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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

  1. How did I miss this. Looking better every time and the readability is improving with each issue.
  2. Something like this... so you can visually see every cover as you scroll. Hmm... this would actually be pretty neat for the Cacoward main page to show every intro picture for each year.
  3. There is no more opportune time than now to post the long-lost level my sister made more than twenty years ago... CARRIER.WAD
  4. I completely forgot about Twilight Warrior and the Navy Seal boat assault mission...
  5. Have you changed the player eye-height in ZDoom so you don't feel like a toddler wandering the ship?
  6. My brain still expects photographs of teenagers and twenty-somethings... I forget that we're all 40 years old.
  7. Cheat codes are legitimately the only way many players can enjoy projects like Sunlust.
  8. Could I suggest moving away from justified alignment for articles and simply using left alignment? I know justified is used often in newspapers and magazines, but the column widths in wadazine are pretty narrow and you really start to notice the awkward spacing between words.
  9. It really illustrates Romero's brilliant ability to craft levels that showcase new features and "teach" the player new skills without resorting to tutorials. Just like E1M1 in Doom, Slipgate Complex is a perfect showcase of Quake's abilities; in this one level you have shootable switches, swimming, enticing the player to jump on things, forcing you to advance by touching a switch without pressing a "use" key, a spiral ramp that showcases room over room, a plethora of secrets utilizing all of these new abilities, several new weapons... again, it's a masterclass of introductory level design.
  10. What new trick has made level 15 faster than playing through 31/32?
  11. E1M1 The fact that Romero saved this episode map for last allowed him to craft a single, opening level which incorporates every bold new feature in Doom; stairs, outdoor environments, doors, lifts, switches, the shotgun, monsters attacking from differing heights, dramatic differences in light level, damaging and unique floor types, non orthogonal map design, visible AND hidden secret areas... E1M1 has everything. It is the quintessential opening map and does a beautiful job of explaining Doom to you without tutorials. This isn't Romero's most challenging or technically competent map, but as a player's first experience with Doom, it's a masterpiece—you learn everything you need to know about Doom by the time you hit the end-of-level switch.
  12. The wadzine webpage should just list every issue by it's cover in an array to really show them off.
  13. Anything involving old zdoom portals or software renderer hacks. Off the top of my head... Map01: The window to your right right when you start the game; the skybox+portal causes half the window to be black. The sun also cuts into the since since it was originally done using a software hack. Map03: Glass domed roofs in the subway... I think a sector is missing a tag and the disco globes get cut off in the hardware renderer. Map04: I seem to recall some portal bugs on the bridge... either the holes in the road, or when you fall through look wrong. Map06: The floor reflections should be rendered by GZDoom instead of a hacky skybox portal. The casino games are also completely fucked. Map07: The top floor is a complete mess. The helicopter skybox spins WITH the chopper instead of being stationary. The portal in the main room with the pool is completely messed up and needs a ton of work to fix. Also, with GZDoom, there is no need to have triggers that disable the mirrors... so those could be removed and the mirrors be a permanent fixture. Map08: The river is a complete mess. Using GZDoom, you could remove the portal effect and make an actual translucent river. Map09: Portals in this area mess up at times if I recall. There is also a gross software hack used to make it seem like you walked under the second floor when you walk into the doorway under the steps upon entering the farmhouse. This should be completely replaced with something better... true 3d floor or an object above that fakes what I was trying to do. The portal floor in the house that drops you into the basement is really wonky too. Map10: Same issue: The helicopter and skybox spin together. @Nash had done some preliminary work digging into tons of failed scripting with the game, so there's a bunch of errors AD2 dumps into the GZDoom console. Yes. It was repurposed for the Zombie bonus map. There was supposed to be a car chase through the city which ended before starting map04: bridge, but it was ultimately scrapped.
  14. Played Episode 2 and I loved every minute of it. Some of the puzzles are a bit obscure, but I didn't have too many troubles. While Episode 2 didn't have some of the big, Mars City setpieces like Episode 1, the combat in this episode felt much more frantic and the new weapon and movement mechanics make the game so much more enjoyable to play than stock Doom 3. The new shotgun model is wonderful and I actually find myself using it! My only concern now is how many more gimmicks can you use to prevent the player form seeing the NPCs they interact with; talking to a vent with Leea behind it was a little... odd. Can't wait until Episode three to see how this whole story wraps up.
  15. Welcome to Doomworld. This place kicks ass because new members like you have been joining for more than twenty years and keep breathing new life into the mapping scene. Hang around, learn some new techniques, and keep mapping.

