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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sargebaldy


      yeah right, i'm not going to fall for THAT one again. i bet it's going to be all kickass and stuff just so you can laugh at me afterwards!! WELL I WON'T LET YOU!!! BAHAHHAHAHAHhha. hah. heh....

    3. Amaster


      OMG return of Superfly!

    4. Ralphis
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kain


      he looks like that loser on made. you know, that show on tv that taes losers and makes them someone??? he looks like that gay dude that wants to be a triathelete.

    3. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Was this "gay dude" dressed up to look like, Elton John?

    4. DarkWolf


      Scuba Steve said:

      Was this "gay dude" dressed up to look like, Elton John?

      I think he was commenting on the picture on the Ralphis page.

  1. I felt compeled, almost obligated to speak about this highly important topic to me.

    You see, I'm a very big fan of women. I don't know what it is, but I enjoy looking at the curves that their bodies make and how they walk. A while back I was fortunate enough to be working as a gate attendant at WE Fest for 8 hours after a raging night of binge drinking. While lying on the ground, praying for the end of my shift, or the world... I spent countless hours watching women walk. I was fascinated, not the oogling kind of fascinated, just mezmorized by how they all moved. You know the body style... not the über thin women, but the slimmer body style with a well rounded hip... not large hip or overweight, but a nice round formation. Watching these women walk by for 8 hours, I was enchanted by the way each one was able to make their hips make an almost snaping motion. I watched the waistline where the belt would be and the pants started, and notcied how as the feet were in motion that the belt line would sharply snap first the right side then the left, then the right again and so on... pivoting on a central axis where the spine met the pelvis. It was captivating to say the least. Accompanying these wondeful nuances with a well developed, perky set of B sized breasts, smooth, silky athletic legs and a terriffic smile... and all men are powerless. Gentlemen, I submit there is nothing more gorgeous than the human female form.


    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      ...all my blogs end up degrading into imp sex.

    3. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Well, thats quite an interesting point of view, Scuba Steve, I will say that the way a being can be presented in such a form is truly fasinating. And without having to resort to anything rude but just the appearance can be dazling. Also in some animated beings, I'm not talking anything that is 'perverted' or whatnot but the figure of some beings do leave you no less than speechless, I'd have to say, especially with the right light from a key angle. :)

      Ct_red_pants said:

      watch the movie dogma.

      That was a funny movie. :D

    4. BlueSonnet


      Scuba Steve said:

      You see, I'm a very big fan of women. I don't know what it is, but I enjoy looking at the curves that their bodies make and how they walk. A while back I was fortunate enough to be working as a gate attendant at WE Fest for 8 hours after a raging night of binge drinking. While lying on the ground, praying for the end of my shift, or the world... I spent countless hours watching women walk. I was fascinated, not the oogling kind of fascinated, just mezmorized by how they all moved. You know the body style... not the über thin women, but the slimmer body style with a well rounded hip... not large hip or overweight, but a nice round formation. Watching these women walk by for 8 hours, I was enchanted by the way each one was able to make their hips make an almost snaping motion. I watched the waistline where the belt would be and the pants started, and notcied how as the feet were in motion that the belt line would sharply snap first the right side then the left, then the right again and so on... pivoting on a central axis where the spine met the pelvis. It was captivating to say the least. Accompanying these wondeful nuances with a well developed, perky set of B sized breasts, smooth, silky athletic legs and a terriffic smile... and all men are powerless. Gentlemen, I submit there is nothing more gorgeous than the human female form.

      Nice to see someone with the same views as me B)

  2. Oh No! I'm an Imp!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      I still need help with Elton John DooM guys. Someobdy should do levels, sounds, music. I have some gfx done...

      I will give you credit in the text file.

    3. sargebaldy


      do you have anything more than that? and what kind of maps are you looking for exactly? a stage or something?

    4. goaxis


      heh music just rip off elton john midis

  3. ...wait till you see what happens when AndrewB takes control of the Camera!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AndrewB



      Coming from you, that's a HUGE compliment.

    3. Cyb


      Ichor said:

      This may very well be the first blog that will end up in Hell.

      the very point of blogs is to have them unmoderated unless someone posts warez or porn or hacks doomworld with it or something

      ps: scuba steve rules!!

    4. Torn


      Impse is great. Girls gone wild is great. Impse + girls gone wild = imps gone wild = ownage. OMG!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fraggle


      Thats a pretty small cock.

    3. pritch


      I feel sorry for the poor bastard when he sits down.

    4. insertwackynamehere


      There's one thing that disturbs me. I think it's the cock part.

    When I said, "Author's may use Urban Brawl Sprites as a base to build other projects" this isn't what I had in mind. Stupid and offensive. What's with the homosexual references towards Linguica?
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