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Everything posted by Scuba Steve
Farewell Scubamobile. -
If you play any good maps/projects this year, list the following...
* Name of the Wad
* Author
* Download Location (idgames link, preferably)
Do not post other crap in this thread, only post about wads. If you would like to post about something OTHER than a good wad, enter a TITLE like...
* Best Mapper
* Worst Wad
* Best Multiplayer Map
* Mordeth Award
This will help me keep track of worthy projects. Thank you.- Show previous comments 152 more
Well, Chex Quest 3 won a Cacoward last year, so...
Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Chex Quest, and Hacx, while some are clearly more advanced and differentiated from Doom than others, are effectively commercial Doom TCs when considered by the standards of what Doom mods can do nowadays. Tons of features that originated in Heretic, Hexen, and Strife are used all over the place in ZDoom mods. With advanced source ports, the only thing that truly differentiates modding for Doom and modding other Doom-engine games anymore is the set of resources used as a base and certain elements of gameplay that would be expected from each respective game.
A modder could make a Doom mod that plays like Hexen.wad, or a Hexen hub consisting of Hell Revealed slaughterfests if they really wanted to. While they're undeniably separate games, when it comes to modding them they've all become so intermixed that it would be rather arbitrary to disqualify worthy projects from Cacowards due to their base IWAD.
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fraggle said:
What's tater wedges, precious?
Potato wedges. Cut real thick, possibly battered, and deep fried. Think French Fries but alot bigger and titled by Americans. They take the tato in potato and replace the "o" with "er" so you sounds like a hillbilly. I'ms gunna go get some beers, you fry up dem tater wedges. Best be gitten 'er done before I get back.
fraggle said:
What's tater wedges, precious?
A really fattening appetizer/side item. A potato "wedge' (just like an orange wedge) covered in any of the following: salt/butter/cheese/bacon/chives/sour cream/sauce. some are battered. they're alright. J wouldn't eat too many; I value the aorta.
Also Catalina is awesome.
Today, Quasar is 28. Everyone wish him a Happy Birthday because he's too lame to remind us.
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Studying is one of the few things that shut children up. This guy must work for the sugar industry.
TheCupboard said:Also - I had to read "Doom Jr.... Good and good for you!" 8 times before I realized what that sentence was trying to say.
Me too. The irony is that the reason it's hard to read is due to bad grammar. There should be a comma in there.
Today, I subbed for the EBD (Emotional Behavior Disorder) social worker. There are a number of high risk and emotionally disturbed children who come to the room throughout the day. Most of the time the students are fine and just need to be removed from the general classroom for a while. Today just happened to be one of the craziest days of work I've ever had. I had the usual student that I have to go to the classroom and remove because they are being unruly and not following directions and disrupting class... but one kid made the day worthwhile.
This student, a 5 year old Kindergartener, is now on half days because of severe emotional and behavioral problems. He comes at noon each day and starts from there... and the day REALLY started from there. His teacher sent some reading and work for him to do in our room, so he and the Paraprofessional that works one on one with him start reading a story.
He starts out drawing transportation vehicles that Fly/Roll/Slide on a piece of paper... but he gets frustrated drawing a helicopter and starts to throw a fit. Now, I should add that this kid is a runner... so the Para blocks the door to prevent him from running. After Throwing a little fit, he starts putting on his jacket and backpacks (he put 2 on at once). He says...
"I'm done with this, I'm going home. Don't try to stop me, I'm outta here."
Obviously the kid can't leave with an adult blocking the door... but it's at this time that one of the Special Education teachers that works with him, comes down to the room. She talks to him for a while but he's still not hving it. He throws his backpack across the room and throws off his jacket. He traipses across the room to the corner... near the Special Ed teacher and myself.
At this point things start going wild. He strips off his sweatshirt to reveal a blue wife beater and tells us he has some "powerful moves" and will kick our butts. He looks at me and says...
"Back off old man!" ...and proceeds to mutter something again about his skills.
Before I can start laughing under my breath, the kid grabs a long metal rod, about 6 feet in length and begins swirling it around like a bo staff and making kung fu sounds. At this point the Special Ed teacher and I move in slowly as to not get ninja'd by a 5 year old Donatello. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Browning is slightly stronger than a 5 year old, and I move in and grab the bar with both hands as he struggles to ply it from me.
After being disarmed, we managed to calm the student down and get him to quietly work on his project again. He arrived at 12:00PM and it was now 12:30PM.
Later in the day, around 2:00PM, I was on my break period talking with the women in the office. They said there was a kid rolling down the hallway. Being the replacement for the social worker, I stepped out to see what I could do. So there was my kung fu student, rolling down the hall with 2 teachers standing by him.
The technology instructor and I pick him up and haul him back to the classroom. He calms down and asks if he can have a snack. Yeah, sure kid.
The end of the day rolls around and he's still here. He decides that he's going to lay down on the floor and not get ready for the bus. The principal comes down and tries to get him up, then says he's just going to call his dad and tell him to get him. Apparently startled by this revelation, the kid lurches from the floor and walks out the door to his bus.
