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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

  1. Love the concept, but I wonder if the ending with e1m8 is a little too abstract? I wasn't originally sure if what I was experiencing was intentional. I had to open the map in an editor to confirm my suspicions.
  2. Would you, please? I'm sure your family has a lot of expenses right now and I'd love to help out. So sorry to hear about your loss... From the person I knew here, I'm sure he was a wonderful partner and father.
  3. The unity port doesn't support 21:9, it has to be resized to 16:9 or 426x200.
  4. I think this wad is now compatible with the most recent 4.8.2 release of GZDoom.
  5. Updated the file; now includes the decorate lump from the original vanilla smooth wad that fixes the chainsaw bug in ZDoom. There are still some weird visual problems with ZDoom because it has some of the worst dehacked support so you're better off using the decorate variant specifically for GZDoom. Is there a way to account for this? What causes this? It would be interesting to know if the prior vanilla smooth weapons I tweaked desynchs or if there is something unique about the dehextra version.
  6. DEH Extra Smooth Weapons I completely rewrote the smooth weapons to now take advantage of DEHExtra... no more stealing frames and code pointers from other entries, this works with any port that supports DEHExtra. Tested with vanilla and no desynchs with demos... however, complevel9 (boom2.02) fails occasionally and I can't figure out why. Maybe someone can figure it out.
  7. Yeah, the glass sound was fixed. As for the Zandronum autoloader, I don't know.
  8. 30 Minutes or Less What an unbelievably boring and shitty film. Our group walked out of the movie roughly halfway through and just went to the bar next door to start drinking.
  9. This looks like a problem related to the new GZdoom widescreen assets, which is why I asked. If you are using GZdoom, make sure that the "widescreen artwork" is unchecked in the launcher... The new assets change the size of episode 3 animated elements which causes problems when they are replaced.
  10. You're using GZdoom with the included widescreen assets, correct?
  11. The names of the award members are listed in the invocation every year. Also, the name of the individual writer appears below each article.
  12. It's all a little muddled... but a lot of it is dependent on what the author says. Regarding Sunder, I recall Gazebo leaving everyone with the impression that was he would finish it... but it just ceased production. There was never a definitive time we could point to and say "This was the finished product" because we had no idea that there would be no more progress. Elementalism on the other hand, as @Bauul has explicity stated, should be viewed as two distinct projects with the first being seen as "Chapter 1." I guess that's the difference; does the author view their work as a "complete" experience. Blade of Agony is probably a more contentious case... they released new standalone chapters, but always talked about "the final release" and the assumption was always that they were building to something more grand... since torm was always posting updated screenshots featuring upgrades that would be found in the 'final build.' We just decided that, after Episode 1, to consider that award a post-hoc justification for everythign they had accomplished.
  13. I've got a DEHEXTRA version being tested right now to make sure it stays vanilla compatible and doesn't break demos.
  14. Had these sitting on my HDD for a long time... decided to just finish them quick and throw them out there. Hell to Pay Perditon's Gate
  15. Also, there's not enough room under my username for three Cacowards, bitcheeees!
  16. I hate that idea. It turns the awards from a celebration of accomplishments into a status symbol lionizing individuals.
  17. This seems like an oversight. I could not get flats to load until I read this comment... whatever is causing this should probably be rectified.
  18. I never returned to give my thoughts on this: The first several maps are pretty unremarkable--simple architecture, plain textures, and pretty basic gameplay--but everything really opens up when you get to the first city map with cars and traffic filling the streets. If the final few maps are an indication of the upcoming quality of the next episodes, sign me up.
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