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Scuba Steve

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    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. dsm


      Right, now get yer ass back to work on the game and get it completed instead of wasting precious time and effort on all those ads.

      We want THE GAME dammit!

    3. Sephiroth


      i never shoped at a funco land. it just never intrested me much. i was usally able to get games at other stores for a better price. i think i may have bought on game from there, but i dont remember.

      we had several in this area. the major malls had them and there was a couple in shopping centers. however, as stated, they are long gone.

      almost all the computer shops as of recent have sucked. either they are too far away or they dont got shit or it is run by fucking non-english speaking people (is it really fucking hard to get people who speak english?) there is one that is local that is alright.

    4. Ralphis


      I was an illegal beta tester of Action Doom and I can definitely say it is Actionrific.

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