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About ChaosSmurf

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  1. I've played one map of Boomer: Beyond Vanilla and the rest of it could just be stock Doom 2 and it'd still deserve a caco. Details are off the charts.
  2. Best MAP01 I've played in a long time, other than my crushing inability to find secrets (the rocket launcher might be a touch esoteric, tbh, couldn't even figure it out with Doom Builder until I opened the wiki.) Can't wait to play more. MIDI was ace too.
  3. But when will it get a shoutout in Playboy
  4. What the hell are we gonna recommend in the Cacowards thread for the rest of the year after this
  5. These were LOVELY and also the first map set I've beaten UV Max no saves in some time. I had to open doom builder for the secret in map 1 because I am a moron and I 1000% thought it was something that would open the door on the boat, rather then checking behind the thing in the basement. What does the toilet on the sub actually do?
  6. Only played four levels but having a lovely time. Very classic action. Secrets might be a bit esoteric at times (though I get that's part of the theme) and the new status bar text breaks in the default zdoom alternative HUD (don't know if you care/can fix that, but figured a bug report is a bug report). Looking forward to playing through this over the next few days for something a bit more relaxed from the norm :)
  7. Just finished. 10/10 music and like 9/10 everything else. Thanks for making it :)
  8. Found this through the Cacowards thread. On map 15. This set rules. The music is extra-mint. Enjoyed a lot of the fights. Maybe a little chaingunner heavy for me. This is also one of few WADs where I've managed to find 95% of the secrets without looking them up online, so good work there. Enjoy the computer maps on most (probably all?) maps. Lots of good infighting. Not too challenging, I'm not especially good but playing on Eviternity, pistol start, saves allowed, played half of it in maybe 4-6 hours. I find getting good weapons (SSG, RL, Plasma) a little tricky sometimes, especially on the maps with hot starts, but I've never had to fight a really tough enemy with just the SG. I think you're maybe overusing damaging floors, especially in map 14. I'm also having real trouble seeing spectres and find the maps a bit dark, but I think that's my recently reinstalled set-up rather than anything you're doing. Really like the backtrack points at the end of maps and enjoyed the plasma being a secret weapon a lot of the time, and one that feels like it has a real impact on the final fight of a map. Ammo balance feels pretty good, secrets don't feel mandatory but are useful. The flying enemy is okay, I'd maybe lower his health very slightly. I don't love the land guy, but once I realised he was a good chaingun target it helped a lot. I'd lower his speed a bit, or maybe do something so he infights more often (idk what that could be). Otherwise it's great, looking forward to finishing it :)
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