  16. Coming soon to celebrate 20 years of Doom.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Let me just satiate your phallus by saying you get to kill people with a snow blower.

    3. Dragonsbrethren
    4. Linguica


      please send me a beta test link tia

  17. If you play any good maps/projects this year, list the following...

    * Name of the Wad
    * Author
    * Download Location (idgames link, preferably)

    Do not post other crap in this thread, only post about wads. If you would like to post about something OTHER than a good wad, enter a TITLE like...

    * Best Mapper
    * Worst Wad
    * Best Multiplayer Map
    * Mordeth Award

    This will help me keep track of worthy projects. Thank you.

    1. MegaDoomer


      Well to get the ball rolling...

      Jenesis Part 1 - Descent - Jimmy 91

      Hopefully we have 1994 tune-up, pcorf's project, and Plutonia Revisited to look forward to this year.

    2. Mechadon


      Since there's no discussion thread yet, I just want to second the Jenesis Part 1 nomination.

    3. DeathevokatioN


      Thirded Jenesis Part 1.

  18. With the ending of sales of Urban Brawl boxed copies, bonus material once unique to retail copies is now available for free from the Action Doom 2 website. Now available to everyone for the first time, the bonus material includes 6 new minigames such as Isle's Casino, Boss Rush, and Zombies! Also available on the official website is the entire Urban Brawl soundtrack released by Ralph Vickers. Scuba Steve would like to thank everyone who purchased Urban Brawl the last 2 years, and hopes they enjoyed the extra content and the specialized boxes. Hopefully there will be some new Action Doom 2 content available in the future.
  19. So here's the deal. I'm going to apply to teach at every school posted in this thread. What do I want from you? I would like the following; find a local elementary school near where you live and provide the following information...

    Principal's name
    School's name
    Mailing Address Address (Address, City, State, Zip)

    Finally... just a little background information on where you live and what it's like.

    Then post them in that order in this thread. I will mail out an official copy of my intent, resume, recommendations, license and transcripts. And who knows... maybe I will be moving to your town sometime soon. Stipulations...

    • It CANNOT be a catholic school
    • It MUST be a K-6 school, my license only covers those grades
    • I would PREFER not to live in a podunk town of 50 people. (if YOU hate the town you live in... please don't ask ME to join you in misery)
    • I WILL apply to out of country schools... but my chances of being hired are much slimmer
    • You MAY list more than one school if there are a couple near you
    Let's find me some work!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Creaphis


      Okay, why not.

      Elmwood School

      West Park School

      Podunk town of 4000.

      Hope to see you here soon buddy.

    3. Cardboard Marty

      Cardboard Marty

      There's a ton of schools around where I live (Humble, TX). You might have to do some looking around on the website because I've never attended the elementary schools around here, but I figured, "why not?"


    4. Nuxius


      40oz said:

      man i thought this was a thread about employment opportunities FOR ME

      I thought the same thing.

      As for the thread topic, I know Katy ISD (Houston TX area) has a bunch of openings, their page that shows what jobs they have available and how to apply is here: http://www.katyisd.org/hr/Pages/ActiveVacancies.aspx

  20. If you play any good maps/projects this year, list the following...

    * Name of the Wad
    * Author
    * Download Location (idgames link, preferably)

    Do not post other crap in this thread, only post about wads. If you would like to post about something OTHER than a good wad, enter a TITLE like...

    * Best Mapper
    * Worst Wad
    * Best Multiplayer Map
    * Mordeth Award

    This will help me keep track of worthy projects. Thank you.

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