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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

  1. It came out last year and we certainly talked about it. The Thing You Can't Defeat interested us as a concept, but the technical execution felt a bit lacking.
  2. I went to that bunker too... now it's dark and I'm waiting for episode 3...
  3. Question; a lot of work went into hiring a voice actress. She even promoted her work and the game itself on her social media... does she have more lines than "nope" and "nuh-uh?"
  4. The last segment of the video regarding the bizarre anti-cheat method surprised me because I have yet to see Graf on this thread complaining about the hacks breaking how he wants to play.
  5. Okay, I seriously want a "myhouse" community project where everyone just makes a map of their house.
  6. However... the base map could probably be reconfigured slightly to be true vanilla compatible... which would be absolutely wild to have a generic "myhouse" map as an official download.
  7. I love projects like abscission because it defies conventional mapping techniques. I'm reminded of Doom Zero; made by an outsider and full of unique platforming mechanics and unusual traps.
  8. It's literally the first Google image search for 'old classroom blackboard.'
  9. I don't think that's even possible to fake that with the forum software. By 2006 or so, the entire phb system was held together with bubble gum and duct tape. You might be able to alter the registration date of a user, but it is impossible to insert fake posts into old threads, especially given that people were contemporaneously talking to this person. More importantly, as a longtime member of the Doominati who was privy to every secret project of the last 20 years, someone would have alerted me to their involvement somewhere in one of our secret back channels.
  10. There's got to be a better way to manage this... Could a dynamic spreadsheet be created that automatically tabulates votes and allows users to create their own columns and assign their points to each wad? Then it can display them next to the map? This way people could routinely update their scores.
  11. I wrote Seanbaby-esque early 00s edgelord awards... You guys made it something to be proud of.
  12. I've heard similar things from others, but I think that's an incorrect way to understand the player experience with myhouse. @Eevee laid out what I think is probably the best way to think about player progression; there is no 'wrong' way to beat the map. If you find yourself experiencing the most common first time blind ending... That's not "improper" just one experience. You could stop there... as probably many of us did, but if you're still curious and want to explore the themes of the map further, then there's an even deeper rabbit hole for the player to explore and contemplate.
  13. Somewhere, on a lost tape backup, exists a copy of my parent's house map I lost in a hdd crash back in the late 90s. It was the expansion to my school Doom which included my whole town. There was even an inspector gadget secret hidden behind a trashcan near the strip mall. Man... those were the days.
  14. Cooper Black is pretty ubiquitous... I think it comes standard with windows.
  15. I'll also add... Nobody involved with the Cacowards is sifting through the thread by the end of the year. When something is posted, it gets documented in another internal spreadsheet and there it stays. Since the mentionation thread isn't a discussion topic, the glut of myhouse additions are redundant, but not really any sort of hinderance. ...I also don't speak for everyone, but community enthusiasm sometimes plays a little bit into the awards... With so many people loving AugerZenith, it did give the project a slight boost in consideration.
  16. Aspect correction so the image appears as an actual circle in-game. Or if you have the original file, stretch the width by 120%.
  17. Where the fuck did Snaxalotl come from? Quality vanilla megawads just dropping from the sky?
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