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About PWAD Pete

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  1. It seems like you were getting defensive about what I said. The last paragraph of my post was directed not at you but at the corrupt/ignorant people of this country in general.
  2. Chill out dude I never claimed you were defending the healthcare system and I'm not sure how you thought I interpreted that from your post.
  3. The maps range from e1m1 to e1m11. There are two secret levels (E1M10-E1M11) plus a boss level (E1M9). I just updated the beta so I would recommend re-downloading the wad due to a bug previously where one of the secret levels wasn't completable.
  4. I think you might have played the original Earth Assault, which is 3 levels. Your descriptions sound like the maps from that WAD. I will move the download link for the Earth Assault 2 beta to the bottom of the post so it is more easily visible and less likely to be confused for the original. The Earth Assault 2 beta is an entire episode worth of maps. Keep an eye out for secret levels because there are two of them in this episode. To provide some answers about Earth Assault: 1. I put barons behind the barrels primarily as a joke. Maybe not everyone finds it amusing, but there's something relaxing to me about killing a baron of hell with a single shotgun blast and a chain reaction of barrel explosions. 2. The quality of my maps from the original Earth Assault was less consistent. I didn't really make the WAD with a goal in mind. The maps were pretty much just thrown together to create a short Doom 2 campaign that I though people might enjoy. Only the second map was actually designed with the WAD in mind. The other two were just sitting on my hard drive collecting dust and I decided to use them for something at the last minute. I am certainly putting much more effort into the sequel than I did into the original.
  5. Hey DooMers! Do you like vanilla themed Doom 2 WADs? Well you're in luck because the first episode to my Doom 2 WAD "Earth Assault 2" is now available for beta testing! Upon completion, Earth Assault 2 is going to be a total of 4 episodes and over 40 levels! Progress has been slow but steady since 2017, and the project has undergone a major revamp in the past couple years. Levels have been reworked and redesigned. Some have even been scrapped altogether and replaced. A lot of time, effort, and imagination has gone into this work of mine and it is going to be my ultimate creation once it is done. Most of the levels are complete. The bulk of episodes 2-4 are finished, with a handful of maps still needing to be finished, and some secret levels and boss maps having yet to be started. The story of Earth Assault 2 leaves off where the original Earth Assault ended. After killing the barons of hell and hitting the exit switch, you find yourself being given a new mission. Your orders are to fight your way through the Yucca Flat Military Installation and use your clearance to gain access to the nuclear missile command center. There you will launch a salvo of ICBMs straight through the portal leading into hell and give those demonic motherfuckers a taste of our terrestrial might. If you're a graphics artist: I NEED YOU! I am currently in need of graphic work done for this WAD which includes sky textures, Doom 1 style intermission maps, a menu logo, and a title screen. While I currently have more mapping to finish before the WAD is complete, if you want to be a part of this project, I would love to have your help, provided it fits the theme of this WAD. Feel free to post feedback here! Those who provide quality feedback for the first episode will be asked to playtest the other episodes when they are complete. Compatible with Brutal Doom and other gameplay mods! This WAD requires GZDoom or another ZDoom based source port. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD EARTH ASSAULT 2 BETA <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Check out the original here: ERTHASLT.zip Have a BEAUTIFUL day!
  6. Here's a link to a zip containing 144 files I downloaded from R667 over the years: https://www.dropbox.com/s/30qeh9679k03pvj/R667.zip?dl=0
  7. Awesome feedback Lippeth! Very much appreciated! Hexen is a great game and it definitely deserves more user content, so I'm glad I can contribute!
  8. Thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoy my content. You will be seeing more Hexen stuff from me in the future.
  9. It's my pleasure. Looking forward to hearing your feedback on my WADs!
  10. Afterlands is a 10 Level Single-Player Hub which is a sequel to Cyrgoth's Revenge. It is designed for GZDoom and Zandronum, and utilizes no new assets, meaning compatibility with any Hexen gameplay mod. While being Single-Player oriented, Afterlands can also be played in Co-op and Deathmatch modes, however due to the large map sizes, the latter is discouraged. Like in it's predecessors, there are numerous unmarked secrets throughout the span of the Hub, as well as two secret levels, one you can access early in the game, and another that is accessible towards the end of the WAD. DOWNLOAD: AFTLAND1.zip Credits: Level Design and Graphics: Seidolon Font used in Title Graphic: Ichor
  11. Why is my AIMX project thread removed?

  12. Fight me in my own wad on [TSPG] Painkiller: SDM - Deathmatching

  13. PWAD Pete

    Back to Phobos

    Nice map. Fun to play. Could use more detailing and texture variation in some areas.
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