So... how was your day? -
Tremor 2
Mount Erebus
Return to Void
Marines of UAC
RTC 3057: Episode 2
Rainy Base
Raynor's Tale
Foreverhood: "Episode" 2
Knee Deep in Knee Deep in ZDoom
Demon Eclipse
Ghostbusters Doom
The Shores of ZDoom
Eternity Vaporware Project
Doom Beyond
Action Doom 2
Total Chaos
Doom Forever
KamaSutra 2
Let's finish this stuff up, people, so we can all go home.
Updated for 2009! -
If you play any good maps/projects this year, list the following...
* Name of the Wad
* Author
* Download Location (idgames link, preferably)
Do not post other crap in this thread, only post about wads. If you would like to post about something OTHER than a good wad, enter a TITLE like...
* Best Mapper
* Worst Wad
* Best Multiplayer Map
* Mordeth Award
This will help me keep track of worthy projects. Thank you.- Show previous comments 86 more
Creaphis said:
...the incident...
Basically, Death-Destiny and Mechadon had a falling out over a disagreement on how the new 1024 project should be handled, as I understand it, and Death-Destiny basically said "I'm going to take my toys and play somewhere else!" rather than settle the issue. He hasn't posted since.
Snarboo said:
Basically, Death-Destiny and Mechadon had a falling out over a disagreement on how the new 1024 project should be handled, as I understand it, and Death-Destiny basically said "I'm going to take my toys and play somewhere else!" rather than settle the issue. He hasn't posted since.
Well, that's only part of the story. Death-Destiny was manipulating things behind the scenes the entire time and didn't even allow Mechadon to see the submitted maps until he (D-D) left the community forever.
There was also D-D manipulative control-freak drama behind the scenes with Community Chest 4, which wasn't actually supposed to start until much later than when he decided to stick a map signups thread online one day, without any warning or consultation from the other leaders.
And of course we can't forget his attitude when responding to legitimate criticisms (My maps are just too hard for you, Belial, one of the best Doomers in the community! It's not that they aren't fun or rely too much on random luck, you just aren't good enough!) or his ridiculous ideas about how all of his maps would be flamed on the idgames archives "because they're too hard".
tl;dr: Guy shows up, tries to get in with community projects and make himself look good, then set things up so that he can appear to be the victim of whoever gets fed up with him first.
I was following details of a lot of this with Mechadon, Use3D, and The Green Herring long before it came to the public eye...dismissing it as a disagreement is not only missing the scope but the entire point of the thing. The guy's entire purpose here was to manipulate others, and from all the people who for some reason still think he was the victim there, he evidently succeeded.
Today, Liam is 20. Everyone wish him well and a happy birthday, too.
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doom2day said:
How long did that take you DA?
The making/cutting of the letters only really took about an hour. Putting them up took about 30 minutes. Most of the time was spent battling the wind in the earlier stages of the phase I deemed "Plan A - Route ii."
doom2day said:I though Action Doom was a little older than that actually. I thought it was 4 or 5.
Sometimes it feels like it was released only yesterday. :D
skadoomer said:I wonder how many people in Canada actually look up at that and knew exactly what was going on.
The more people know about it, the better. :D
There should be a desert named after Action DooM. It could be called the Action DunE. :D -
DOOM Anomaly said:
The making/cutting of the letters only really took about an hour. Putting them up took about 30 minutes. Most of the time was spent battling the wind in the earlier stages of the phase I deemed "Plan A - Route ii."
You could have just shopped a pic like that and saved time, materials, and wind-battles. Unless your city really likes billboard ads and your landlord is really cool.
GGG said:
You could have just shopped a pic like that and saved time, materials, and wind-battles. Unless your city really likes billboard ads and your landlord is really cool.
It crossed my mind to do something like that after posting the pictures, but I figure it doesn't mean as much without the awesomeness of being real. :D I had fun doing it too. :D
A Sketch I drew at work and a quick colour of it. I've been playing around with distortion and human figures, trying to see how grotesque I can make things before it becomes too silly. I think I can go even farther with this, but we'll see. -
Seriously, it was canceled before it made it stateside. Not only that, the company responsible, Rage Software, was responsible for the Sega Saturn Doom port!
Recently I have been thinking of having a "Month of Doom" this coming summer featuring several competitions and contests with numerous prizes. I was contemplating prizes for contests and what you would do to win them. Naturally this event needs several things, community members to help, donations to purchase prizes and suggestions on what to have take place. So far I've considered...
Prize suggestions- id anthology
- Doom 3
- Gameboy DS w/GBA Doom
- Quake Wars: ET (if it happened to be released by the summer)
- Reaper minis
- Action Doom Merch!!
- Date with Kaiser (subject to availability)
- XBox w/Doom3 and/or Resurrection of Evil
- Nintendo64 w/Doom64
- Odamex Tournament
- Speedmapping Contest
- Wad Making contest (1024/sector limit/etc)
- Speedrunning/demo Competition
- Quiz Contest
Don't mong up this thread :P I want serious suggestions and input on whether there is enough interest to generate enough donations to have worthwhile prizes... and enough people to help organize events. - id anthology
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Having recently watched this movie and knowing Spain is right next to me, that kind of gave me the creeps.