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Everything posted by Azuruish

  1. I have no idea why but i actually putted myself into quite extremely bad position - i left my job... Forever.
    This was bad job - cleaner where salary is 16000 rubles or 250$. It's quite really low salary. I... I just tired of it. Better would be took a vacation but i decided to put an ultimatum to myself.
    I got only one month to get a job in my big city. My purpose is to get job with salary within 30000 rubles or 470$ aaaand it's quite hard because i haven't any educations or degrees.
    *sigh* But i had to do it because everyday i felt worse and worse. I want get better job, i want to afford more than i have now and i want to have my personal flat or house otherwise i don't see reasons to live.

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. PureSlime


      KFC makes me queasy just thinking about it.

      Between KFC and Taco Bell, I don't know which one I think is nastier.

      personal hell is the combination KFC/Taco Bell

    3. Azuruish


      Shit... I'm again without job... ehh I'm so tired all of this... I just want to rest but I can't... For resting i need money but for money i must work...

    4. Voros
  2. I really love such genre as YTP/RYTP and MLG on Youtube... I've watched it since 2014 year and that's all are gone.
    Now i look at these channels who created MLG and YTP videos with a millions views and thousands followers and they all are gone. It's so sad. Only stupid 'let's plays' and 'lifehacks' videos are popular now. I guess it's everything because of copyrights.. arrr.
    Really... So much quite interesting channels on Youtube are closed or forgotten.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tritnew


      YTPs are funny if they're EXTREMELY well done, like Breaking Bawd. Probably one of the best YTPs I've watched in a long time.

      MLGs were never funny to me, honestly, though.

      Here's a decent YTP that Trace sent me that was uploaded WAY back in 2011.

    3. Pencil of Doom

      Pencil of Doom

      MLG was never funny to begin with, it's cancer, snipers are for pussies, if you're quickscoping, trickshotting or camping that is instead of providing support at long ranges.
      YTP on the other hand is funny, because it's using clips from movies, games and other stuff and making comedy out of them, plus it provides good laughs.

    4. Tritnew


      J.B.R said:

      MLG was never funny to begin with, it's cancer, snipers are for pussies, if you're quickscoping, trickshotting or camping that is instead of providing support at long ranges.
      YTP on the other hand is funny, because it's using clips from movies, games and other stuff and making comedy out of them, plus it provides good laughs.

      My thoughts exactly on MLG, I never found it funny to begin with either. It's just obnoxious at best.

  3. *Hits quietly*

    I hate think about it but last these years I feel a little depressed and not so alive as i wanted.
    Absence of purpose a little distort me. (i have no idea how to describe it in English)
    I already 4-5 years living without any purposes, living just for nothing.

    So i would like to hear your thoughts about this. What are your purposes and how you holding up with it?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Koko Ricky

      Koko Ricky

      If we're looking at purpose in terms of what the universe has in store for us, one has to assume that there is some kind of entity looking down on us, who has plans we apparently are not privy to, and that frankly is a very strange way to look at things. Subjectively speaking, I could say just about anything as to what our purpose is. I've thought immensely on the subject, and my conclusion is that the purpose of life is to love. Love is literally the answer to all of life's problems, because when we suffer, it is often because we are not willing to love, either ourselves or others. The reason to live is to love, because love helps to create that wonderful cosmic balance we see when things are going well and people are happy.

    3. TwinBeast


      To get more experience points and level up our characters... for someone else.

    4. Maes
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