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About taufan99

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  1. Hasn't this been announced a long time ago? Now I'm only wondering when this actually gets released, what with other projects on Nightdive's plate currently.
  2. Chasecam is such an underrated feature on source ports. Never thought I'd get to see it on a console Doom port (homebrew or otherwise).
  3. Voices of the Nether by @SteelPH. A perfect balance of tactical action and atmospheric horror, just the way Classic Doom was supposed to be, while also demonstrating some of the best uses of the Doom 64 macro system alongside a simple but effective mix of classic Midway mapping sensibilities and modern paradigms.
  4. While nigh-impossible... Leo Martin Lim of the UAC_DEAD.wad fame, just because.
  5. Oh, and I just found out that 9 months ago VCDECIDE made a comparison video between vanilla 3DO Doom and OptiDoom, both using the Japanese FZ-1 3DO hardware.
  6. Hey, I don't know if you're already aware of this, but all users who have made enough posts can now change their member rank name independently, instead of having to send a request to a moderator for such a permission. Maybe you'd like something else other than the good ole "Registered just to bump a seven year old thread" title. ;)

    1. lunarmeadow


      I'll get around to it.

  7. I wouldn't mind getting an early access version of this, as long as it's playable and looks passable enough. We all can wait much later for a more completed version, given the real-life business of the authors. After all, the likes of Supplice and Selaco have been released under the early access moniker, and even people have been wowed by them (I know the comparison is a bit steep, but you get what I mean).
  8. What about size limitation(s)? All I know is that MSU-1 romhacks often feature music tracks in large size, which makes me assume that it should be possible to remove the limitation(s) of the SNES port to feature more stuff (such as maps, SPC700 tracks, maybe even enemies and weapons à la DOOM II, if possible). While we're at it, I want to see the status bar face behavior(s) closer to the original PC version. Oh, and the unused sprites too.
  9. Right after the beginning, at which point I straight rushed to the place. I didn't set up the complevel because I thought Eternity would handle the complevel thing by itself.
  10. Nice map there! A bit too slaughter-y for my taste, but otherwise it looks and plays both good. Maybe it's a complevel thing, but when I went to the middle corridor and cleared the enemies, I couldn't go back despite having no keys at all back then, resulting in a soft lock.
  11. At this point I'm afraid of being a spammer on this very thread, but this might be of interest for people keeping their eyes here anyway.
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