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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

  1. Before limit removing source ports and node builders, a ton of content was cut from most projects. Doom City's text file describes crosswalks and stop lights but they were removed because it caused visplane overflows. When I was making in the late 90s, I had to scale down a bunch of detail in my map because DMapEdit had a hard limit of something like 700 sectors; I emailed the creator to ask that it be raised and he replied, "no, that's more than enough for any map."
  2. I'm placing a moratorium on new megawads. All releases must be five maps or less.
  3. Did the download for this become private?
  4. We wrote a sidebar article about Doom 3 Phobos episode 2. I imagine the third episode will get the same treatment.
  5. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't extract the pak files from the zip... it fails every time.
  6. I think Phobos only works with the original release of Doom 3 and not the BFG edition... that might hinder the number of supported systems.
  7. Let's fucking goooo!
  8. Make a box and fill it with custom sprites and textures.
  9. Wait, is this the actual sky texture? Sorry, but you can't give your project a McDonald's-themed name and not use Mac Tonight as the moon in the sky!
  10. My father grew up listening to Amos and Andy and watching their minstrel shows. At some point in the last 100 years Blackface became culturally unacceptable and is now seen as unequivocally racist. I seriously doubt anyone in 2024 would support casting a white guy to perform a parody of a Chinese detective like 'Charlie Chan.' Over the last 30 years the use of "gay" to describe literally everything you hate fell out of favor. Social norms change. It's normal. Many of those early pirate tropes have become a little cringe... look back at some of those Nintendo ads of the 90s and you'd certainly raise an eyebrow today if anyone tried to sell a Mario game or gameboy color using African witch doctor/shaman imagery.
  11. I think the correct answer is that a community this small is just guarded. There's no formal discord for Doomworld and the rather small group of members is spread out between several servers ranging from highly visible (hellforge) to smaller and more close-knit. It can feel rather cliquey, but I think it's more to the fact that people are very guarded and not you personally. Given the fact that this is a pretty niche hobbyist forum, it attracts a pretty eclectic group of people many of whom would be considered counter-cultural. Couple that with a sizable LGBT population, so long as people adhere to polite decorum and act respectfully tehre's no type of person who wouldn't be welcome. Rant time: Loneliness is a growing epidemic. We are increasingly isolated from one another (by design) and most young people, especially men, do not have more than 3 close friends they talk to on a regular basis. While it doesn't replace in-person relationships, healthy internet relationships are still very valuable. We need more progressive spaces for people to hang out in to prevent radicalization that loneliness and unhealthy online spaces cause. If you wonder why I have become charitable to a fault when attributing malice towards others it's because I think most people would behave themselves just fine if allowed to spend time in more diverse spaces and talk with those people. I often ask myself; I was a lonely and awkward young man once and, given the right circumstances, I could have easily been radicalized by far-right propaganda. If Doomworld hadn't been run by an ultra progressive cabal of communist antifa socialists, a Doom forum could have easily devolved into a very bro-oriented community. So unless you're obviously disingenuous, I will err on the side of welcoming people so long as they know how to behave themselves.
  12. I completely agree with this assessment; minor sprite fix shouldn't wholesale change things that were intentional, even if they seem odd. Which does make me question again why the lost soul 'a' frame was reverted to an early build of the game when it was clear id changed the frames on purpose in a subsequent release. It's still my biggest complaint about this project and the one change that isn't a fix but a wholesale change.
  13. Sharing legendary @Eevee drawing for new 'Going Down' players... https://x.com/eevee/status/1473462051909488640?s=20
  14. Eviternity Map 24: Temeraire... I mean, the thread is over, right? It wins? Doom ships can't possibly be more elaborate.
  15. "What are you making, hun?" "A Doom map." "Cute!" "...of our house."
  16. Doesn't "The Thing You Can't Defeat" do something similar? It's pretty simplistic; warp to a level without any player starts.
  17. OLD DOOMERS, GET IN HERE! Do you remember browsing the wads directory of your PC Gamer CD and coming across gems like Hoover Dam or UAC Dead!? This map is a delightful modern take on those early pseudo-realistic Doom environments. Overturned sector trucks? Doomcute cacti? Vaguely inspired by real-life locations? UV difficulty curve similar to 1995? This has it all! Playing this made me feel thirteen-years-old again.
  18. Another unfinished Doom mod. It's a shame, really.
  19. Yes, in order to find additional frames using dehacked, things like the final gib frames of the imp/trooper/player/sarge all use the same entries since they look so similar. I made a DEH Extra patch that works with most ports, but if you want smooth weapons in pure vanilla, this is the only way to add additional frame entries to each weapon.
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