Alien Vendetta. Pretty much all the ones that everyone mentions.
  5. Last part. Played like trash today, I was tired after work but I wanted to get this finished. Great Wad what a gem I'll definitely see this re-enter my Wad rotation.
  6. I just finished Lost Civilization. What a Wad! Although I prefer the more traditional levels, I don't mind explorative maps/Wads every once in a while. I didn't really enjoy MAP20 very much though. I thought it overstayed its welcome.
  7. This! I remember when I played Hell Revealed for the first time. It was one of the first PWads I tried playing and MAP14 was soo exhausting I gave up halfway through. I heard it was tough before I played it and remember the first 10 maps were pretty easy then MAP11 comes in with an extreme out of nowhere uptick in difficulty.
  8. Yeah I made these immediately after playing through Doom 1 and 2 with a friend from work. While I've been playing Doom well longer, I never really dabbled much into other peoples Wads (at the time these were made). I always thought Plutonia was too hard and TNT was too confusing. I did play No Rest for the Living on the 360 store when that came out. The only Pwad I remember playing back in the day was Neo Doom and 1monster oh and the classic Episode. My new levels do embrace the more modern design philosophy (Scythe and Epic 2) though with bigger levels even one level some might consider slaughter (I personally don't). I'm starting on my next map later today after I finish Lost Civilization so I can watch the Dean of Doom episode on it.
  9. Thanks! Yeah I always wanted to design Doom maps even when I was 13-14 could never truly figure it out until I was about 22. I have improved a lot since then can't wait to show it.
  10. I'm assuming you're talking about the plasma rifle in e1m2. Yeah I completely remade that map from scratch for my Doom 2 wad and it certainly isn't there anymore so I agree lol.
  11. Finally think I did ok on the audio balance. Another great set of maps. Fun hell maps. Once again some the Archvile fights in this can really catch you by surprise.
  12. Yeah I'm think about releasing it episodically I have the first 10 maps done I think I might upload the first 6. Then 7-11, 12-32 ,16-20, 21-25, 26-30. I think that makes it a little easier to keep going on it instead of trying to dump the whole thing at once. I'm going to start releasing them once I get 3 more maps done.
  13. Thanks! Yeah I definitely prefer fun gameplay to visuals as well.
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