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Scuba Steve

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About Scuba Steve

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  1. If you play any good maps/projects this year, list the following...

    * Name of the Wad
    * Author
    * Download Location (idgames link, preferably)

    Do not post other crap in this thread, only post about wads. If you would like to post about something OTHER than a good wad, enter a TITLE like...

    * Best Mapper
    * Worst Wad
    * Best Multiplayer Map
    * Mordeth Award

    This will help me keep track of worthy projects. Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  86 more
    2. Creaphis


      We haven't heard a peep from Death-Destiny, since...

      ...the incident...

    3. Snarboo


      Creaphis said:

      ...the incident...

      Basically, Death-Destiny and Mechadon had a falling out over a disagreement on how the new 1024 project should be handled, as I understand it, and Death-Destiny basically said "I'm going to take my toys and play somewhere else!" rather than settle the issue. He hasn't posted since.

    4. esselfortium


      Snarboo said:

      Basically, Death-Destiny and Mechadon had a falling out over a disagreement on how the new 1024 project should be handled, as I understand it, and Death-Destiny basically said "I'm going to take my toys and play somewhere else!" rather than settle the issue. He hasn't posted since.

      Well, that's only part of the story. Death-Destiny was manipulating things behind the scenes the entire time and didn't even allow Mechadon to see the submitted maps until he (D-D) left the community forever.

      There was also D-D manipulative control-freak drama behind the scenes with Community Chest 4, which wasn't actually supposed to start until much later than when he decided to stick a map signups thread online one day, without any warning or consultation from the other leaders.

      And of course we can't forget his attitude when responding to legitimate criticisms (My maps are just too hard for you, Belial, one of the best Doomers in the community! It's not that they aren't fun or rely too much on random luck, you just aren't good enough!) or his ridiculous ideas about how all of his maps would be flamed on the idgames archives "because they're too hard".

      tl;dr: Guy shows up, tries to get in with community projects and make himself look good, then set things up so that he can appear to be the victim of whoever gets fed up with him first.

      I was following details of a lot of this with Mechadon, Use3D, and The Green Herring long before it came to the public eye...dismissing it as a disagreement is not only missing the scope but the entire point of the thing. The guy's entire purpose here was to manipulate others, and from all the people who for some reason still think he was the victim there, he evidently succeeded.

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