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Scuba Steve

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Everything posted by Scuba Steve

  1. That's the thing though... the higher powers have barely changed since then. Mordeth? Ichor? Linguica? Arioch? Bloodshedder? Fraggle? Lüt? Julian? A lot of us were dumb teens and young adults, but the core group of people have been pretty sane and reasonable. Some moderators have come and gone, but the site has been unnaturally consistent given the unstable nature of the internet. I think it's less that mods were assholes and being intentionally cruel, and more the nature of the internet of the time and just how generally hostile online interactions were across the entire world wide web. I've been on countless forums over the past 30 years, and very few of them were moderated in a way that made them feel safe and welcoming. Doomworld, the Ghostbusters forum, and the old Pixelation site were the only three I visited that weren't complete shitholes... I don't think it's an accident that all three of them survived to this day.
  2. Yeah, custom titles were only available if a moderator changed your account... And even then, it only happened if you did something incredible, or unbelievably stupid.
  3. You could have done this as far back as 00 when the forums were first implemented. There was never a time on this site where you could deliberately insult people based on their culture/interests/gender/sexual orientation. Furries were an early target of the internet, but we had several prominent furry members who openly posted about it despite general attitudes ragging on them... but you weren't allowed to target them. We also joked about "boys pretending to be girls" on the internet because that was the culture of the internet at the time and we didn't really understand what being trans entailed. However, had any of the early members (some of whom would later transition in their offline lives) actually come out at the time (very few people were even openly gay at this time), site moderation would have protected them from direct attacks. Come to think of it, the first openly gay person I ever knew in my life was (and still is) a member of this forum.
  4. A big part of that is just changing cultural attitudes in general. Homosexuality was widely derided in 2000 with 7/10 Americans opposed to same sex marriage. Now, it's widely accepted and the numbers completely reversed in support of marriage equality. And we didn't even know what "being trans" really meant... We just laughed at the meme, "there are no girls on the Internet." In hindsight, we probably drove away a couple good members because we were just insensitive teenagers thinking they were "pretending on the Internet." "That's gay" was just common parlance back then. Hell, I had to rewrite segments of urban brawl just because times changed. I don't know if Doomworld really became more tolerant... Or if the world just changed and the rest of us acclimated.
  5. Yes, it's working now. I don't know what happened, but it was inaccessible for a period of time... as though the Ichio page had been deleted.
  6. The download for this no longer seems to be available.
  7. Also, you should make the title/intermission/end images widescreen compatible.
  8. Revert the improper lost soul SKULLA1/SKULLB1 animation from the 'minor sprite fix' to the proper Doom 2 appearance.
  9. I doubt the policy on awarding a single map within a larger project will ever change. In this case, everyone knows Eviternity II will be in the award spotlight, but for other projects... it feels rude to point to a work of art and tell everyone who contributed, "not yours, theirs." I won't speak for the awards team... but I don't see this unspoken rule ever changing. Maybe you can nominate 'Charge' as the map for which the screenshot will be taken and used in the article. Also, TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CACOWARDS LETS FUCKIN' GOOOO!
  10. I see you have avoided discussing the objective truth that the pain elemental sprites were a lazy afterthought.
  11. Because it's just some stupid franken-sprite Cacodemon with imp arms. Low-effort-asset-looking-motherfucker.
  12. BTSX episode 3 - A Visit to the Creep Doctor
  13. Why not the 'Boom Awards?' Instead of focusing on Doom, which is pretty well covered, highlight the best in the 'Boomer Shooter' genre? You could carve out a small section for best in Doom/Duke/Quake/Wolf mods, and then write about all the other shooters coming out?
  14. @Dragonfly Maybe these changes should just be added to the base mod itself?
  15. It's just the enforcement of 'terms-of-service.' It's no more "propaganda" or censorship than the enforcement of social rules in public spaces; if you're running around a public shopping center shouting profanity and hurling slurs at other patrons, you're going to be escorted from the building. We don't go digging into the internet history of every mod-maker, but if you're banned or censured on this site, there is no expectation your works will receive any publicity. More important, this also means you can be assured their maps aren't being snubbed because of any judge's personal vendetta. As evidence by the awards this year, the community is larger and more diverse than ever and we have no intention of encouraging speech and behavior that might drive away the next COTY. If you have questions, feel free to send me a PM, but I won't discuss it in this thread anymore because the policy is quite clear.
  16. I'll answer that; we've been trying to decide for years what's the best way to handle the DBP projects and I finally just made the call to omit them. Because of past behavior and prevailing attitudes on the Doomer Boards, Doomworld has a stated policy allowing for the posting of DBP but disallows the promotion of their forums. As long as this policy is in effect, the DBP are not entitled to free publicity. DBP59 was a top ten release this year, but this is not a democracy, it's a curated community. Anti social behavior makes you a pariah and the most extreme examples can get you banned on Doomworld. The Doomer Boards can change their moderation policy at any time, but until such time, Doomworld's restriction extends to its hosted awards.
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