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About Danz

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  1. I've been to bosnian caves and I can sadly say they are not as red as they are portrayed in the level. Immersion ruined.
  2. Thanks :D. Yeah, we definitely need more surreal backdrops in doom wads. Back when I first started it (around december 2019), I was going for the vanilla format. But since keeping it to vanilla limit was proving bit challenging on some parts + other mappers joined in on the project, I decided to continue it in a limit-removing format.
  3. Some Doom mappening in progress...
  4. I'm gonna have to opt out. Thought I would be able to do a small map, but i'm just overwhelmed with RL stuff currently. Y'all can take the ep2 slot.
  5. Oh whoops, I totally forgot about this. Been wrapped up on other stuff. Sorry! I'll definitely have time to do it and finish it this weekend.
  6. Do other Ex-Yu countries count? If so, then greetings from Bosnia. :)
  7. Restarting my Knave map i was working on months ago for a NaNoWADMo mini-episode:
  8. I followed you because I like your avatar picture. Did you make it in Photoshop or GIMP one day and forget to increase the time between each frame? It looks like it is having fun because it is spinning so fast.

    1. Danz


      heh, thanks. The gif was made in this online gif maker called ezgif. Reason I made it was because i kept seeing a similar version with a spinning cacodemon around the web and decided to make a heretic counterpart with the iron lich just for kicks. This one is slightly slower, the original is even faster.

      iron lich.gif

    2. Halfblind


      I made my avatar picture from scratch using ms-paint and Photoshop. It is from a graphic set that I made for a doom/heretic project that I was working on.

    3. Halfblind


      I think that your new avatar picture is cute as hell. I would love to see a collection of gifs created by you in the future.

  9. Your cover photo is SEKAI ICHI!!!

    1. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      No, is from Jojo's Bizzare adventure (the battle tendency saga)!

    2. Danz


      I know :). 'Sekai ichi' are two words in japanese that Stroheim uses to praise german science.


    3. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      Eeehhh, i was thinking right now that i didn't get what you say....

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